I was browsing the web and came across this site... I found it interesting since I sometimes use the Tissue Salts for myself and my family.
Have a look here.
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- Time Travelling, Mercury Retrograde Style!
- Retrograde Mercury Conjunct Venus...
- Sun Conjunct Retrograde Mercury...
- Anyone got the time???
- Free Generalised Forecasts for all Signs: 2010...
- Famous Test Of Astrology Is Seriously Flawed
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Sunday, January 31, 2010
Astrology, Herbs and Tissue Salts...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Leo Full Moon...
The Full Moon period is often a time when emotions run high, and being in Leo it seems that this feeling will be stronger than usual! As well, you can see in the chart that the Moon is conjunct the retrograde Mars, adding even more fuel to this fiery Full Moon: suggesting that we could all benefit from counting to ten before acting around this period of time.
Venus continues to be a saving grace as it has been over the last few lunations. Perhaps you can look to see which houses are ruled by her in order to get a feel for where you can access some diplomatic help!
If you have personal planets or points in Leo or Aquarius then this is likely to be an especially pivotal time - most likely in regards to a relationship.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Sun Opposing Retrograde Mars...
starts on January 29 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on January 30 at 6.43am in Kilmore, leaves on January 30. Sun at 9 degrees and 47 minutes of Aquarius, retrograde Mars at 9 degrees and 47 minutes of Leo.
Both the Sun and Mars are known for their association with 'ego' and for turning up the heat (so to speak) on whatever they touch in the birth chart. The combination of these planets via the opposition isn't the easiest to deal with, especially since Mars is in such a bad way being in stubborn Leo and retrograde: this suggests that people and situations represented by Mars in your life are likely to be at a low point and be sensitive to threats to their ego and be trying to hold on (fixed sign) to the way things were.
The Sun hitting on the sensitive Mars right now seems to be putting a spotlight on whatever is bothering the retrograde Mars: this can mean that Mars will be willing to look at what is being highlighted so that something can be done about the situation, or they may be too blinded by the (sun)light to see past it.
However, even though the opposition can mean someone or something is opposing us, through this conflict we all have the opportunity to become more aware by looking at the crux of the matter, or we can chose to be 'blinded' by our own ego issues.
As usual, look to see where this opposition is falling in your birth chart to get an idea of where it may be experienced... also look to see which houses are ruled by Venus and Mars! If you have personal planets or points in Aquarius and/or Leo then you are likely to feel this energy as being especially strong.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Venus Opposing Retrograde Mars...
enters on January 27 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on January 27 at 4.29pm in Kilmore, leaves on January 28. Venus at 10 degrees and 50 minutes of Aquarius, retrograde Mars at 10 degrees and 50 minutes of Leo.
This is a the traditional planetary pair that represents the feminine and masculine... and the opposition usually represents the need to balance and compromise (I always imagine a see-saw in my mind when I see an opposition!). Mars is currently retrograde in Leo, so isn't in the best shape: this suggests that the people and situations represented by Mars in your own chart are likely to need allowances to be made for them. It looks like Venus will need to compromise a little in order to allow Mars to work through whatever it has to.
As usual, look to see where this transit is happening in your birth chart and which houses are ruled by Venus and Mars to get a feel for where adjustment and compromise may be needed.
If you have personal planets or points in Leo or Aquarius you are likely to feel this transit quite strongly.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Sun Trine Saturn...
starts on January 24 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on January 25 at 2.37am in Kilmore, leaves on January 26. Sun at 4 degrees and 32 minutes of Aquarius, Saturn at 4 degrees and 32 minutes of Libra.
After just coming out of the Venus/Saturn trine at the exact same degree, almost to the minute, as this Sun/Saturn trine, it's almost as if we are getting a double whammy opportunity or period of respite in the areas where this aspect falls in the birth chart!
The Sun energises whatever it touches, so with this easy, flowing aspect energising Saturn (structure, responsibility, work, progress) you can expect the people and themes represented by him to be given a positive boost of energy. Look to see where Saturn is and which houses are ruled by him in order to get a feel for what or who may benefit from the Sun.
