starts on June 27 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 28 at 3.19pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 29. Sun at 6 degrees and 12 minutes of Cancer, retrograde Pluto at 6 degrees and 12 minutes of Capricorn.
Pluto usually represents deeply emotional and illogical areas of our life because the logic associated with the people and situations represented by this planet is so deeply buried. The Sun touching on Pluto through this brief period of time is quite intense, because it ties in with the eclipse coming up shortly.
The opposition represents an opportunity to reach awareness, and a turning point in the relationships and situations represented by these energies; by looking at where this transit is happening in your birth chart you can get a feel for where you can expect progress, even though it is likely to be highly emotional! The developments that come to a head now may relate back to a situation or person that was prominent when the Sun and Pluto were last conjunct.
Also look to which houses are ruled by the Sun (one with Leo on the cusp) and Pluto (one with Scorpio on the cusp), in order to get a feel for what or who may be involved.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Cancer or Capricorn then you may be more sensitive than others to this transit.
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- Mercury Square Saturn...
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- Mercury Opposing Retrograde Pluto...
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- Venus square Retrograde Neptune...
- Mercury Trine Retrograde Saturn...
- Jupiter enters Taurus...
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Sun Opposing Retrograde Pluto...
Posted by
9:03 AM
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sun Square Uranus...
starts on June 25 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 26 at 8.13pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 27. Sun at 4 degrees and 29 minutes of Cancer, Uranus at 4 degrees and 29 minutes of Aries.
As I have mentioned in a lot of my posts, the Sun can act as a trigger for setting off the longer term energies in the sky... and this is what we can expect now as the Sun makes contact with Uranus through this dynamic square.
The square usually represents a period of tension, which then leads to a change because we recognise that something needs to be altered. In this case it seems that we need to change our ATTITUDE to something: this something is likely to be indicated by the themes and people represented by the Sun and Uranus.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling in your birth chart and which houses are ruled by the Sun (one with Leo on the cusp) and Uranus (one with Aquarius on the cusp) in order to get a feel for what or who may be involved.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Aries and/or Cancer then you may feel this aspect more strongly than others.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sun enters Cancer...
on June 22 at 3.16am in Kilmore.
The movement of the Sun from Gemini into Cancer is an important time of the year each year. This year it is especially important because the movement of the Sun through Cancer is going to trigger the current Pluto/Saturn/Uranus lineup and form a Grand Cross configuration as part of the upcoming major eclipse on July 1.
The Sun tends to illuminate whatever it touches on, so look at which house cusp has Cancer on it to get a feel for what areas of life are about to get an even bigger boost of attention, especially in terms of the upcoming eclipse.
Fasten your seatbelt!
Posted by
8:43 AM
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Mars Square Retrograde Neptune...
starts on June 21 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 22 at 4.44pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 24. Mars at 00 degrees and 49 minutes of Gemini, retrograde Neptune at 00 degrees and 49 minutes of Pisces.
Fogs and mists are what I think of when I see this combination... because that is what happens when you mix heat (Mars) with water (Neptune)!
Mars is the planet of action, direction and energy and the connection with Neptune - a bit of a contrast to Mars - represents being lost at sea, cloudiness and being blown around on the currents of life, suggests that the relationships and areas of life being affected by this transit will tend to become confused.
Because the square aspect is so powerful, it tends to exaggerate these qualities... the square also suggests a clash or challenge to the way we usually handle situations... in this case a tricky character may make us feel unsure of what we are doing, or perhaps a general lack of energy or sense of purpose may temporarily plague us?
As usual, look at which houses this transit falls in to get a feel for what or who may pose a confusing challenge, and also which houses are ruled by Mars (ones with Aries or Scorpio on the cusp) and Neptune (one with Pisces on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Gemini or Pisces you may be especially sensitive to this transit.
Posted by
4:30 PM
Mercury Square Saturn...
starts on June 21 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 22 at 4.42am, leaves on June 22. Mercury at 10 degrees and 30 minutes of Cancer, Saturn at 10 degrees and 30 minutes of Libra.
