on June 3 at 6.02am in Kilmore.
Mercury LOVES being in Gemini, so this bodes well for the people and situations represented by this planet in your birth chart. For example, my 2nd house is ruled by Gemini, so I am expecting financial affairs and other areas of life that I value highly to move along nicely now.
So, have a look at which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp), to get a feel where people and life in general will be happier than usual. Mercury also tends to make whatever it touches busier, so expect the pace to pick up in terms of the people and situations affected by this transit.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Gemini, then you are likely to be extra busy!
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Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Mercury enters Gemini...
Posted by
9:31 AM
Mercury Square Neptune...
starts on June 3 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 3 at 5.05pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 4. Mercury at 00 degrees and 55 minutes of Gemini, Neptune at 00 degrees and 55 minutes of Pisces.
It seems that the people and areas of life represented by Neptune in our birth charts will be the source of uncertainly, 'fogginess', confusion and/or even deception!
However, the square aspect suggests that a turning point will be reached, so look for this relationship or situation to clear up as this aspect passes.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling in your birth chart to get an idea of what or who may need careful handling (sticking to FACTS will help!), and also which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp) and Neptune (ones with Pisces on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Gemini and/or Pisces then you are likely to be more sensitive than others to this transit.
Monday, May 30, 2011
New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini...
A New Moon is generically a time when we all have the opportunity to make a fresh start, particularly in the areas represented by the House in which this lunation falls in. For example, this New Moon falls in my 1st House and I have Gemini on my 2nd House cusp, so I could perhaps think of ways I would like to approach life and to redefine my values in new ways.
Being an eclipse brings an even bigger focus to this lunation... and a big opportunity to become more aware of the matters relating to it.
Usually around the time of an eclipse there is a development that shakes us out of our comfort zone or creates a new level of awareness associated with the areas of life represented by the House involvement as mentioned earlier.
For those of you that use Chiron in your astrological toolbox, you will note that it squares this lunation. To me, this suggests that there is an opportunity to experience healing, but before this can happen we all need to realise where our wounds are and perhaps to reopen them before being able to work at the healing process.
This is supported by the trine from Saturn... so by examining where it is in our birth charts, we can look at what and who is helping us along or where we can get support. Restructuring and practical support, as well as a bit of old-fashioned elbow grease is associated with Saturn.
If you have any personal planets and/or points in Gemini then this is likely to be a pivotal time in your life!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Sun Trine Retrograde Saturn...
starts on May 31 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 1 at 7.15pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 2. Sun at 10 degrees and 33 minutes of Gemini, retrograde Saturn at 10 degrees and 33 minutes of Libra.
Retrograde Saturn is still not moving very quickly since it is getting ready to move forwards again in a couple of weeks. Symbolically, this stoppage suggests that the situations and people represented by Saturn are at a standstill or may seem as though they are not making any progress or changes at all. Hang in there though, it's as though whatever or whoever is involved is in the process of getting ready to start moving forwards again.
The Sun illuminates whatever it touches, and the trine to Saturn suggests that we have the opportunity to see what is happening now and to understand it a little better without our ego concerns getting the better of us. This trine can also mean that the people and situations represented by the Sun will work well with the ones represented by Saturn. Look to see where this trine is happening to get a feel, and also look to see which houses are ruled by the Sun (one with Leo on the cusp), and Saturn (ones with Capricorn or Aquarius on the cusp), to get a feel for what and/or who may be involved.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Gemini or Libra then this transit is likely to be especially important to you.
Posted by
9:04 AM
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Sun enters Gemini...
on May 21 at 7.21pm in Kilmore.
The shift of the Sun into a different sign means that for all of us that it will be shining it's illuminating beams into different areas of our lives, and different people in them as well.
By looking at which house has Gemini on the cusp you can get a feel for where your focus will be during the next few weeks while the Sun travels through this sign. For example, if you have Gemini on the cusp of your 2nd house you may need to review what is truly important to you, your values, and your finances.
Issues/people represented by the house with Leo on the cusp may show more 'Gemini' qualities than usual - ie, you can expect changes, adaptability and more communication than usual about them.
Posted by
9:40 AM
Sun Square Neptune...
starts on May 21 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on May 22 at 5.31pm in Kilmore, leaves on May 23. Sun at 00 degrees and 53 minutes of Gemini, Neptune at 00 degrees and 53 minutes of Pisces.
Imagine driving through a thick fog and naively thinking that putting your high beam on will help you see more clearly... this is a bit of what this transit may be like: the thick fog is Neptune, and the high beam is the Sun! It seems that an area of our life or a certain person (Neptune) is the scene for confusion, lack of clarity and/or even deception. However hard we try to look at it clearly (Sun) it seems that we make it worse by trying too hard! The square aspect suggests that a turning point is going to be reached though... it seems that the best approach is to stick to facts.