If you have personal planets or points in either Aquarius or Libra, then you are likely to feel this aspect more keenly than others.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Venus Trine Saturn...
starts on January 24 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on January 25 at 2.37am in Kilmore, leaves on January 26. Venus at 4 degrees and 35 minutes of Aquarius, Saturn at 4 degrees and 35 minutes of Libra.
Ahhh... having this aspect is great, and offers a bit of respite and peace after all the more dynamic energies we have all been experiencing.
Venus, the planet of relating, pleasure and our 'valuables', connecting with the stabilising Saturn suggests that the people and situations represented by Lady Luck will have a temporary respite from any difficulties being experienced and also a short period of progress where barriers are likely to be removed, allowing some Saturnian work to be achieved.
As usual, look to see which houses Venus and Saturn are in to get a feel for where you are likely to get people working well together, or areas of life working smoothly: as well as which houses are ruled by these two planets.
If you have personal planets in Aquarius or Libra, then this energy may be especially important for you.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Sun enters Aquarius...
today in Kilmore at 3.28pm.
At last... some more of the focus on Capricorn is easing off, especially with the Sun leaving the sign taking some of its' heat with it!
By looking at which house/s are ruled by the Sun, you can get an idea of what or who will change gears when the Sun moves from the serious and hard-working Capricorn into the stable and social sign of Aquarius (there is still a bit of a serious side to Aquarius, since this sign in traditional astrology is ruled by Saturn as well).
Also look to see which house the Sun is travelling through to get an idea of which relationships and areas of life are likely to be 'lit up' as the Sun travels around your chart!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Venus enters Aquarius...
today in Kilmore at 1.35am.
The move of Venus from the cardinal, earthy sign of Capricorn into the airy and fixed sign of Aquarius suggests that the people and themes represented by this planet in your birth chart are moving onto more solid ground... as solid as an airy sign can be anyway!
There was a recent eclipse that was quite powerful and had a huge focus on Capricorn, which Venus is now moving away from. Venus was also heavily tied in to the previous eclipse. This suggests to me that people and situations involved in the eclipse for you will now shift gears, and perhaps we will all the chance to see the benefit or what the eclipse brought to us as this planet changes signs.
As usual, look to see which house she is travellling through to get an idea of where to expect a bit of ease and fun (and also where you may find love if you are looking!), and which houses are ruled by her (ones with Taurus or Libra on or in them) to get a feel for what or who is likely to become more stable and open to communication.
Those of you with with personal planets or points in Aquarius are likely to benefit from having Venus travelling through this sign.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Monday, January 18, 2010
Mary MacKillop...
At the last meeting we had a look at the chart of Mary MacKillop: when I was researching her birth details I was expecting a nice dose of Neptune, a strong 12th house, or strong Pisces signature or something else along those lines and although I don't have a birth time to check house positions, a solar chart usually points these trends out nicely.
HOWEVER.... as you can see by her chart, I got a very different picture of this woman who is likely to become Australia's first saint.
The information I found for this woman is at the Australian Dictionary of Biography and this newspaper article. The chart in this blog is a based on the Solar Sign and is set for midday in Melbourne, Australia.
When I drew the chart up I definitely did NOT expect a huge stellium in Capricorn! However, there is that Moon in Pisces, but it is conjunct the fiery Mars and in the same sign as the eccentric Uranus. Pluto is also squaring by sign the huge Capricorn stellium!
From what I could gather from this woman's biography it seems that she did personify the qualities in the chart... she was the first member of 'The Sisters of St Joseph and the Sacred Heart' where she lived in poverty and educated poor children... the poverty bit reminds me of the Capricorn stellium, and working with children links in with Mary's Chiron in Cancer that opposes her Capricorn stellium and is a stand out planet in the chart.
Her difficulties with people in authority and power struggles is hinted at with not only the powerful Pluto squaring her Capricorn stellium, but also the Moon conjunct Mars in Pisces... fighting spiritual wars! Although Uranus is far away from this conjunction I still feel that since it is in the same sign as the Moon and Mars that it does add a bit more rebelliousness to her character.
Anyway, I'll let you have a look for yourself and see what you think!
