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- Sun Conjunct Retrograde Mercury...
- Retrograde Saturn Opposing Uranus...
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- Venus Square Mars...
- Venus enters Taurus...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Full Moon in Scorpio...
The Full Moon period of time is generally one where emotions run higher than usual, bringing situations to a head in the areas represented by which houses the lunation falls in. Being in Scorpio heightens this tendency. The Full Moon period is usually one of 'illumination' as well, where we become aware of something important that changes our situation.
Looking at the actual chart you can see that the retrograde Mercury is heavily involved with the conjunction to the Sun and, naturally, opposition to the Moon. This is important in that it suggests that whatever is triggering these deep emotions and realisations will really need to be examined with a clear mind and head, since the symbolism of retrograde Mercury suggests that we will have the tendency to NOT be viewing situations clearly, or we may not have all the relevant facts to make a judgement.
Mars is also squaring this lunation, giving a further tendency to rush into situations and to make hasty judgements. The involvement of Pluto suggests that we do have the potential to gain a deeper understanding, however, it is important to try and use this period of time to gather more information and let events naturally unfold over the next few weeks before making up our minds or making final decisions.
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6:00 AM
Sun Conjunct Retrograde Mercury...
starts on April 28 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 29 at 2.44am in Kilmore, leaves on April 29. Both at 8 degrees and 17 minutes of Taurus.
As mentioned several times, the Sun energises and highlights whatever it touches in the sky and/or birthchart. The connection with the retrograde Mercury suggests that our 'Mercury' themes will be under the spotlight.
Mercury represents how we process data, and the way we connect with others. With it being retrograde it seems that the way we normally do these things will be prone to being a bit 'backwards'. The people and situations represented by Mercury (see which houses have Gemini or Virgo on the cusps) are likely to be playing a big part in what is happening now.
The conjunction of the Sun and Mercury represents a pivotal point in the Mercury retrograde cycle.
If you have personal planets or points in Taurus, then this is likely to be an especially important period of time.
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6:00 AM
Labels: conjunct, mercury, retrograde, sun, Taurus
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Retrograde Saturn Opposing Uranus...
starts on April 18 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 27 at 9.23am in Kilmore, leaves on May 8. Retrograde Saturn at 28 degrees and 46 minutes of Virgo, Uranus at 28 degrees and 46 minutes of Pisces.
Saturn/Uranus have been opposing each other on and off since the end of 2008, and this is the fourth and of the five oppositions that will occur (the last one is in Aries/Libra though, so this is the final opposition in Virgo/Pisces).
In a sense this final opposition in the Virgo/Pisces signs suggests a resolution of a long-standing situation where we have all experienced disruption, change, and instability: it is also somewhere where we have had the opportunity to break free from restrictions and to restructure something that desperately needed it! By looking back at what was happening during the last oppositions we can all get a feel for what to expect now.
Oppositions generally represent new awareness, and also the opportunity to know whether or not to continue along the same path, or to start afresh with the situations represented by transit during this time.
As usual, look to see where this opposition is falling within your birth chart to get a feel for where these energies are likely to be experienced. Also look to see which houses are ruled by Saturn (ones with Capricorn on the cusp) and Uranus (ones with Aquarius on the cusp). If you have personal planets and/or points in Virgo and/or Pisces then you are more likely to be especially sensitive to this transit.
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6:00 AM
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Venus enters Gemini...
today in Kilmore at 3.05pm.
Venus, the planet of love, enjoyment and pleasure moving from the stable (some say stubborn!), earthy and practical sign of Taurus into the airy, flexible and communicative sign of Gemini suggests that we will all be better placed to talk about what we enjoy, and also to communicate with our loved ones (especially once Mercury is direct again!).
By looking at which houses are ruled by Venus (ones with Taurus or Libra on the cusps) you can get a feel for who or what may become more flexible and open to new ideas as Venus moves from Taurus into Gemini.
Those of you with personal planets and/or points in Gemini can expect to feel the movement of Venus through your sign as being a period of time where pleasure, ease and affection are more prominent qualities in your life.
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6:00 AM
Sun Trine Retrograde Pluto...
starts on April 25 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 26 at 1.44am in Kilmore, leaves on April 27. Sun at 5 degrees and 19 minutes of Taurus, retrograde Pluto at 5 degrees and 19 minutes of Capricorn.
The Sun tends to illuminate whatever it touches in the sky, both physically and symbolically. Pluto is a slow-moving and acting energy so sometimes we may not notice the day to day small changes over a long period of time that it is involved in. Being retrograde, Pluto seems to be going over old ground.