As usual look at which houses the planets are travelling through in order to get a feel for where the 'fog' is (Neptune) and where you may be looking too hard (Sun). Also look at the houses ruled by Neptune (one with Pisces on the cusp, and the Sun (one with Leo on the cusp).
If you have personal planets/points in Gemini and/or Pisces then you may be especially prone to 'foggy' vision!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Venus Conjunct Mars...
starts on May 21 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on May 23 at 6.25pm in Kilmore, leaves on May 25. Both at 9 degrees and 1 minutes of Taurus.
Even though Venus and Mars are technically only conjunct for a few days, they are travelling through the same sign for the next couple of weeks, making this an important time for our desires and wants to be united.
Mars is an assertive energy that is related to our ego, while Venus is a passive energy related to our desires... a conjunction represents the end of an old way of doing things and the beginning of a new way, a new project, idea, etc. Every couple of years we get this conjunction of the two planets that represents the masculine (Mars) and feminine (Venus) which gives us all a chance for a fresh start: in this case Venus is in a better position because it likes being in Taurus, while Mars isn't so happy about the situation!
Symbolically this can mean that the people and situations represented by Venus in your birth chart will be in a stronger position than the Mars ones that are ending/starting around this time in your life. For example, I have Taurus Rising so I am likely to be in a better position than a competitor (Mars rules my Scorpio 7th house cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Taurus then you may feel this opportunity for a fresh start more strongly than others.
Venus Trine Retrograde Pluto...
starts on May 21 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on May 22 at 4.03am in Kilmore, leaves on May 22. Venus at 7 degrees and 4 minutes of Taurus, retrograde Pluto at 7 degrees and 4 minutes of Capricorn.
Venus, the planet of relationships, pleasure and socialising connecting with Pluto, the planet associated with depth, emotions and transformation through the easy-going trine bodes well for the situations and relationships represented by these energies in your birth chart.
It seems that this combination offers the opportunity to deepen ties with a certain person, or to improve your understanding of the areas of life or situations represented by these planets.
As usual, look to see which houses these planets are in and which ones they ruled to get a feel for what or who may be involved. Venus rules the houses with Taurus/Libra on the cusps, Pluto rules the house with Scorpio on it.
If you have personal planets or points in Taurus or Capricorn then you are likely to be more sensitive than others to this energy.
Posted by
8:56 AM
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Mercury Trine Retrograde Pluto...
starts on May 20 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on May 21 at 7.54am in Kilmore, leaves on May 21. Mercury at 7 degrees and 5 minutes of Taurus, retrograde Pluto at 7 degrees and 5 minutes of Capricorn.
Mercury represents the style in which we connect and communicate with the world around us, whilst Pluto is associated with depth and emotions, as well as uncovering the 'truth'. The trine aspect is an easygoing one that generally helps the energies work together productively and removes barriers to progress that were a problem in the past.
By looking at where this aspect is falling in your birth chart you can get a feel for what and/or who may be flowing more smoothly than usual and where you can expect progress. You can also get a feel for where you can gain a deeper rapport and understanding that goes beyond simple logic.
Also look to which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp) and Pluto (one with Scorpio on the cusp) to get a feel for where you can expect progress.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Taurus and/or Capricorn you may be more sensitive than others to this transit.
Posted by
1:02 PM
Labels: capricorn, mercury, pluto, retrograde, Taurus, trine
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Mercury Conjunct Mars...
starts on May 20 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on May 21 at 11.20am in Kilmore, leaves on May 22. Both at 7 degrees and 18 minutes of Taurus.
The first thing that comes to mind with this combination is that we all have to make sure we don't become too quick to open our mouths before thinking! Perhaps we will be feeling a bit smug or have become too fixed or attached (Taurus) to our way of thinking.
Mercury represents our thinking and the way we communicate with the people and world around us... while Mars is a pretty fiery and impulsive character. Although irritating or upsetting, however, sometimes things need to be said! The conjunction offers the opportunity for a fresh start in the areas affected by these planets and to make this fresh start we may all need to clear the air and make sure matters are clear to everyone involved.
As usual look at which house this conjunction is falling in and which houses are ruled by the planets involved (Mercury = house cusps with Gemini or Virgo on them, Mars = house cusps with Aries or Scorpio on them).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Taurus then you may feel this aspect more strongly than others.
Mars Trine Retrograde Pluto...
starts on May 19 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on May 21 at 4.22am in Kilmore, leaves on May 22. Mars at 7 degrees and 5 minutes of Taurus, retrograde Pluto at 7 degrees and 5 minutes of Capricorn.
People and situations represents by Pluto in our birth charts can do with the some help, and this trine from Mars is likely to be a lifeline!
