starts on October 28 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 29 at 12.10pm in Kilmore, leaves on October 30. Both at 5 degrees and 30 minutes of Scorpio.
The Sun tends to 'illiminate' whatever it touches, and in this case it is highlighting the retrograde Venus. So, this is likely to be a period of time when the people and situations represented by Venus in our birth charts (as shown by the houses ruled by her - ones with Taurus and Libra on the cusp). In a generic sense, Venus also represents our values and valuables, relationships and pleasure.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Scorpio, then you are likely to be especially sensitive to this transit.
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Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sun Conjunct Retrograde Venus...
Posted by
9:15 PM
Labels: conjunct, retrograde, sun, venus
Mars enters Sagitttarius...
today in Kilmore at 5.48pm.
Mars shifting gears suggests a major change in what areas of our lives will be energised, and where we will be more motivated to act as well. By looking at which house Mars is travelling through and which one has Sagittarius on the cusp, we can plan for more activity and focus on the people and situations represented by the particular houses involved.
This shift in energy will also have an impact on the the areas of life and relationships represented by the houses that are ruled by Mars - ones which Aries or Scorpio on them.
The movement of Mars from the intensely emotional, and fixed sign of Scorpio in the more flexible and outgoing sign of Sagittarius suggests that you can expect the people and situations represented by the relevant houses are also likely to become more open to change, and also be more expressive and easier to understand (in comparison to when Mars was travelling through Scorpio, anyway!).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Sagittarius, then you can expect a lot more focus and activity than usual on the themes represented by them.
Posted by
5:48 PM
Labels: mars, sagittarius
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Mercury Conjunct Retrograde Venus...
starts on October 25 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 26 at 12.17am in Kilmore, leaves on October 26. Both at 7 degrees and 36 minutes of Scorpio.
Smooth talker! That's the first thing that comes to mind when I think about Mercury and Venus together like this. Mercury, the planet of communication and connection and also our thinking and attitudes in general connecting with Venus, the planet associated with pleasure, ease and enjoyment bodes well for good news and and positive developments.
The connection through a conjunction suggests something or someone new coming into our lives, depending on which house the conjunction is falling in and which houses are ruled by the two planets involved (Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, Venus rules Taurus and Libra).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Scorpio, then you are likely to feel this energy more strongly than others.
Posted by
11:12 AM
Labels: conjunct, mercury, retrograde, scorpio, venus
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Mars Trine Retrograde Uranus...
starts on October 23 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 25 in Kilmore at 1.56am, leaves on October 26. Mars at 27 degrees and 23 minutes of Scorpio, retrograde Uranus at 27 degrees and 23 minutes of Pisces.
After the confusing Mars/Neptune square, the trine between these two planets is likely to give us a sudden burst of clarity and progress that will make up for a bit of the earlier floundering!
As usual, look at where this aspect is falling and which houses are ruled by the planets involved in order to get a feel for where you can expect a positive bolt out of the blue! Mars rules Aries and Scorpio, Uranus rules Aquarius.
Those of you with personal points and/or planets in Scorpio or Pisces may be especially sensitive to this transit.
Posted by
5:38 PM
Full Moon in Aries... again!
Wow... this is quite unusual, this is the second Full Moon in a row happening in Aries. The last one (here) was at 0 degrees, and this one is at 29 degrees.
This double whammy of a Full Moon in Aries gives us a second chance to objectively view our Aries/Libra polarity and issues involved with it.
The last Full Moon was at the unstable zero degree of the fiery Aries, and this time it is also at an unstable degree... 29 degrees. This may mean that we are still on shaky ground.
Looking at the actual chart for this lunation there is a tricky Mars/Neptune square that suggests a lack of direction or energy that saps us in whatever areas of life that they fall in within our birth charts. Confusing blocks to our progress or lack of confidence may prove difficult to deal with. The key to this particular configuration may be with the trine to Jupiter from Mars... so support, guidance and progress as well as protection is likley from this planet and whatever it symbolises in your birth chart.
This lunation also has a trine from the Sun to the Neptune/Chiron conjunction, suggesting a powerful opportunity for emotional healing... obviously the conjunction also sextiles the Moon.
Posted by
9:33 AM
Sun enters Scorpio...
today in Kilmore at 11.35pm.