Mercury is the planet associated with communicating in whatever form gets your message across, and being in Capricorn it seems that communication in general will have more of a serious tone than usual. Saturn usually brings up serious matters that we have to work hard at, but also brings long-lasting rewards for our efforts, so in effect we have a double-whammy 'serious' note to this energy combination.
The connection of these two planets through the square suggests a bit of stress and/or struggle between the two energies, and then a turning point being reached. It seems that there may be a serious decision or perhaps a communication blockage that needs attention now, as well a change in attitude or understanding (which is likely to be the key to successfully handling this matter).
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling to get a feel for what or who may be at odds... as well as looking at the houses ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp), and Saturn (ones with Capricorn or Aquarius on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Cancer and/or Libra, then you are likely to feel this energy more strongly than others.
Sun Trine Retrograde Neptune...
starts on June 21 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 23 at 12.07am in Kilmore, leaves on June 24. Sun at 00 degrees and 49 minutes of Cancer, retrograde Neptune at 00 degrees and 49 minutes of Neptune.
The connection of the Sun through a lovely trine to the emotional and creative Neptune bodes well for a happy period of time where it comes to the situations and relationships represented by these two planets in your birth chart. It seems that previous barriers to happiness and progress will ease off, leaving room for enjoyment of the potential offered - particularly of the Neptunian energy!
Neptune moving backwards so suggests that whatever or whoever is regressing and possibly frustrating you, will perhaps begin to make sense, alternatively, you could see the benefit of this process.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling in your birth chart and which houses are ruled by the Sun (one with Leo on the cusp) and Neptune (one with Pisces on the cusp) in order to see what or who is likely to be going well for you!
If you have personal planets and/or points in Cancer and/or Pisces then you may feel this energy more strongly than others.
Posted by
2:17 PM
Mars enters Gemini...
on June 21 at 12.50pm in Kilmore.
The planet of action, direction, passion and energy moving from a fixed earth sign into a mutable air sign suggests that the way we work towards what we want will move from being slow and steady towards a faster pace that is more flexible than it has been while Mars was travelling through Taurus.
This move also suggests that the areas and people represented by Mars in our birth chart will become more flexible and open to trying new approaches to old situations. For example, if you have Aries on your 2nd House cusp, the opportunity to earn your income from more than one source may be possible (Gemini is a 'dual' sign), or perhaps you will have the opportunity earn your income from a 'Gemini' themed job... writing, speaking, travelling, etc.
Mars tends to energies whatever it touches on, so you can expect a lot more activity in the areas of life represented by the house that this planet is moving through.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Gemini, then you can expect things to 'heat up'!
Posted by
8:18 AM
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Mercury Opposing Retrograde Pluto...
starts on June 19 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 20 at 5.18am in Kilmore, leaves on June 20. Mercury at 6 degrees and 24 minutes of Cancer, retrograde Pluto at 6 degrees and 24 minutes of Capricorn.
Mercury is about how we communicate and how our minds process information, while Pluto tends to work at a deeply emotional level, which is mostly difficult to understand at a logical level.
The opposition presents the opportunity to view the people and situations represented by these two energies in your birth chart in an objective way... and to then understand them/it with as much clarity as you will ever reach. By doing this, then you can reach a major turning point.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling in order to get a feel for what or who may be involved: also look to see which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp), and Pluto (one with Scorpio on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Cancer or Capricorn then you may be especially sensitive to this transit.
Posted by
9:05 AM
Labels: cancer, capricorn, mercury, opposing, pluto, retrograde
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Mercury Square Uranus...
starts on June 18 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 19 at 6.11am in Kilmore, leaves on June 19. Mercury at 4 degrees and 23 minutes of Cancer, Uranus at 4 degrees and 23 minutes of Aries.
