today in Kilmore at 5.47pm. Mercury at 25 degrees and 33 minutes of Leo, Retrograde Neptune at 25 degrees and 33 minutes of Aquarius.
Mercury, the planet associated with logic and data connecting with Neptune, the planet associated with 'other realms' and 'gut instincts' can be a bit tricky to handle constructively. Although I personally don't think this is the best time to handle situations that require clear thinking, that would depend on your own chart overall. The combination of Mercury and Neptune through this opposition suggests to me that this is a better time for doing something creative, especially if you have any type of artistic ability... if not, try some good old-fashioned day-dreaming!
On another level, oppositions quite often mean that there is at least one other person involved in something going on right now - perhaps a person or situation that came into your life or consciousness in early March this year when Mercury and Neptune were conjunct at about 22 degrees of Aquarius. Now is the time to be able to look at this person/situation as objectively as you can.
Naturally, by looking at where the transiting planets are and which houses they rule you will get a better picture of what to look for!
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- New Moon and Eclipse in Cancer...
- Venus Square Saturn...
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- Mercury Trine Retrograde Neptune...
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Friday, July 31, 2009
Mercury Opposing Retrograde Neptune...
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: aquarius, leo, mercury, neptune, opposition, retrograde
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Mercury Opposing Retrograde Jupiter...
today in Kilmore at 8.38pm. Mercury at 24 degrees and 1 minutes of Leo, Retrograde Jupiter at 24 degrees and 1 minute of Aquarius.
Mercury, the planet of communication, data and information connecting with Jupiter, the planet of understanding information through the opposition suggests a major turning point in our ability to put the pieces of a certain puzzle together to produce a coherent 'big picture'.
The days around today and the energies working now suggest that we all have the chance to view a certain person or situation as objectively as we ever will: this person or situation is likely to have been something or someone new in our lives back in late December 2008/early January 2009 when Mercury and Jupiter were conjunct at the last few degrees of Capricorn.
You can look to see where this conjunction happened in your birth chart back then, and to where the current opposition is happening to get an idea of what to look for in your life (as well as the signs these planets rule in your birth chart - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces).
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: aquarius, july, leo, mercury, opposition, retrograde
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Venus Square Retrograde Uranus...
today in Kilmore at 6.38am. Venus at 26 degrees and 20 minutes of Gemini, Retrograde Uranus at 26 degrees and 20 minutes of Pisces.
Ready to be 'electrified'? The combination of the laid back Venus with the eccentric and unpredictable planet Uranus may see a surprise or two for all of us! Venus is about the way we relate to others and being in Gemini suggests that this connection is more likely to be mental, or through our verbal skills as opposed to more subtle ways of handling our relatioships.
Uranus is associated with themes of changing things in our lives that have become too rigid, and also with excitment and sudden happenings: being retrograde suggests that we all need to go back to a situation that has already been given a 'going over', that needs a few final touches. The square aspect suggests that we will all have the opportunity to reach a turning point with a situation or relationship that desperately needs a change - probably of attitude!
As usual, look to see where Venus and Uranus are travelling through your birth chart, as well as which houses are ruled by these planets (Taurus, Libra and Aquarius) to get a better of idea of what, and who may be involved. This transit may be especially powerful for those of you with a strong mutable sign influence in your birth chart (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces).
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: gemini, mutable, pisces, retrograde, sagittarius, square, uranus, venus
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Venus Trine Retrograde Neptune...
today in Kilmore at 3.52pm. Venus at 25 degrees and 37 minutes of Gemini, Retrograde Neptune at 25 degrees and 37 minutes of Aquarius.
Following on from the Venus/Jupiter trine, this trine is also a lovely one to have where we are all more sensitive to the beauty around us! As mentioned in my previous post, Venus is about our values, ability to relate to others and relationships. Neptune is 'otherworldly', represents altruism, pure love, and artistic flair.
The trine between these two planets suggests a very soft and loving time where we see the best in the people and situations that are represented by these planets in our birth charts. The trine energy suggests that previous barriers to getting these two energies together shouldn't be a problem around now. These themes are especially prominent if you have personal planets/points in either Gemini and/or Aquarius.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Monday, July 27, 2009
Venus Trine Retrograde Jupiter...
today in Kilmore at 2.07pm. Venus at 24 degrees and 24 minutes of Gemini, Retrograde Jupiter at 24 degrees and 24 minutes of Aquarius.