These are both quite powerful planets in different ways and working together through this aspect gives us all an opportunity to make progress, particularly with our Pluto themes. By looking at where this aspect is falling in your birth chart you can get a feel for where you can expect to make headway and to gain support. Also look to see which houses are ruled by Mars (house cusp with Aries on it), and Pluto (cusp with Scorpio on it).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Taurus and/or Capricorn then you are likely to feel this aspect more strongly than others.
Posted by
9:50 AM
Monday, May 16, 2011
Venus enters Taurus...
on May 16 at 8.12am in Kilmore.
Venus moving from the fiery and independent Aries into the slow moving, sensual and fixed sign of Taurus is certainly a change in pace! So, whatever or whoever is represented by Venus in your birth chart is also set to experience a change in pace.
By looking to which houses are ruled by her (ones with either Taurus or Libra on the cusp) you can get a feel for what or who will enjoy a slower pace and improvements (Venus loves being in Taurus).
If you have personal planets or points in Taurus, then the visit of this lovely planet through this sign should be an enjoyable one for the most of the time!
Posted by
8:19 AM
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Scorpio Full Moon...
The period around a Full Moon is traditionally associated with heightened emotions and a new level of awareness, relating to the placement of the lunation, particularly within the individual birth chart.
Adding to this emotional theme is this lunation being in the emotional, complex, deep and mysterious sign of Scorpio!
The houses affected by a Full Moon are generally ones to pay attention to: this is an opportunity to view usually emotionally complex people and/or situations with more clarity than usual... I know this sounds like a contradiction (emotionally complex - clarity) - but I suppose that's life (full of contradictions)!
I don't see any tight aspects to this lunation, although Venus, Mercury and Mars are early in Taurus... perhaps signifying that help is on the way in regards to the situations accented by this Full Moon!
Posted by
1:20 PM
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Mercury enters Taurus...
on May 16 at 9.18am in Kilmore.
With Mercury, the planet of communication and connection moving from the fiery and impulsive sign of Aries into the slow moving and stubborn sign of Taurus you can expect the pace to change considerably... especially in the areas of life represented by your birth chart. That is, which house Mercury is travelling through and the ones ruled by it (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp).
For example, I have Mercury travelling through my 12th House, and ruling my 2nd, 4th and 5th Houses... I expect that there will be a lot of internal 'self-talk' (12th House Mercury), about my values, children and private life.
If you have personal planets or points in Taurus then you are likely to find the visit of Mercury into this sign a much busier period of time than usual.
Posted by
2:54 PM
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Mercury Conjunct Jupiter...
starts on May 11 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on May 12 at 12.42am in Kilmore, leaves on May 13. Both at 24 degrees and 49 minutes of Aries.
This aspect was around on March 16, and April 12. The original post can be found here. The rejoining of Mercury and Jupiter represents a third and final chance for taking hold of the opportunities that the joining of these forces represent, so look back to the previous conjunctions to get a feel for what you may have a second chance at now.
Mars enters Taurus...
on May 11 at 5.04pm in Kilmore.
Giddyup horsey! (Probably more along the lines of move your bloomin' arse actually!) Anyway, Mars moving into Taurus brings a more mellow approach to self-assertion and energy in general (compared to the boisterous Aries anyway).
If you're a Bull then get ready for life to move into warp speed. Wherever and whatever is touched by this move of Mars into Taurus in your birth chart, get ready for those aspects of your life to be energised and expect a lot of activity there.
Posted by
9:15 AM
Monday, May 9, 2011
Venus Conjunct Jupiter...
starts on May 11 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on May 12 in Kilmore at 12.42am, leaves on May 13. Both at 24 degrees and 46 minutes of Aries.
This is likely to be a lovely combination, depending on where it falls in your birth chart. Both Venus and Jupiter are usually lucky planets, and the two of them together seem to amplify this theme. This obviously can be a good thing, but it can also mean that we expect too much of whatever or whoever is involved in or represented by these energies.
Since Venus is chasing Jupiter... symbolically it suggests that whatever or whoever is represented by Venus is 'chasing' whatever or whoever is represented by Jupiter. The conjunction suggests a meeting, melding and/or joining forces of these people/themes. For example, if you have this conjunction happening in your 10th House, there may be a meeting about or involving career matters or people or in a setting outside of the home that ends up being quite lucky for you.
As usual, you would look to see where this conjunction is falling in your own birth chart to get an idea of where this energy may be expressed; and also to see which houses are ruled by Venus and Jupiter to get a feel for what or who may be 'conjuncting' each other!
If you have any personal planets or points in Aries then this energy is likely to be especially prominent.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Mercury Conjunct Venus...
starts on May 6 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on May 10 at 1.44am in Kilmore (both at 22 degrees and 23 minutes of Aries), is exact again on on May 16 at 7.25pm in Kilmore (both at 0 degrees and 34 minutes of Taurus), leaves on May 21.