Electric shocks' is what comes to mind when I think of this combination! It seems that the news and insights (Mercury) that comes to us now will challenge (square) and electrify (Uranus) us in some way - most probably through the people and situations represents by these planets in your birth chart. Both of these planets tend to act and move quickly so whatever is going on is likely to finish just as quickly as it started.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling to get an idea of what or who may be involved, and also to which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp), and Uranus (one with Aquarius on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Aries and/or Cancer then you may feel this energy more strongly than others.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Venus Trine Saturn...
starts on June 17 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on July 18 at 2.31pm in Kilmore, leaves on January 19. Venus at 10 degrees and 27 minutes of Gemini, Saturn at 10 degrees and 27 minutes of Libra.
This trine to Saturn from Venus is likely to be very helpful in making the most of the recent move of Saturn from being 'backwards' for 5 months, and now moving forwards and ahead now most likely through using diplomacy, tact and good relating skills.
As usual, you can look at where the Venus/Saturn trine is happening in your birth chart, as well as which houses are ruled by Venus (ones with Taurus or Libra on the cusp), and Saturn (ones with Capricorn or Aquarius on the cusp), to get an idea of what or who may be involved.
If you have personal planets/points in Gemini and/or Libra then you are likely to feel this aspect more strongly than others.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Mercury enters Cancer...
on June 17 at 5.09am in Kilmore.
Mercury moving from Gemini (where it really likes being!), a changeable, witty and busy sign into the more emotional, driven and illogical sign of Cancer sees a strong shift in the way the people and situations represented by this planet in your birth chart, behave.
For example, if you have Gemini on your 7th house cusp - the house of others - it is likely that while Mercury travels through Cancer that they will be more emotional than usual and even moody! They may also be more interested in issues around their family and/or security.
To get an idea of where this energy shift could affect you, look to see which house cusps are ruled by Gemini (ones with Gemini or Virgo on them).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Cancer, then you can expect the pace to pick up over the next few weeks. Mercury tends to make things busier where it touches on.
Posted by
9:26 AM
Mercury Trine Retrograde Neptune...
starts on June 17 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 17 at 2.52pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 18. Mercury at 00 degrees and 52 minutes of Cancer, retrograde Neptune at 00 degrees and 52 minutes of Pisces.
Mercury represents communication and change, and Neptune represents beauty, escapism and fantasy (amongst other things!). The combination of these two energies by the easygoing and flowing trine suggests that through using your imagination and a bit of creativity you are likley to achieve a lot.
By looking at what and who are represented by Mercury and Neptune (look to see where these planets are in terms of house position), and also by looking at which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini and/or Virgo on the cusp) and Neptune (house cusp with Pisces on it), you can get an idea of where help is available!
If you have personal planets and/or points in Cancer and/or Pisces then you are likely to feel this energy more than others.
Posted by
8:25 AM
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Sagittarian Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse...
This is the second eclipse in a series of three, so we are in the midst of a busy time!
First looking at this lunation simply as a Full Moon phase, this is usually a time of heightened emotions and awareness, and gives the opportunity for a new level of objectivity in the areas of life symbolised by the house placement of it within our birth charts.
Being a Lunar Eclipse simply magnifies these trends by about a billion! lol
So, look at where this Lunar Eclipse falls in your chart to get a feel for where you are about to be 'illuminated' through a realisation or other development. Obviously, the house position will give you clues in regards to who or what may be part of the process.
Looking at the aspects, you can see that the Sun and Mercury are conjunct - this is nothing too unusual since they aren't usually that far apart, but they are pretty close. This (to me, anyway!) suggests the need for change and/or flexibility in the areas represented by where the Sun/Mercury are, especially since they are in Gemini.
If you have personal planets/points in either Gemini or Sagittarius, then you are likely to be especially sensitive to this Lunar Eclipse.
Posted by
2:39 PM
Labels: eclipse, gemini, lunar, sagittarius
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Saturn goes Direct...
on June 13 at 1.52pm in Kilmore.
Saturn starts it's forward motion today - thank goodness - after a 5 month period of moving backwards over old ground it seems that over the next few weeks we will all see the silver lining to what has been frustrating us through apparent lack of progress.
It will take a few weeks for Saturn to build up a normal speed, so it may take a while to really feel and see an improvement to the situations being affected by the placement of Saturn in our individual birth charts.