Jupiter enters Pisces...
today in Kilmore at 1.10pm.
This mighty planet moving from Aquarius where it has been since the middle of January 2009, into Pisces is a major change in the heavens... especially since it likes being in Pisces.
So, Jupiter moves into Pisces today and will be in this sign until June 6 of this year... which is a VERY quick zip through this sign. This quick visit suggests that we all have to make the most of the lucky touch of Jupiter while we have the chance to. However, don't panic if you think you've missed an opportunity - Jupiter will return back to Pisces again on September 9 and will stay until January 23, 2011, giving most of us a second chance!
As usual, look to see where Jupiter is travelling through to get an idea of where you can expect opportunity, growth, lack of boundaries and inspiration, as well as new doors opening up for you and the opportunity to learn. Also look to see which houses have Sagittiarus and Pisces on them to get a feel for what and who may be involved in these opportunities.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Retrograde Mercury goes Direct...
today in Kilmore at 3.52am: Mercury at 5 degrees and 33 minutes of Capricorn.
Yippeeeeeeeeee!!! Mercury moving forward now takes at least some of the pressure and confusion away that a lot of you have been experiencing (especially if you have personal planets/points in Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and/or Libra).
Although Mercury starts to move forwards today it will take another week or so for it to be back to its' normal self while it gathers speed and returns to where it went retrograde in the first place.
As usual, look to where it is travelling through your birth chart to get an idea of where situations and people are slowly starting to turn around. Also look to see which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini and Virgo on or in them).
This retrograde period was most likely felt strongly by those of you with personal planets/points in Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and/or Libra.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: capricorn, cardinal, mercury, retrograde
Friday, January 15, 2010
Capricorn New Moon and Solar Eclipse...
This one looks pretty intense and serious! Have a look at the line up in Capricorn! First of all there is Retrograde Mercury moving in closely towards Pluto... it's as if they are running towards each other in a weird sort of slow motion love scene.
The actual New Moon and actual Eclipse lineup is pretty impressive too. There is the Sun and Moon (of course!), and then Venus in the same degree as the eclipse: Uranus sextiles the three of them, suggesting some help or ease from people and/or areas of life representing by this planet in your birth chart. Having Venus involved so tightly in this eclipse suggests that there is a silver lining to whatever or whoever is prominent around the time of the eclipse, no matter how unexpected or unusual situations end up being! The sextile to Uranus is also suggesting something or someone positive coming from events now.
As usual, look to see where this eclipse and various planets fall in your birth chart to get a feel for what to expect... this one is especially important for people with personal planets and points in Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and/or Libra.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Saturn goes Retrograde...
today in Kilmore at 2.57am. Saturn at 4 degrees and 39 minutes of Libra.
Saturn, the planet associated with karma and being a taskmaster, but also an energy that rewards hard work, does a turn around today and starts going back to where it came from!
It seems that we all have to go back and review the work we have put into certain areas of our lives and certain relationships: these are likely to be described by the house Saturn is visiting and also the houses ruled by him (ones with Capricorn and Aquarius on the cusp or intercepted in them).
If you are a Libran, Capricorn or Aquarian then you are likely to be especially sensitive to this change in direction of Saturn.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: libra, retrograde, saturn
Monday, January 11, 2010
Kepler on supernova, theology and astrology...
An interesting article for you to look at! Here.
Posted by
4:11 PM
Friday, January 8, 2010
Sun Conjunct Venus...
starts on January 8 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on January 12 in Kilmore at 8.06am, leaves on January 16. Both at 21 degrees and 32 minutes of Capricorn.
This is a lovely energy to have in the midst of the current situation in the sky!
The Sun highlights and brings to consciousness whatever it touches, and this case it is joining forces with Venus, the planet of diplomacy, assistance and pleasure. Even though she is travelling through a sign she doesn't particularly like (Capricorn), it is still better than NOT having her around!
So, by looking at where this conjunction is in your birth chart, you can get a feel for where you can find support. For example, if it falls in your 6th House, it may be through a work colleague, someone you study with and/or a person you see on a daily basis. Also look to see which houses are ruled by the Sun (Leo on cusp) and Venus (Taurus/Libra on cusp) to see which people/themes in your life are working together right now or joining forces!