The trine from the Sun suggests that just how far we have all come (and also how far we have yet to go - with Pluto retrograde) is currently being accented. Progress and understanding should come a little easier through this period of time, particularly since this trine is happening in earth signs which tend to be tangible and practical.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling in your birth chart and which houses are ruled by the Sun (ones with Leo on the cusp) and Pluto (ones with Scorpio on the cusp) to get a better idea of what or who may be involved now.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Taurus or Capricorn you are more likely to feel this aspect than others.
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6:00 AM
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Retrograde Mercury Square Mars...
starts on April 24 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 25 at 8.41pm in Kilmore, leaves on April 26. Retrograde Mercury at 10 degrees and 19 minutes of Taurus, Mars at 10 degrees and 19 minutes of Leo.
My first thought with this aspect is... 'learn to bite your tongue'!
Retrograde Mercury has a habit of causing confusion when communicating with others so it is likely that something or someone that has been causing problems for you is simply or at least partially just a case of misunderstanding. This is one of the main reasons that during the square that it is important to double check 'facts', and not to assume anything.
However, regardless of what happens, this energy can also mean that the air is cleared... the square aspect generally provides an opportunity to reach a cross-road or turning point in the relationships and situations represented by the houses and planets involved.
As usual, look to which houses Mercury and Mars are in, and which houses are ruled by them (Mercury = houses with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp, Mars = houses with Aries or Scorpio on the cusp) in order to get a feeling for where you are likely to need diplomacy and tact. If you have personal planets in Taurus and/or Leo then this energy is likely to be more prominent for you.
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6:00 AM
Friday, April 23, 2010
Venus Trine Retrograde Saturn...
starts on April 23 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 24 at 5.44pm in Kilmore, leaves on April 25. Venus at 28 degrees and 54 minutes of Taurus, retrograde Saturn at 28 degrees and 54 minutes of Virgo.
This trine to Saturn from Venus is likely to help deal with the Venus/Neptune square that is happening at the same time, more constructively.
Saturn is currently retrograde, suggesting that we are all having to return to a previous situation in order to restructure and work through any issues that had been left unresolved. The trine from Venus is likley to help this process along, through using diplomacy, tact and good relating skills.
As usual, you can look at where the Venus/Saturn trine is happening in your birth chart, as well as which houses are ruled by Venus (ones with Taurus or Libra on the cusp), and Saturn (ones with Capricorn or Aquarius on the cusp), to get an idea of what or who may be involved.
If you have personal planets/points in Taurus and/or Virgo then you are likely to feel this aspect more strongly than others.
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6:00 AM
Venus Square Neptune...
enters on April 23 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 24 at 5.54am in Kilmore, leaves on April 25. Venus at 28 degrees and 18 minutes of Taurus, Neptune at 28 degrees and 18 minutes of Aquarius.
Venus, the planet associated with enjoyment and pleasure connecting with Neptune can be the best thing in the world, but it can also create problems because we are not viewing certain challenges clearly. Neptune tends to cloud and confuse whatever it touches, but it can also move us on to new heights: however, the square aspect tends to suggest the first option.
By looking at which houses are involved - ie, which houses Venus and Neptune are travelling through, and also which houses are ruled by these planets (Venus = ones with Taurus or Libra on the cusp, Neptune = house cusp with Pisces on it) you can also get a feel for what or who may be a source of confusion for you. It may be better that you make a major decision (especially with Mercury currently retrograde!), involving these people and areas of your life for another time.
Those of you with personal planets in Taurus and/or Aquarius may feel this energy as especially prominent.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Sun enters Taurus...
today in Kilmore at 2.30pm.
The Sun moving from the fiery and impulsive sign of Aries into the stable, slow-moving and earthy Taurus suggests a change in focus for us all towards stabilising whatever or whoever is represented by the Sun in our birth charts (or the people represented by the Sun are likely to calm down a bit).
The move of this illuminating planet into Taurus also suggests that the house with Taurus on the cusp will become the focus for the next month while the Sun travels through this zodiac sign.
For example, I have Taurus Rising so the Sun coming into this sign will help my energy levels increase since it's rays will be shining on me (Ascendant)! It is also likely to bring news or important information to me or an important development involving my brother (Leo in 3rd House).
By the way... Happy Birthday to all of you Taureans out there!
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6:00 AM
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Mercury goes Retrograde...
today in Kilmore at 2.06pm. Mercury at 12 degrees and 37 of Taurus.