MMMMmmmmmm... Venus and Jupiter meeting up like this reminds me of a candlelit dinner with a loved one! Venus is the planet of love, relating and also represents what is personally important to us; the trine removes barriers in a smooth way; and retrograde Jupiter suggests that we have the chance to return to an opportunity we thought we'd missed out on. Being in air signs suggests connection with others is an important part of this energy pattern since air signs are social.
Remember, as usual, to look at your own birth chart to see where this energy pattern is travelling through and also to the houses ruled by Venus (Taurus/Libra) and Jupiter (Sagittarius/Pisces).
Posted by
6:00 AM
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Sun enters Leo...
today in Kilmore at 2.36am.
Rooooooaaaaarrrr!!! The Sun loves being Leo so this bodes well for all of us, especially in the areas of life represented by your own birth chart that has Leo on the house cusp. For example, I have Leo intercepted in my 3rd House so I would expect my ability to connect with others and communicate with them to go better than usual while the Sun is travelling through Leo.
Of course, you also have to take into account the transiting aspects the Sun makes to the both the natal chart and to the other transiting planets in the sky. Keep tuned to find out more!
Happy birthday to all you lovely Lions out there!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
New Moon and Eclipse in Cancer...
today in Kilmore at 12.35pm at 29 degrees and 27 minutes of Cancer.
This is the biggest eclipse of this century and will be seen over China and neighbouring areas, traditionally the areas where the eclipse is in view are where they are supposed to be in effect more so than if you can't see it.
A collegue has put together a great YouTube video that goes into a lot of detail about this event and can be found here.
In the meantime, there are several important themes to keep in mind during this time:
- This is the second New Moon in Cancer suggesting that we are all being given a second chance to make a fresh start in our 'Cancer' parts of the birth chart, or within the family unit and home. Being at the final degree of Cancer suggests that this eclipse will be highlighting something or someone that is teetering on the edge of change or that is unstable in some way. Look to your birth chart for more information.
- The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction is just about out of orb now suggesting that whatever or whoever was out of control, or was the focus in terms of a confusing or even deceptive situation, should begin to clear up - especially with the power of the eclipse to help put things into perspective.
- There is a Venus/Saturn square happening now and suggests a major turning point with our value system, relating skills and/or something else that began in mid August 2008 when these two planets were together. This seems to be a part of the picture that is being illuminated now.
Venus Square Saturn...
today in Kilmore at 6.05am. Venus at 18 degrees and 20 minutes of Gemini, Saturn at 18 degrees and 20 minutes of Virgo.
Venus and Saturn getting together through this square gives me the feeling of 'are we having fun yet?'. This combination doesn't exactly shout out a feeling of joy and happiness.
However, the square aspects always gives us the chance (and the push we all need sometimes) to reach a turning point.
Venus is about what we value, how we relate to others and is about our relationships and being in Gemini gives us all the opportunity to be flexible and to communicate about these areas of our lives. Saturn gives structure and puts boundaries in place that help us to focus on areas of our lives that need attention... in Virgo, part of this picture may be being practical and paying attention to detail.
In order to get a better picture of what this square may mean for you, look to see where the last conjunction of Venus and Saturn occured (mid August 2008 at 8/9 degrees of Virgo) in order to get a feel for what is being tested now. Whatever began around then is likely to need attention now... also look to see which houses are ruled by these planets (Venus: Taurus and Libra - Saturn: Capricorn and Aquarius).
If you have Gemini or Virgo prominent in your chart then you are likely to be especially sensitive to this transit.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Jupiter Conjunct Neptune....
exact on May 28 in Kilmore at 26 degrees and 29 minutes of Aquarius... exact again on July 10 and will be within a 1 degree orb until the end of July.
Wow, what a combination... both planets are know for having trouble with boundaries and are also both associated with 'God' and spirituality. Also thrown into this combination is Chiron, the wounded healer - but I will focus only on the Jupiter/Neptune energies here.
This energy combination will be around until the end of July so it is important during this time to try to keep a rein on something or someone that will be difficult to contain... it may be a grand plan of some type, or a spiritual purpose that gets out of hand, alternatively everyday dealings may be easily distorte and/or not viewed clearly.
On a brighter note this energy can mean that we are all more open to spiritual energies and to experiencing life at a different level.
Look to where this conjunction is happening and which houses are involved (which houses Jupiter and Neptune rule).
Sun Trine Retrograde Uranus...
today in Kilmore at 10.36am. Sun at 26 degrees and 30 minutes of Cancer, Retrograde Uranus at 26 degrees and 30 minutes of Pisces.