The moving from the social and outgoing sign of Libra, into the more intense, fixed and emotional sign of Scorpio is likely to be something to be felt by all of us.
If you imagine the sunrise, you can also imagine the light that it brings into our lives... symbolically the same thing happens with the Sun changing signs. The houses with Scorpio on the cusp or in it are likely to become activated while the Sun travels through them, suggesting that the people and situations represented by them will become more prominent than usual.
The house ruled by the Sun (one with Leo on the cusp) is also likely to have a subtle shift in focus as well... the people and situations represented by this house are likley to move from being 'Libran' towards more 'Scorpio' themes... ie, more intense, fixed, stubborn and emotional.
Posted by
9:30 AM
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Mars Square Retrograde Neptune...
starts on October 21 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 23 at 2.35am in Kilmore, leaves on October 24. Mars at 25 degrees and 58 minutes of Scorpio, retrograde Neptune at 25 degrees and 58 minutes of Aquarius.
Fogs and mists are what I think of when I see this combination... because that is what happens when you mix heat (Mars) with water (Neptune)!
Mars is the planet of action, direction and energy and the connection with Neptune - a bit of a contrast to Mars - represents being lost at sea, cloudiness and being blown around on the currents of life, suggests that the relationships and areas of life being affected by this transit will tend to become confused.
Because the square aspect is so powerful, it tends to exaggerate these qualities... the square also suggests a clash or challenge to the way we usually handle situations... in this case a tricky character may make us feel unsure of what we are doing, or perhaps a general lack of energy or sense of purpose may temporarily plague us?
As usual, look at which houses this transit falls in to get a feel for what or who may pose a confusing challenge, and also which houses are ruled by Mars (ones with Aries or Scorpio on the cusp) and Neptune (one with Pisces on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Scorpio or Aquarius you may be especially sensitive to this transit.
Posted by
5:10 PM
Labels: aquarius, mars, neptune, retrograde, scorpio, square
Mercury enters Scorpio...
today in Kilmore at 8.19am.
Mercury the messenger moving from the light-hearted and communicative sign of Libra into the intense and emotional sign of Scorpio is a move that is likely to be noticed, since these signs are so different.
This planet also tends to speed up whatever it touches on so the house it is travelling through is likely to become more hectic than usual... for example, if you have Scorpio on the 7th house cusp, it is likely that you will have more involvement than usual with other people and they will be keeping you busy.
The people and situations represented by the houses ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on them) are also likely to shift gears... from Libran to Scorpion themes.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Scorpio, then you can expect the pace of life to pick up while Mercury travels through this sign.
Posted by
8:43 AM
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Mars Trine Retrograde Jupiter...
starts on October 20 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 21 at 12.42pm in Kilmore, leaves on October 22. Mars at 24 degrees and 51 minutes of Scorpio, retrograde Jupiter at 24 degrees and 51 minutes of Pisces.
Jupiter, the planet associated with opportunities, good fortune and growth has been travelling backwards for some time now and this suggests that we have all had the chance to 'go back' to something or someone for another chance at happiness or success.
Mars is the planet of action and energy and is quite strong in Scorpio - it tends to energise whatever it touches. In this case it is activating Jupiter... suggesting that we will have the opportunity to access the lucky and happy energies of this planet. The trine aspect generally suggests progress and ease of movement.
As usual, look at where this aspect is falling to get a feel for which areas of your life may be energised in a positive way. Also look at which houses are ruled by Mars (ones with Aries or Scorpio on the cusp), and Jupiter (ones with Sagittarius or Pisces on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Scorpio or Pisces you may be especially sensitive to this transit.
Posted by
6:44 PM
Labels: jupiter, mars, pisces, retrograde, trine
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sun Trine Retrograde Neptune...
starts on October 18 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 19 at 11.18pm in Kilmore, leaves on October 20. Sun at 26 degrees of Libra, retrograde Neptune at 26 degrees of Aquarius.
The connection of the Sun through a lovely trine to the emotional and creative Neptune bodes well for a happy period of time where it comes to the situations and relationships represented by these two planets in your birth chart. It seems that previous barriers to happiness and progress will ease off, leaving room for enjoyment of the potential offered - particularly of the Neptunian energy!