If you have personal planets/points in Capricorn, then this combination of energies is likely to be felt especially strongly.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Time Travelling, Mercury Retrograde Style!
This newspaper article is a perfect example of Mercury Retrogarde. It's about a glich in the EFTPOS system here is Australia.
I hope you enjoy reading it... and I hope it didn't personally affect you!
Posted by
12:26 PM
Labels: capricorn, mercury, retrograde
Retrograde Mercury Conjunct Venus...
starts on January 5 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on the same day at 9.32pm in Kilmore, leaves on January 6. Both at 13 degrees and 26 minutes of Capricorn.
Imagine Venus running towards Mercury, as Mercury runs towards Venus... using they are travelling in the same direction, but during this time they are running towards each other.
By looking at where this conjunction is happening and which houses are ruled by Mercury and Venus, you can get a feel for what or who is 'coming together' in your life. Keep in mind though that Mercury IS retrograde so the person or situation represented by it is likely to change their mind or status once Mercury goes direct in a little while.
Those of you with personal planets/points in Capricorn are likely to feel this transit particularly strongly.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: capricorn, conjunct, mercury, retrograde, venus
Monday, January 4, 2010
Sun Conjunct Retrograde Mercury...
starts on January 4, is exact on January 5 at 6.06am in Kilmore, leaves on January 5. Sun and Mercury at 14 degrees and 19 minutes of Capricorn.
Mercury currently retrograde means that communication is likely to be garbled, confused or misleading... a bit like trying to listen to someone speaking to you underwater or in a very noisy situation.
The Sun acts as a highlighter, accented whatever it touches in they sky, and the connection with Mercury right now accents whatever, or whoever, is causing instability or confusion in your life. The current serious of eclipses in the same sign as this conjunction further energies this trend.
I get the feeling that all this energy in the go-getting sign of Capricorn, that likes structure and for things to be 'right' can give us all the feeling that something is 'right', when it isn't. So it is doubly important to hold off making important decisions or signing paperwork until later this month.
As usual, look to see where this conjunction is happening and which houses are ruled by the Sun (Leo on/in cusp), and Mercury (Gemini/Virgo).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Capricorn you are likely to feel this transit strongly.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: capricorn, conjunct, mercury, retrograde, sun
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Anyone got the time???
As usual, browsing the web!
I found this article that looks into the concept of time and how it has been measured historically. Hope you enjoy it.
Posted by
9:21 AM
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Free Generalised Forecasts for all Signs: 2010...
Can be found here! Enjoy: feedback greatly appreciated!
Famous Test Of Astrology Is Seriously Flawed
Interesting article... here.
Posted by
9:46 AM
Friday, January 1, 2010
Cool animation site...
I found this site while browsing the web and thought I'd share it. It animates current astronomical events such as the eclipse and the current Mars retrograde cycle. It's here and is called Shadow and Substance.
Posted by
9:34 AM
Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse...
Wow, intense times - again! You can see in the chart that this lunation includes the involvement of Venus and Pluto; and also Mercury retrograde with a very wide orb. Saturn squares this lunation.
The period around a Full Moon is usually one of illumination and being able to view situations affected by it more objectively than usual... the eclipse further accentuates this. For example, when there is no Full Moon imagine a dark room... the Full Moon is like putting on a 60 watt light and illuminating the room we are in... the eclipse is like switching on a 1000 watt globe for a second or two. Obviously you would be temporarily blinded, but still get a powerful glimpse of what is really going on in that room you are in. The contrasts would be harsh but obvious!
The room you are in could be likened to which houses are being affected by this lunar eclipse. Look to see where it is falling to get an idea of where illumination is likely to occur. There is a fair amount of debate regarding how long the eclipse affects us for. Personally I think the effects are around for about a month either side of it, and also when the Sun or Mars travels through the same sign as the eclipses over the coming year.
This lunation/eclipse is likely to clearly show us where we need to change something (Saturn/Pluto square), and also who or what is supporting us (the involvement of Venus).