starts on April 26 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 27 at 5.21pm in Kilmore, leaves on April 28. Venus at 7 degrees and 25 minutes of Aries, retrograde Pluto at 7 degrees and 25 minutes of Capricorn.
Venus represents what we value, as well as our relating skills: Pluto represents depth, change and intense emotions: the square represents a challenge, stress, and also a turning point.
By looking at which houses the planets are in you can get a feel for where their energies will be felt: you can also look to see which houses are ruled by them (Venus = Taurus and Libra, Pluto = Scorpio) to get a feel for what or who will be involved.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Aries and/or Capricorn you may feel this more than others.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Venus Square Retrograde Pluto...
Posted by
7:12 AM
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Mercury goes Direct...
on April 23 at 8.04pm in Kilmore. Mercury at 12 degrees and 53 minutes of Aries.
Even though Mercury is going direct now, it may take a few days for things to settle down into some type of normality while Mercury picks up a bit of speed and momentum, however it may take a few weeks for things to return totally to normal (we have to wait until Mercury goes forward again to the point where it started it's backwards journey).
We can expect the people and situations represented by Mercury to begin stabilising and become more reliable. As usual look to see where Mercury is travelling and which houses are ruled by it (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp) in order to get a feel for what or who these may be.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Aries, then you may be especially sensitive to this energy. Gemini people may also feel this way.
Posted by
8:39 AM
Monday, April 25, 2011
Venus Conjunct Uranus...
Venus conjunct Uranus started on April 22 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 23 at 12.28pm in Kilmore, leaves on April 24. Both at 2 degrees and 20 minutes of Aries.
Venus, the planet of fun, relating and enjoyment connecting with the wild Uranus is a bit of a weird combination, but I suppose life is weird sometimes anyway! Uranus is usually a bit of a wildcard, an energy that doesn't give us what we expect.
The conjunction usually represents something or someone new coming into our lives... by looking at which house the conjunction falls in, plus which houses are ruled by Venus (ones with Taurus and/or Libra on the cusp), and Uranus (Aquarius on the cusp) you can get a feel for what or who may be coming into our lives. Whatever or whoever it is, it is likely to take us on an unexpected journey full of surprises!
If you have personal planets or points in Aries, then this conjunction is likely to be especially important to you.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Venus enters Aries...
on April 21 at 2.06pm.
Venus, the planet of love and relating moving from the gentle Pisces into the fiery Aries is certainly a major shift in focus! With this planet in Aries it seems that we will all be more forward in trying to attract what (or who!) we want... it is also likely that we could act before we think. Of course, this can be a good thing sometimes, but it is important to be aware of this tendency anyway.
By looking at which houses are ruled by Venus (ones with Taurus or Libra on the cusps), we can get a feel for what or who is about to become more active in our lives.
Those of you with personal planets and/or points in Aries are likely to feel the presence of Venus in your sign as a soothing and beneficial one... particularly with all the fiery and volatile stuff that has been around lately!
Posted by
10:52 AM
Friday, April 22, 2011
Sun enters Taurus...
on April 20 at 8.17pm.
The Sun moving from the fiery and impulsive sign of Aries into the stable, slow-moving and earthy Taurus suggests a change in focus for us all towards stabilising whatever or whoever is represented by the Sun in our birth charts (or the people represented by the Sun are likely to calm down a bit).
The move of this illuminating planet into Taurus also suggests that the house with Taurus on the cusp will become the focus for the next month while the Sun travels through this zodiac sign.
For example, I have Taurus Rising so the Sun coming into this sign will help my energy levels increase since it's rays will be shining on me (Ascendant)! It is also likely to bring news or important information to me or an important development involving my brother (Leo in 3rd House).
By the way... Happy Birthday to all of you Taureans out there!
Posted by
11:51 AM
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Retrograde Mercury Conjunct Mars...
starts on April 19 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 20 at 12.58am in Kilmore, leaves on April 20. Both at 13 degrees and 29 minutes of Aries.
The first thing that comes to mind with this combination is that we all have to make sure we don't become too quick to open our mouths before thinking! This is especially true since the conjunction happens in the fiery and impulsive Aries.
Mercury represents our thinking and the way we communicate with the people and world around us... while Mars is a pretty fiery and impulsive character. Although irritating or upsetting, however, sometimes things need to be said! The conjunction offers the opportunity for a fresh start in the areas affected by these planets and to make this fresh start we may all need to clear the air and make sure matters are clear to everyone involved.
As usual look at which house this conjunction is falling in and which houses are ruled by the planets involved (Mercury = house cusps with Gemini or Virgo on them, Mars = house cusps with Aries or Scorpio on them).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Aries then you may feel this aspect more strongly than others.
Posted by
3:28 PM
Labels: aries, conjunct, mars, mercury, retrograde
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Full Moon in Libra...
Compared to the last lunation, it seems that this one will be a breeze! Saturn is in the same sign as this Full Moon, but it is a fair distance away - for me, this suggests little influence.
The period around a Full Moon is generally one of heightened emotions and also of 'awareness', particularly of a person or situation that was prominent around the time of the last New Moon.