The Sun illuminates and accentuates whatever it touches and with the trine influence I get the immediate image of a ray of sunshine coming out through stormy clouds touching on our Uranus themes in the chart and our lives. Uranus is where we dare to be different, stand out, or don't or can't conform. This planet can also represent a person in our lives who has these qualities.
Look to see where these two transiting planets are to get an idea of how these energies may be experienced in your life. For example if you had transiting Sun in your 3rd House trining retrograde Uranus in your 7th House, then you could expect that your eccentric business/marriage partner may be easier to communicate with than usual around this day. Also look to see which houses are ruled by the Sun (Leo) and Uranus (Aquarius) to fill in some more detail.
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6:00 AM
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Mercury enters Leo...
today in Kilmore at 9.08am.
The planet of communication and connection with the world around us moving from watery, emotional Cancer into the fiery and fixed influence of Leo suggests that we are likely to be more passionate in how we communicate with others and also that our thinking is likely to be more stable, fixed and possibly stubborn.
When looking at your own chart and the houses ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo), the movement of Mercury into Leo suggests that the areas and people represented by Mercury will also be more stable, passionate and loyal than usual.
For example, I have Gemini on my 2nd House cusp, so I would expect that my finances will stabilise during this time (as well as issues around my self-esteem).
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Mercury Trine Retrograde Uranus...
today in Kilmore at 5.33pm. Mercury at 26 degrees and 32 minutes of Cancer, Retrograde Uranus at 26 degrees and 32 minutes of Pisces.
As you may be aware, Mercury is the planet of communication and connection with the people and environment around us: this connection is usually achieved through data and information being exchanged. This planet travelling through Cancer suggests that the way we achieve this connection is more emotionally based and psychic than usual. It seems that we absorb the information around us more at an unconscious level.
Uranus energy is a bit like a lightening bolt out of the blue and always reminds me of 'The Tower' card in the Tarot. It tends to revolutionise whatever it touches and awakens us to the truth! This planet (apparently) travelling backwards suggests that we need to have another mini shakedown in the areas/people represented by Uranus in our birth charts... especially if we have returned to the old ways of doing things or approaching life.
The combination of these two energies through a trine (this aspect suggests a removal of blockages and ease of connection) suggest that the people and themes represented by Mercury and Uranus are more likely to work well together than usual. It's almost as if there is a temporary truce between the two that means there is an ease of tension between them - especially if there have been difficulties in the past.
For example, let's say that you are represented by Mercury (Virgo Ascendant) and Retrograde Uranus is someone you normally don't get along with, or an ex-husband (Uranus transiting 7th). During the days around this aspect it is likely that the other person may want to go back over an old situation (retrograde Uranus), but this should go well for you (Mercury ruling Ascendant).
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6:00 AM
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sun Conjunct Mercury...
today in Kilmore at 12.15pm at 21 degrees and 48 minutes of Cancer.
The Sun energises and highlights whatever it touches on, so it's close contact with Mercury suggests that the people and situations represented by this planet in our chart will be 'illuminated'!
However, getting too close to the Sun can get us burnt.. so it is also important to keep in mind that the Mercury themes in our lives may be getting a little too hot, or are being damaged by focussing too much on them. Being in the emotional sign of Cancer suggests that perhaps we will all have the tendency to get too emotionally heated up!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Mars enters Gemini...
today in Kilmore at 12.56pm.
The planet of action, direction, passion and energy moving from a fixed earth sign into a mutable air sign suggests that the way we work towards what we want will move from being slow and steady towards a faster pace that is more flexible than it has been while Mars was travelling through Taurus.
This move also suggests that the areas and people represented by Mars in our birth chart will become more flexible and open to trying new approaches to old situations. For example, if you have Aries on your 2nd House cusp, the opportunity to earn your income from more than one source may be possible (Gemini is a 'dual' sign), or perhaps you will have the opportunity earn your income from a 'Gemini' themed job... writing, speaking, travelling, etc.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Mars Square Retrograde Jupiter....
today in Kilmore at 6.48am. Mars at 26 degrees and 17 Minutes of Taurus, Retrograde Jupiter at 26 degrees and 17 minutes of Aquarius. This aspect begins on Sunday July 5 and will be finished on Wednesday July 8 - using a 1 degree orb.
This should be an 'interesting' combination! lol! Both of these planets are energetic, vigourous and like some action and the both connecting through a highly energetic aspect suggests that we all need to watch that we don't, or haven't already, bitten off more than we can chew!