Smooth talker! That's the first thing that comes to mind when I think about Mercury and Venus together like this. Mercury, the planet of communication and connection and also our thinking and attitudes in general connecting with Venus, the planet associated with pleasure, ease and enjoyment bodes well for good news and and positive developments.
The connection through a conjunction suggests something or someone new coming into our lives, depending on which house the conjunction is falling in and which houses are ruled by the two planets involved (Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, Venus rules Taurus and Libra).
An unusual twist to this double conjunction means that it will first occur in the late degrees of Aries, then the early degrees of Taurus.... giving us all an opportunity to benefit in at least two areas (houses) of our lives.
So, if you have personal planets and/or points in Aries (for the first conjunction) or Taurus (for the second conjunction), then you are likely to feel this energy more strongly than others.
Monday, May 2, 2011
New Moon in Taurus...
Welcome to another New Moon, and another opportunity to make a fresh start! This is a lovely opportunity to build stability and depth in the areas of life represented by the house that this Taurean lunation falls in.
Taurus is a fixed, earth sign - so it is known for the qualities of stability (sometimes stubborness!), and practicality. These are some of the themes we may all need to keep in mind - perhaps we need to adjust the amount of them in the areas of life affected?
The trine from Pluto is extremely helpful in that the people and situations represented by it are likely to support and empower us. So look at which house Pluto is in and what it represents: the people and situations there are likely to need conscious recognition in order to be utilised since the aspect here is a gentle trine.
Another aspect to be aware of is the inconjunct from Saturn... the people and situations represented by it and the house placement are likely to be a bit of a stone in our shoe, so to speak. Something or someone is likely to be the source of irritation.
Those of you with personal points and/or planets in Taurus have a particularly strong connection with this New Moon in this sign.
Posted by
8:58 AM
Labels: Taurus New Moon
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Venus Opposing Retrograde Saturn...
starts on April 30 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on May 1 at 10.14am in Kilmore, leaves on May 2. Venus at 11 degrees and 54 minutes of Aries, retrograde Saturn at 11 degrees and 54 minutes of Libra.
Venus, the planet of relating, our values and pleasure connecting with Saturn, the planet of responsibility, structure and hard work doesn't seem like a good combination. However, it can be good for us in terms of helping us to be realistic and able to work towards what we want to enjoy in our lives and helping us to develop the skills we need to relate successfully.
The opposition is about awareness, and may relate to a person or situation that came into your life when Venus and Saturn were last conjunct back in early August 2010 at about 1 degree of Libra. What is happening now also represents a turning point in these matters.
As usual, look to see which houses are involved by looking at where this opposition is happening, as well as which houses are ruled by Venus (ones with Taurus or Libra on them), and Saturn (ones with Capricorn or Aquarius on them).
If you have personal planets/points in Aries or Libra then you are likely to feel this aspect more strongly than other people.
Posted by
4:47 PM
Mars Conjunct Jupiter...
starts on April 29 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on May 1 at 2.26pm in Kilmore, leaves on May 3. Both at 22 degrees and 20 minutes of Aries.
Mars can act like a trigger for long-standing energies, like Jupiter, and give it a kick start into action: the conjunction of these two planets suggest to me that we will all have a better idea of where and how the transiting Jupiter will work for us through developments that come up now.
Conjunctions are something or someone new, so a new project, person or life situation is likely to be embodied by this energy. Looking at how and where these energies are playing out in your own chart will give you some clues as to where to look for this opportunity for a fresh and powerful new start.
Look at the house where this conjunction is happening, and also which house are ruled by Mars (ones with Aries and Scorpio on the cusp) and Jupiter (ones with Sagittarius and Pisces on the cusp), to get a feel for what or who may be part of an exciting new start for you.
Sun Trine Retrograde Pluto...
starts on April 27 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 28 at 11.00am in Kilmore, leaves on April 29. Sun at 7 degrees and 25 minutes of Taurus, retrograde Pluto at 7 degrees and 25 minutes of Capricorn.
This is a nice energy to have, as it suggests that we will be able to access the power, strength and support that is around us, as represented by Pluto in our birth charts. The Sun accents and highlights whatever it touches in the birth chart, and the trine is a flowing energy that suggests easier access than usual to whatever is involved and represented by the planets that form this aspect.
As usual look at where this aspect falls in your birth chart to get a feel for what or who may flow more smoothly than usual and in what areas you can expect a deeper understanding... also look at which houses are ruled by the Sun (one with Leo on the cusp) and Pluto (one with Scorpio on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Taurus or Capricorn you may be especially sensitive to this transit.
Posted by
3:50 PM