As usual, have a look at which houses are activated as part of this lunation to get a feel for a better level of awareness is possible, but keep in mind that Mercury is still retrograde AND conjunct Mars: this suggests that we still need to be aware that it is possible to interpret information incorrectly or jump to conclusions.
The help of the Nodes are suggested at this time, because they form a sextile/trine to the Sun and Moon as part of this Full Moon... so it may pay to look to what and/or who is represented by them in your birth chart for help. There is sometimes a fated or karmic feel for them, or someone or something that you rely on for support/connection or a feeling of belonging.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Aries and/or Libra then this lunation may be especially important for you.
Posted by
10:30 AM
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Mars Opposing Retrograde Saturn...
starts on April 17 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 19 at 2.02am in Kilmore, leaves on April 20. Mars at 12 degrees and 45 minutes of Aries, retrograde Saturn at 12 degrees and 45 minutes of Libra.
Mars likes action and to be able to push ahead at whatever it is working on... while Saturn prefers to move along slowly and steadily... more like a snails pace but very thorough. Oppositions relate to awareness and a turning point being reached.
If you look to where this opposition is happening in your birth chart you are likely to see where you are facing intense frustration as you try to push ahead in a certain direction... this frustration is likely to stem from a person or situation that you feel is holding you back or blocking your path. This is also an opportunity to gain awareness (opposition) of whether or not what you are pushing for, is still valid in your life.
Although obviously frustrating, it is important to take a look at why this happening, perhaps the path you have chosen is not right for you, or perhaps you should slow down and pay attention to the details and facts before rushing along on assumptions - especially with Mercury currently being retrograde.
As usual, look at where this opposition is happening in your birth chart, and which houses are ruled by Mars and Saturn (ones with Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn and/or Aquarius on the cusps) to get a feel for what or who may be involved.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Aries or Libra then you may be especially sensitive to this transit.
Posted by
9:10 AM
Monday, April 11, 2011
Retrograde Mercury Conjunct Jupiter...
starts on April 11 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 12 at 1.59pm in Kilmore, leaves on April 13. Both at 17 degrees and 47 minutes of Aries.
This aspect was around on March 16, and happened before Mercury went retrograde. The original post can be found here. The rejoining of Mercury and Jupiter represents a second chance for taking hold of the opportunities that the joining of these forces represent, so look back to what or who came into you life in mid-March to get a feel for what you may have a second chance at now.
Also remember that when Mercury starts to go forward again, that there will be a third and final opportunity coming around again.
Posted by
9:46 AM
Labels: aries, conjunct, jupiter, mercury, retrograde
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Mars Square Retrograde Pluto...
starts on April 10 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 12 at 6.41am in Kilmore, leaves on April 13. Mars at 7 degrees and 30 minutes of Aries, retrograde Pluto at 7 degrees and 30 minutes of Capricorn.
Looking at this aspect on its own, it suggests a pretty serious clash of energies that will test the way we use power, and also show us just how far others are will to go in using theirs. It is important to keep your own actions honourable during this time, regardless of what others chose to do, particularly since it may feel as though you are being provoked in certain areas of your life!
It is also important to remember that Mercury is also involved, since it is travelling the same sign as Mars, making communication/thinking more impulsive than usual. Mercury is also retrograde adding confusion and easy misunderstandings to the mixture, so you can see that it may be best to avoid making quick/harsh judgements until another time!
As is usually the case look to see where this aspect is falling to get an idea for what or who may be at cross-purposes in your life, and where power issues will need to be handled with care. Also look to see which houses are ruled by Mars (one with Aries on the cusp) and Pluto (one with Scorpio on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Aries or Capricorn you may feel this energy more strongly than others.
Posted by
3:15 PM
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Pluto goes Retrograde...
on April 9 at 6.51pm at 7 degrees and 30 minutes of Capricorn.
Wow... power packed Pluto being stationary seems to me to add to the already intense and passionate feel of this planet and its energy.
Pluto will move from this position right back to 4 degrees and 53 minutes of Capricorn (not much distance I know, but I think we'll feel every minute it travels of it!). It goes direct again in mid September this year.
Symbolically, the areas affected by Pluto (see which house it is travelling through and which house cusp has Scorpio on it) the change in direction of this planet to retrograde motion suggests that we will all have to go back (or perhaps a person or situation will regress). Although this doesn't sound promising, it is in that we have a second chance to make something right and to tie up loose ends. It's a bit like writing a document in a hurry in the middle of the night (Pluto direct).... then putting it away for a few days and then reviewing it (Pluto retrograde)... by going over something again we get the chance to edit what we missed or mucked up at our first attempt.
If you are a December born Capricorn or have personal planets/points in the early degrees of Capricorn you are likely to be especially sensitive to this transit.
Posted by
8:41 AM
Labels: pluto, retrograde
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Sun Conjunct Retrograde Mercury...
starts on April 9 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 10 at 5.36am in Kilmore, leaves on April 10. Both at 19 degrees and 36 minutes of Aries.