By looking back to when Mars and Jupiter were conjunct last, we can all get a feel for what started this mad ride in the first place. This conjunction happened mid to late February 2009 in the early degrees of Aquarius.
Posted by
2:09 PM
Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse...
today in Kilmore at 7.21pm at 15 degrees and 24 minutes of Capricorn.
Full Moon's are always a pretty energetic time, and this one is also likely to be a serious one as well with the Capricorn flavour added to it. Added to the dynamic of this Full Moon is also the Lunar Eclipse... so watch for the 15th degree of Cancer and Capricorn in your birth chart for clues for how you may experience this Lunar Eclipse.
There are a few theories in how to understand the nature of eclipses, I see them as periods of intense illumination... in the case of Lunar ones these are likely to be periods of emotional understanding being reached in the areas represented by the planets and houses involved in your birth chart with the actual Lunar Eclipse axis.
Mars Square Retrograde Neptune...
today in Kilmore at 3.50pm. Mars at 26 degrees and 6 minutes of Taurus, Retrograde Neptune at 26 degrees and 6 minutes of Aquarius. This aspect started on Sunday 5 July and will end on Wednesday 8 July - using a 1 degree orb.
Mars is about direction, drive, passion and for pursuing what we want in life, while Neptune is about dreams, lack of boundaries, visions, nebulous stuff, spirituality and altruistic pursuits. The square aspects suggests a challenge, crisis and/or turning point in the areas represented by where this aspect is happening in your birth chart.
Mars and Neptune generally don't work very well together because their energies are so different... and the square aspect doesn't help because planets in this aspect tend to antagonise each other.
Knowing this it is important while these planets are in aspect that we keep in the back of our minds the possibility that we may be pushing for something or someone in the wrong way or direction... by looking at your birth chart and the houses involved you will get a better idea of where this energy may manifest.
Another way of getting a better idea of where to expect this energy is by looking back to when these two planets were conjunct, symbolising the start of a mini cycle between these two energies. This happened early in March 2009.
Since this square is happening in fixed signs it is likely that those of you with an emphasis on Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and/or Aquarius will feel this energy combination more than others.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Venus enters Gemini...
today in Kilmore at 6.23pm.
Venus is the planet of relating, attracting to us what (and who) we enjoy, and also what we value. Moving into the sign of duality, communication and light-hearted banter we can expect fun to move from a Taurean physical and sensual level more onto a mental level where commuication will play a bigger part than usual in connecting with others.
Gemini is a mutuble sign as well, so this suggests that we have more a capacity for being flexible in our approach to relationships.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Mercury Opposing Retrograde Pluto...
today in Kilmore at 1.29am. Mercury at 1 degree and 42 minutes of Cancer and Retrograde Pluto at 1 degree and 42 minutes of Capricorn.
Wow, this is a pretty intense energy combination (and first aspect that Mercury makes as it moves in Cancer)! This suggests that a highly emotional situation (Mercury in Cancer... contacting Pluto) or person is likely to be accented in our lives right now. This person or situation is likely to be very complex because of the Plutonian influence, but also in need of restructuring and change. The opposition suggests that we will have the chance to view this situation as objectively as we ever will, considering the emotional nature of this configuration, and also be able to reach a turning point with it.
Sometimes it's helpful to look back to when planets involved in an aspect were conjunct (symbolically the start of their relationship), to see what was happening around then in terms of what is happening now. The last time Mercury and Pluto were conjunct was in mid-December 2008 at 0 degrees of Capricorn. Look to see where this conjunction happened in your chart, and also which houses are ruled by these planets (Gemini, Virgo and Scorpio) to get an idea of what people and issues may be important as part of this planetary pairing.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: cancer, capricorn, mercury, opposition, pluto, retrograde
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Mercury enters Cancer...
today in Kilmore at 5.20am.
Mercury, the planet of communication and connection with others moving from Gemini to Cancer suggests that the way of thinking and taking in information will move from more of an analytical style to an emotional one where informtion is 'absorbed' rather than logically processed.
Whatever, and whoever, is represented by Mercury in your chart (look to see which houses have Gemini and Virgo on them) will tend to be more emotional and irrational while Mercury is travelling through this sign.
If you are a Cancerian, Mercury is moving into your sign, suggesting a very hectic time!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Mercury Square Retrograde Uranus...
today in Kilmore at 12.13pm. Mercury at 26 degrees and 37 minutes of Gemini, Retrograde Uranus at 26 degrees and 37 minutes of Pisces.