Neptune moving backwards so suggests that whatever or whoever is regressing and possibly frustrating you, will perhaps begin to make sense, alternatively, you could see the benefit of this process.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling in your birth chart and which houses are ruled by the Sun (one with Leo on the cusp) and Neptune (one with Pisces on the cusp) in order to see what or who is likely to be going well for you!
If you have personal planets and/or points in Libra and/or Aquarius then you may feel this energy more strongly than others.
Posted by
10:24 AM
Mercury Trine Retrograde Neptune...
starts on October 18 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 18 in Kilmore at 11.03pm, leaves on October 19. Mercury at 26 degrees and 1 minute of Libra, retrograde Neptune at 26 degrees and 1 minute of Aquarius.
Mercury represents communication and change, and Neptune represents beauty, escapism and fantasy (amongst other things!). The combination of these two energies by the easygoing and flowing trine suggests that through using your imagination and a bit of creativity you are likley to achieve a lot.
By looking at what and who are represented by Mercury and Neptune (look to see where these planets are in terms of house position), and also by looking at which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini and/or Virgo on the cusp) and Neptune (house cusp with Pisces on it), you can get an idea of where help is available!
If you have personal planets and/or points in Libra and/or Aquarius then you are likely to feel this energy more than others.
Posted by
8:53 AM
Labels: aquarius, mercury, neptune, retrograde, trine
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Sun Conjunct Mercury...
starts on October 16 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 17 at 12.05pm in Kilmore, leaves on October 18. Both at 23 degrees and 33 minutes of Libra.
Whatever the Sun touches tends to come into prominence in our lives,and the conjunction is a powerful connection that suggests the end of something old, and the beginning of something new.
Mercury represents our thinking, attitude and ability to communicate in general with the world around us, and also to connect with it. Personally, it represents the people and situations as shown by which houses are ruled by it (house cusps with Gemini or Virgo on them).
Also look at the house that the conjunction is falling in, and the one with Libra on the cusp in order to get a feel for where a new start is needed.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Venus goes Retrograde...
today in Kilmore at 6.05pm at 13 degrees and 13 minutes of Scorpio.
Venus in a generic sense represents our ability to relate to others, our values and valuables and is also a feminine energy. She also represents enjoyment and pleasure and is considered a lucky planet (if not taken too far!).
When looking at what she represents personally for you, look at which houses are ruled by Venus... e.g., ones with Taurus and Libra on the cusps. For example I have Libra on my 6th house representing illness, so Venus represents the type of illness I may get or be prone to, or already have.
The period when Venus is retrograde represents a period of reassessment and realignment with what is truly important to us. Since Venus is not particularly happy in Scorpio, it may mean that whatever or whoever is represented by her is not as strong or powerful as they usually are... or possibly behaving badly!
Once she reenters Libra, then an improvement will be likely - especially once she turns direct there! More on that at a later post.
Posted by
6:05 PM
Labels: retrograde, scorpio, venus
Mercury Conjunct Saturn...
starts on October 8 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 8 at 10.35pm in Kilmore, leaves on October 9. Both at 8 degrees and 39 minutes of Libra.
Serious decisions, and heavy thinking are what come to mind when I see this combination... and these are likely to be involved with something or someone that will be around for a long time. A new start is also possible since this is a conjunction: before this can happen though we all may need to let go of old ways of thinking and attitudes!
As usual look at where this conjunction falls in order to get a feel for what or who may be involved, and also look at which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp) and Saturn (ones with Capricorn or Aquarius on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Libra you may be especially sensitive to this transit.
New Moon in Libra...
A New Moon is always an opportunity for a new start... this one being in Libra suggests that balance, diplomacy and our ability to relate successfully to others is likely to be part of this new start.
The involving of Mercury and Saturn in this New Moon is important as it suggests the need for some serious thinking or that the decisions you are making now will have an impact in your life for a long time.
Pluto is squaring the Mercury/Saturn conjunction, adding a deeply emotional challenge to the whole situation, but also the opportunity to make major changes for the better.
As usual, look at which house this lunation is falling in and which house has Libra on the cusp, since the effects of the Libran New Moon may flow into that house as well, if it is different to where the actual lunation degree.