Those of you with personal planets and/or points in Libra may be especially sensitive to this energy.
Posted by
9:13 AM
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Sun Conjunct Mercury...
starts on June 12 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 13 at 9.44am in Kilmore, leaves on June 14. Both at 21 degrees and 39 minutes of Gemini.
Whatever the Sun touches tends to come into prominence in our lives,and the conjunction is a powerful connection that suggests the end of something old, and the beginning of something new.
Mercury represents our thinking, attitude and ability to communicate in general with the world around us, and also to connect with it. Personally, it represents the people and situations as shown by which houses are ruled by it (house cusps with Gemini or Virgo on them).
Also look at the house that the conjunction is falling in, and the one with Gemini on the cusp in order to get a feel for where a new start is needed.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Venus enters Gemini...
on June 10 at 12.23am in Kilmore.
Venus, the planet of love, enjoyment and pleasure moving from the stable (some say stubborn!), earthy and practical sign of Taurus into the airy, flexible and communicative sign of Gemini suggests that we will all be better placed to talk about what we enjoy, and also to communicate with our loved ones.
By looking at which houses are ruled by Venus (ones with Taurus or Libra on the cusps) you can get a feel for who or what may become more flexible and open to new ideas as Venus moves from Taurus into Gemini.
Those of you with personal planets and/or points in Gemini can expect to feel the movement of Venus through your sign as being a period of time where pleasure, ease and affection are more prominent qualities in your life.
Posted by
7:57 AM
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Venus square Retrograde Neptune...
starts on June 9 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 10 at 6.24pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 11. Venus at 00 degrees and 54 minutes of Gemini, retrograde Neptune at 00 degrees and 54 minutes of Pisces.
Venus, the planet associated with enjoyment and pleasure connecting with Neptune can be the best thing in the world, but it can also create problems because we are not viewing certain challenges clearly. Neptune tends to cloud and confuse whatever it touches, but it can also move us on to new heights: however, the square aspect tends to suggest the first option.
By looking at which houses are involved - ie, which houses Venus and Neptune are travelling through, and also which houses are ruled by these planets (Venus = ones with Taurus or Libra on the cusp, Neptune = house cusp with Pisces on it) you can also get a feel for what or who may be a source of confusion for you. It may be better that you make a major decision involving these people and areas of your life for another time.
Those of you with personal planets in Gemini and/or Pisces may feel this energy as especially prominent.
Posted by
2:00 PM
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Mercury Trine Retrograde Saturn...
starts on June 7 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 8 in Kilmore at 6.40am, leaves on June 8. Mercury at 10 degrees and 28 minutes of Gemini, retrograde Saturn at 10 degrees and 28 minutes of Libra.
The connection of Mercury and Saturn through the trine is usually a good one, in that it is a great opportunity for long-term planning, serious discussions and for attending to important paperwork. Look to see where this trine is falling and which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini and Virgo on them) and Saturn (ones with Capricorn and Aquarius on the cusp) in order to get a feel for what or who will respond well to this energy.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Gemini and/or Libra, then you are likely to feel this energy as being especially strong.
Posted by
12:12 PM
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Jupiter enters Taurus...
on June 4 at 11.56pm in Kilmore.
Jupiter shifting gears is generally something to look forward to, since it brings a shift in where we can expect growth, opportunity, positive change and learning. This planet is associated with many things that bring us the opportunity to grow at various levels... physically (too much yummy food and drink!), emotionally, mentally, etc. It is naturally associated with spirituality, justice, learning and teaching.
At least some of these themes are likely to bring benefit into our lives in different ways, depending on your individual birth chart. Look to see which house Jupiter is travelling through, and also which house cusp has Taurus on it to get a feel for where to expect benefits from this year long visit.
Also remember that Jupiter will be in a trine aspect by sign to Pluto so will have some pretty powerful support in bringing a deeper expression to this Jupiter transit.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Taurus then you are likely to feel this lucky transit more so than others!
Posted by
8:12 AM