Mercury, the planet associated with communication, information, youth, and the mind going backwards suggests that all of these areas of our lives will tend to be a lot slower than usual and sluggish. This period of time is generally not a good one to make final decisions or agreements with others because we will not be processing information in our usual way.
Generally speaking, this is a better to to plan, research and to gather the information needed to make an informed decision once Mercury is direct again (May 11/12 - depending on where you live).
As usual, look to see which house Mercury is travelling through as it retrogrades, and also which houses have Gemini or Virgo on the cusps. If you have personal planets or points in Taurus then you are likely to be especially sensitive to this retrograde period.
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6:00 AM
Labels: mercury, retrograde, Taurus
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
New Moon in Aries...
The New Moon is a special time each month where we get to make a fresh start in the areas represented by the house where this lunation falls. The sign of the New Moon is also important in that it flavours the way in which we begin this new stage, relationship, and/or project.
Looking at the chart you will see that this lunation only receives one aspect: the very wide sextile from the Neptune/Chiron conjunction. The lack of aspects suggests to me that whatever we launch at the time of the New Moon, although we have the courage and drive to do so, will need to be really pushed ahead to make progress. By looking at what or who the Neptune/Chiron conjunction represents in your birth chart you can get an idea of where you are likely to find at least a little bit of support (sextile to the lunation) for your new start.
You will also note that Mars, the ruler of this lunation, has no aspects at all... confirming this trend confirms this trend of really needing to look for this need to work hard to get this project off the ground.
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6:00 AM
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Retrograde Saturn re-enters Virgo...
today in Kilmore at 4.51am.
Saturn will be making a return visit through Virgo until July 22, so we all have an opportunity to revisit, fine-tune and tie up any loose ends relating to the last time Saturn travelled through this sign. Once it moves back into Libra it won't be back again for nearly 30 years! So, we have this final chance to clear up our Saturn in Virgo issues.
The house that Saturn is travelling through, and the ones with Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius on them are likely to be involved with this return of Saturn to Virgo.
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6:00 AM
Labels: retrograde, saturn, virgo
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Stationary Pluto turns Retrograde...
today in Kilmore at 12.34pm. Pluto at 5 degrees and 25 minutes of Capricorn.
Wow... power packed Pluto being stationary seems to me to add to the already intense and passionate feel of this planet and its energy.
Pluto will move from this position right back to 2 degrees and 47 minutes of Capricorn (not much distance I know, but I think we'll feel every since minute it travels of it!). It goes direct again in mid September this year.
Symbolically, the areas affected by Pluto (see which house it is travelling through and which house cusp has Scorpio on it) the change in direction of this planet to retrograde motion suggests that we will all have to go back (or perhaps a person or situation will regress). Although this doesn't sound promising, it is in that we have a second chance to make something right and to tie up loose ends. It's a bit like writing a document in a hurry in the middle of the night (Pluto direct).... then putting it away for a few days and then reviewing it (Pluto retrograde)... by going over something again we get the chance to edit what we missed or mucked up at our first attempt.
If you are a December born Capricorn you are likely to be especially sensitive to this transit.
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6:00 AM
Labels: capricorn, pluto, retrograde
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Mercury Trine Stationary Pluto...
starts on April 6 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 6 at 8.46pm in Kilmore, leaves on April 7. Mercury at 5 degrees and 25 minutes of Taurus, stationary Pluto at 5 degrees of 25 minutes of Capricorn.
Mercury, the planet of the way we connect, communicate and use our minds joining forces with Pluto via the easygoing trine bodes well for deepening our understanding of a complex person or situation. As I have written previously, Pluto is currently stationary in preparation for turning backwards: symbolically this suggests to me that the people and situations represented by Pluto are 'concentrated' and at a standstill as they prepare to change direction in order to review developments involving then over the past few months.
The trine from Mercury suggests that there may be news, changes and/or information that will help to work with the Plutonian people/situations successfully, and that previous barriers to success will not be a problem now.
As usual, look to see where these planets are travelling through in your birth chart and which houses are ruled by them (Venus = houses with Taurus or Libra on the cusps, Pluto = houses with Scorpio on the cusp) to get an idea of what or who may be involved. If you have personal planets and/or points in Taurus or Capricorn then you are likely to be more sensitive to this transit than others.
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6:00 AM
Labels: capricorn, mercury, pluto, stationary, Taurus, trine
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Venus Trine Stationary Pluto...
starts on April 4 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 5 at 1.12pm in Kilmore, leaves on April 6. Venus at 5 degrees and 25 minutes of Taurus, Pluto at 5 degrees and 25 minutes of Capricorn.