Posted by
4:02 AM
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Mercury Square Pluto...
starts on October 5 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 5 in Kilmore at 5.08pm, leaves on October 6. Mercury at 2 degrees and 54 minutes of Libra, Pluto at 2 degrees and 54 minutes of Capricorn.
What an intense combination... it seems that it is time to really question at a deep level our approach or thinking in regards to an intensely emotional person or situation in our lives.
Mercury represents the way we connect and communicate with those around us, and also our attitude in general. Pluto represents quite a deep and complex energy and is sometimes experienced as fear because of this. The connection of these two energies through the powerful square suggests a challenge and stress... but also a turning point.
Look at where this aspect is falling in order to get a feel for what or who may need a change in attitude. Also look at which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp) and Pluto (one with Scorpio on the cusp).
If you have personal points and/or planets in Libra or Capricorn then you may be especially sensitive to this transit.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Mercury enters Libra...
today in Kilmore at 2.04am.
Mercury the messenger changing signs from the practical and earthy Virgo, into the airy and communicative sign of Libra suggests a change in the way we connect with the world around us. This shift in signs also suggests a shift in attitude for the people and situations represented by Mercury in our birth charts.
This planet usually creates a busier time for whatever it touches on, so look at which house Mercury is travelling through and which house has Libra on the cusp... the areas of life represented by them are likely to become busier while Mercury travels through Libra. News, changes and generally a lot of running around are to be expected.
The houses ruled by Mercury (those with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp) and the people/situations represented by them are likely to experience a shift in the way they are experienced. That is, they are likely to move from a 'Virgo' way of being experience, more towards a 'Libran' way... being more balanced and diplomatic.
Posted by
2:04 AM
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Venus Conjunct Mars...
starts on October 2 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 4 at 8.58am in Kilmore, leaves on October 6. Both at 12 degrees and 52 minutes of Scorpio.
This aspect happened on August 21, and a description of what to expect can be found here. Back then it fell at 13 degrees of Libra, so it seems that we have a chance to double-dip in making a fresh start! This time in another area of our lives.
Where the last conjunction was especially important if you have personal points or planets in Libra, this time it is particularly important for those of you with them in Scorpio.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Mercury Opposing Retrograde Uranus...
starts on October 2 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 3 at 12.23am in Kilmore, leaves on October 3. Mercury at 28 degrees and 10 minutes of Virgo, retrograde Uranus at 28 degrees and 10 minutes of Pisces.
A roller-coast ride is what I think of when I see this combination! A lightning bolt too.... :).
It is important to keep a very open mind during this time because the information (Mercury) that comes our way is likely to be unexpected or be unusual (Uranus)... because of the involvement through the opposition aspect it is likely happen in a bit of a jarring way. However, it is likely to help let go of outworn ways of thinking and to open up exciting new possibilities!
Mercury also represents our mind, so it may simply be that we come to a sudden realisation about a certain person or situation in our lives as represented by our birth chart.
As usual look at where this aspect is falling in your birth chart to get a feel for what or who may be involved. Look at which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp) and Uranus (one with Aquarius on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Virgo or Pisces then you may be especially sensitive to this transit.
Posted by
11:06 AM
Labels: mercury, New Moon in Pisces, opposing, retrograde, uranus, virgo
Friday, October 1, 2010
Mercury Opposing Retrograde Jupiter...
starts on October 1 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 2 in Kilmore at 8.36am, leaves on October 2. Mercury at 27 degrees of Virgo, retrograde Jupiter at 27 degrees of Pisces.
Yippee... Mercury and Jupiter connecting is generally a good reason to be feeling optimistic and at least a little bit happier about life and the people in it.
Mercury represents the way we connect with others and our general thinking/attitude (as well as young people), while Jupiter represents where our luck is found and opportunity - as well as where our boundaries may be lacking!
The opposition brings a new level of awareness and possibly a turning point in the people and situations represented by these planets.
As usual, look at where this aspect is falling and which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp), and Jupiter (ones with Sagittarius or Pisces on the cusp) in order to get a feel for what or who may be prominent right now.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Virgo or Pisces then you may be more sensitive than others to this transit.
Posted by
7:53 PM
Labels: jupiter, mercury, opposing, pisces, retrograde, virgo