Whatever the Sun touches tends to come into prominence in our lives,and the conjunction is a powerful connection that suggests the end of something old, and the beginning of something new.
Mercury represents our thinking, attitude and ability to communicate in general with the world around us, and also to connect with it. Personally, it represents the people and situations as shown by which houses are ruled by it (house cusps with Gemini or Virgo on them). Since Mercury is currently retrograde, it seems that the themes represented by it will have gone back to a previous state, or you will need to review them.
Also look at the house that the conjunction is falling in, and the one with Aries on the cusp in order to get a feel for where a new start is needed.
Posted by
7:59 AM
Labels: aries, conjunct, mercury, retrograde, sun
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sun Conjunct Jupiter...
starts on April 5 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 7 at 12.40am in Kilmore, leaves on April 8. Both at 16 degrees and 27 minutes of Aries.
The Sun, as I have mentioned many times before, highlights whatever it touches in the sky and energises it. Jupiter is about growth, opportunity and also what brings meaning to your life. The meeting of these two energies suggests that the opportunity that will be around for the next few months while Jupiter travels through Aries, will be highlighted for us all. It's like someone will put a spotlight on where our opportunity for growth is, making us more aware of which direction to take.
Conjunctions are also associated with something or someone new... so by looking at where this conjunction falls in your birth chart, you can keep an eye out for this new opportunity for growth. Also look to see which houses are ruled by the Sun (Leo), and Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces) for what or who may be 'coming together' for this new start or opportunity.
If you have personal planets or points in Pisces, this is likely to be an especially important time for you.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Neptune enters Pisces...
on April 4 at 11.51pm in Kilmore.
Wow... this is literally a once in a lifetime event, since it takes Neptune about 165 years to travel around the zodiac.
Neptune likes being in Pisces, since in modern astrology Pisces is ruled by it. Technically this is very good news because Neptune being in its own sign should bring out it best qualities. Symbolically speaking, this bodes well for the people and areas of our lives that are ruled by Neptune... look at which house cusp has Pisces on it to get a feel for what these may be.
This planet is known for its association with sensitivity, creativity, spirituality, other realms, fogginess, water, gas... the list goes on but hopefully you get the gist. So, if you have personal planets and/or points in Pisces then it seems that you will be in for some sensitive times! Of course, you are more likely to feel the effect of Neptune in Pisces as it gets closer to whatever you have in this sign (I usually allow an orb of about 1 degree, although it would depend on how sensitive you personally are to this energy).
Neptune is only making a short visit this time (it goes back into Aries in early August 2011) but will be coming back into Pisces early in February 2012 where it will stay until 2025!
Posted by
1:26 PM
New Moon in Aries...
The New Moon is a special time each month where we get to make a fresh start in the areas represented by the house where this lunation falls. The sign of the New Moon is also important in that it flavours the way in which we begin this new stage, relationship, and/or project.
As you can see by the chart, this is a pretty powerful lunation, simply being a New Moon in the fiery Aries is enough in itself to give us all a shove along a new path... however as you can see there are a lot of planets clustered in Aries - energising things even more!
The closest aspect is the opposition from Saturn, suggesting that this planet will give us the objectivity and control we need to harness the powerful Aries energy being presented to us all. Even though we may not like what Saturn has to tell us, he may be the key to using the energy successfuly! Look at which house Saturn is in and which ones he rules (ones with Capricorn and Aquarius on the cusp), to get a feel for who may be our 'firm but fair' guide!
The conjunction from Jupiter to this lunation bodes well, however, it can also mean we are likely to take on too much.... as you can see from the chart this New Moon links in strongly to the recent Jupiter/Saturn series of oppositions. Perhaps this link suggests that we all will be able to now utilise what we have learnt from the oppositions and put them to good use!
Also note the Mars/Uranus conjunction and Mercury retrograde. Explosive behaviour combined with communication mix-ups! I would suggest that it would be far wiser to bite our tongues than overreact to information that may not be correct.
If you have personal points and/or planets in Aries then I would think that this is an exceptionally important time for you.
Posted by
8:22 AM
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Sun Opposing Saturn...
starts on April 3 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 4 at 9.56am in Kilmore, leaves on April 5. Sun at 13 degrees and 52 minutes of Aries, Saturn at 13 degrees and 52 minutes of Libra.
This can be a bit of a tough one! However, it does represent an opportunity to make changes that will help us all to reach a turning point in whatever areas of life are represented by these planets within our own birth charts.
The Sun illuminates and energises whatever it touches, and in this case it is retrograde Saturn, the planet associated with responsibility, hard work and restructuring. The opposition suggests a new level of awareness that will help to reach the turning point that is needed, particularly in the relationships and themes represented by Saturn.
By looking at where this opposition falls, and which houses are ruled by the Sun (ones with Leo on the cusp) and Saturn (ones with Capricorn or Aquarius on the cusp) you can get a feel for which people and areas of life may be due for some attention.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Aries or Libra then you may feel this energy more acutely than others, particularly with everything else going on in the sky at the moment.