This aspect is in effect during the Mercury/Mars square that I just talked about.. and is helpful in smoothing over some of the potential challenges of it.
Venus represents the way we attract what we want into our lives and also our relating skills as well as the things we enjoy. Pluto is an intensely emotional energy that deepens and transforms whatever it has contact with. The trine aspect suggests an easy flow of these energies between the two planets.
I see this energy as a opportunity to easily deepen our understanding of the situations represented by these energies and also to transform them. By looking at where this aspect falls in our birth charts and also to which houses are ruled by both Venus (ones with Taurus or Libra on them) and Pluto (ones with Scorpio on them), we can all get a feel for what or who we have the chance to understand at a deeper level; and also to transform them.
Keep in mind that Pluto is stationary at the moment as it prepares to turn retrograde: symbolically it looks like the Venus person or situation will involve more 'movement' than the Pluto ones.
If you have personal planets or points in Taurus and/or Capricorn then you will probably be more sensitive to this transit than others.
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6:00 AM
Mercury Square Mars...
starts on April 4 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 5 at 2.17pm in Kilmore, leaves on April 6. Mercury at 3 degrees and 48 minutes of Taurus, Mars at 3 degrees and 48 minutes of Leo.
Mercury represents the way we connect to others, communicate and gather information... Mars is a fiery and impatient influence and the combination of these energies through the square suggests that they will clash, perhaps creating an atmosphere where we will all lack patience and need to practice our diplomacy skills more than usual!
The combination of Mercury and Mars in a hard aspect (conjunction, square or opposition) is often associated with harsh words and general irritability. However, it can also mean that certain truths are spoken that need expression. By looking at where this square is falling in our birth charts we can get a feel for where we need to 'clear the air'. Because this square falls in fixed signs it seems that part of the reason for needing to go through this process is because the people and situations involved are a bit 'stuck' or 'stubborn'.
There is good news though, the square represents a cross-road being reached. You can also look to see which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp), and Mars (ones with Aries or Scorpio on cusp) in order to get a better of idea of what or who may be part of the picture.
If you have personal planets or points in Taurus and/or Leo then you may feel this transit more strongly than others.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Mercury enters Taurus...
today in Kilmore at 12.06am.
With Mercury, the planet of communication and connection moving from the fiery and impulsive sign of Aries into the slow moving and stubborn sign of Taurus you can expect the pace to change considerably... especially in the areas of life represented by your birth chart. That is, which house Mercury is travelling through and the ones ruled by it (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp).
For example, I have Mercury travelling through my 12th House, and ruling my 2nd, 4th and 5th Houses... I expect that there will be a lot of internal 'self-talk' (12th House Mercury), about my values, children and private life.
It's also important to remember that while Mercury is travelling through Taurus that it will retrograde... so don't expect agreements, changes and/or discussions involving the people and themes represented by Mercury to be set in stone... they are likely to need review while Mercury is retrograde.
If you have personal planets or points in Taurus then you are likely to find the visit of Mercury into this sign a much busier period of time than usual.
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6:00 AM
Friday, April 2, 2010
Venus Square Mars...
starts on April 2 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 3 at 10.25pm in Kilmore, leaves on April 4. Venus at 3 degrees and 22 minutes of Taurus, Mars at 3 degrees and 22 minutes of Leo.
Venus represents our desires and relating skills, and Mars represents our passions and how we go about getting what we want. The square aspect suggests tension, but also a turning point in the situations and people represented in our individual birth charts.
So, by looking at where this aspect falls in the birth chart we can get a feel for where we can expect tension (but also passion), and a turning point being reached. Also look to see which houses are ruled by Venus (ones with Taurus or Libra on the cusp), and Mars (ones with Aries or Scorpio on the cusp) to get a feel for what or who else may be part of the picture.
If you have personal planets or points in either Taurus or Leo then you may be more sensitive than others to this transit.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Venus enters Taurus...
today in Kilmore at 4.35am.
Venus moving from the fiery and independent Aries into the slow moving, sensual and fixed sign of Taurus is certainly a change in pace! So, whatever or whoever is represented by Venus in your birth chart is also set to experience a change in pace.
By looking to which houses are ruled by her (ones with either Taurus or Libra on the cusp) you can get a feel for what or who will enjoy a slower pace and improvements (Venus loves being in Taurus).
If you have personal planets or points in Taurus, then the visit of this lovely planet through this sign should be an enjoyable one for the most of the time!
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6:00 AM