Thank goodness for the Trines to Jupiter/Neptune! The combination of Mercury and Uranus by square is certainly 'electric'!! lol and has the potential to create quite a few sparks. Mercury is about connecting with others, communication and our thinking and the Uranus adds a sudden or unexpected twist to situations. The square aspect is very energetic (imagine smashing two rocks together and creating sparks - that's how I see this planetary combination).
So, whatever is represented by Mercury and Uranus in your birth chart is likley to clash today, producing a lot of energy that will help you understand your situation in a different light, as well as helping you reach a turning point in order to change something that desperately needs it!
Mercury Trine Retrograde Jupiter...
today in Kilmore at 11.34am: Mercury at 26 degrees and 34 minutes of Gemini, Retrograde Jupiter at 26 degrees and 34 minutes of Aquarius.
Like the trine to Neptune, this trine to Retrograde Jupiter also suggest an easy relationship between these two energies. Blockages to success or connection look like they will be removed today, making this an excellent time to work on the relationships and themes represented by both Mercury and Jupiter. Note that Mercury is very strong in Gemini, so that whatever or whoever is represented by this planet should be more powerful than usual.
Posted by
9:13 AM
Labels: aquarius, gemini, jupiter, mercury, retrograde, trine
Venus Square Retrograde Jupiter...
today in Kilmore at 2.24pm. Venus at 26 degrees and 34 minutes of Taurus - Retrograde Jupiter at 26 degrees and 34 minutes of Aquarius.
Like the square to Neptune (both Jupiter and Neptune tend to make boundaries an issue), this energy combination suggests that we need to pay attention to keeping relationships and situations represented by our birth charts, realistic and with sensible boundaries.
To get an idea of what we need to look at, this Venus/Jupiter cycle began when these two planets were conjunct at the end of November/early December 2008 at 21/22 degrees of Capricorn. By looking at where this conjunction happened, and which houses are ruled by Venus and Jupiter you can get an idea of what needs a change in approach now.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: aquarius, jupiter, retrograde, square, Taurus, venus
Venus Square Neptune...
today in Kilmore at 6.01am - Venus at 26 degrees and 11 minutes of Taurus; Retrograde Neptune at 26 degrees and 11 minutes of Aquarius.
Lovely Venus touching on Neptune can mean too much of a good thing, since Neptune dissolves boundaries! This connection suggests that we all need to learn when to stop and what is 'enough' fun, money, or whatever else we value. However, if you are involved in the arts in any form, this can be a very creative time when inspiration strikes.
The square aspect, as usual, suggests a tense turning point in where we need to change the way we are handling a certain person or situation... particularly came into our lives or began when Venus was conjunct Neptune back in late December 2008 at around 22/23 degrees of Aquarius.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: aquarius, neptune, retrograde, square, Taurus, venus
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Mercury Trine Retrograde Neptune...
today in Kilmore at 6.48am. Mercury at 26 degrees and 11 minutes of Gemini - Retrograde Neptune at 26 degrees and 11 minutes of Aquarius.
Mercury, the planet of communication, messages, information, movement and connection with others in general joining with Retrograde Neptune (a very sensitive and intuitive energy) suggests that there will be much subtlety around us now that we will be able to pick up on. It is likely with the trine influence that nuances that we normally would have missed out on will be picked up, allowing us to get a deeper or more emotional understanding of our 'Neptune'.
Look to where Mercury and Neptune are right now through the transits, and also to which houses they rule to get an idea of where you can expect co-operation and the removal of barriers.
Posted by
9:25 AM
Labels: aquarius, gemini, mercury, neptune, retrograde, trine
Uranus goes Retrograde...
today in Kilmore at 5.37pm at 26 degrees and 37 minutes of Pisces.
Shake, rattle'n'roll!!!
That's the first thing that popped into my head when I thought of Uranus! Anyway, this planet is well known for shaking things up, and it seems that the more staid and stuck we are the more shaken we tend to get.
Uranus going retrograde suggests that an area of our life that has been given a shakedown in the recent past may be heading back to it's old ways, and that this planet is now going back to make sure that we don't get into our bad old habits!
As usual, look to see which house Uranus is travelling through right now, and which house cusp has Aquarius on it, and also which house holds Uranus natally. Looking at these houses will give you an idea of where you need to keep things flexible.
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6:00 AM
Labels: pisces, retrograde, uranus