starts on December 28 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 29 in Kilmore at 5.53pm, leaves on December 30. Venus at 4 degrees and 26 minutes of Capricorn, Saturn at 4 degrees and 26 minutes of Libra.
After the intense Venus/Pluto conjunction we now move into Venus squaring Saturn, that further energises (but in a more gentle way than the Sun or Mars) the current Saturn/Pluto Square.
It suggests that a woman, or themes represented by Venus (charm, grace and diplomacy) may be important in helping us all reach the turning point promised by the larger energies at work. Perhaps we need to use a lighter touch rather than brute strength??? I'm thinking about the 'Strength' card in the Tarot as I write this (Rider-Waite deck).
As usual, look to see where the square is happening to get an idea of where a tender touch may be needed through these tough times of change. If you have personal planets and/or points in Libra and/or Capricorn then you are most likely to feel the energy working now as being quite powerful.
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- Are you part of the 41% of Australian who belive i...
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Monday, December 28, 2009
Venus Square Saturn...
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Venus Conjunct Pluto...
enters on December 27 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 28 in Kilmore at 5.49pm, leaves on December 29. Venus and Pluto at 3 degrees and 10 minutes of Capricorn.
Intense meetings, either of ideas, people, areas of our lives or anything else are indicated by this join up of Venus and Pluto. Venus represents our values and the way we relate, while Pluto represents transformation and intense emotions: the meeting up of this pair suggests that emotionally powerful new starts are possible now.
By looking at which houses are ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra) and Pluto (Scorpio) you can get a feel for what or who may be joining forces in the birth chart. For example if you have Taurus Rising then you'll have Scorpio on your 7th house cusp: there could be a passionate get together with your partner that sets the scene for a hot new start in your relationship... or it could be the start of a totally new relationship that has the power to transform you both (not just a romantic relationship - it could be any type of relationship).
If you have personal planets or points in Capricorn you are likely to experience this period of time as especially powerful.
Mercury goes Retrograde...
today in Kilmore at 1.38am at 21 degrees and 47 minutes of Capricorn.
Wow, we have Mars retrograde for the next few months now Mercury is joining in as well! Mercury will be retrograde until January 15 and will move all the way back to 5 degrees of Capricorn. It won't return to 21 degrees of Capricorn (where it goes retrograde) until February 4.
Traditionally this is THE time for gadgets and communication to have problems! Double check your xmas gifts (especially electronic or electrical ones) for any faults or problems! It is also not the best time to make final judgements or decisions in your life, or to sign paperwork... not that it is the end of the world if you absolutely have to: it simply means that someone involved in the agreement is likely to change their mind later on down the track or not be able to fulfil their part of the agreement for one reason or another.
As usual, look to see where Mercury is travelling through and which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on or in it) to get an idea of where you can expect mix-ups!
If you have personal planets and/or points in Capricorn these themes are likely to be especially prominent in your life.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: capricorn, mercury, retrograde
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Venus enters Capricorn...
today in Kilmore at 5.17am.
Venus moving from the carefree, adaptable and fun-loving Sagittarius, into the serious, hard-working and sometime 'cold' sign of Capricorn suggests a change in tone to what we consider 'fun'. Perhaps we have all overdone xmas a little this year, and now on Boxing Day we're paying the consquences in terms of facing up to our spending habits and the way we have treated the important people in our lives?
This planet represents our social skills, values and generally the way we relate to others, so the move into Capricorn may mean that we are a bit more introverted and cautious than usual, and careful with with we value. Perhaps this is a good time to review all of these matters, particularly with Mercury and Mars both retrograde right now.
Look to see which house Venus is travelling through, and which houses are ruled by her (Taurus and Libra), to get a feel for what or who may become more serious.
If you have personal planets or points in Capricorn, Venus travelling through your sign now suggests that you are entering a period of respite (apart from when there are hard aspects to 'difficult' planets), where a helpful person may be prominent.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Friday, December 25, 2009
Sun Square Saturn...
starts on December 25 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 26 at 10.58am in Kilmore, leaves on December 27. Sun at 4 degrees and 20 minutes of Capricorn, Saturn at 4 degrees and 20 minutes of Libra.
Squares usually represent tense periods of time, but also times when breakthroughs are made in the areas and relationships represented within your birthchart. The Sun activates and highlights whatever it touches, in this case, Saturn: so the themes of responsiblity, contraction and hard work are being accented during this transit.
Quite often I see the fiery connection of the Sun, combined with the restrictive influence of Saturn as representing a pretty frustrating time... combined with the current retrograde Mars and with Mercury being stationary, I think that this is likely to be especially relevant.
So, by looking at where this aspect is in your birth chart you can get an idea of what or who may be involved in a frustrating situation, but that also has the potential to reach an important turning point.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Sun Conjunct Pluto...
starts on December 24 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 25 at 4.32am in Kilmore, leaves on December 26. Sun and Pluto at 3 degrees and 2 minutes of Capricorn.
The Sun accents and energises whatever it touches in the sky and in the birthchart... illuminating it and bringing the themes represented by the involved energies to consciousness. Pluto usually represents emotionally intense and transformational themes.
Saturn and Pluto are currently squaring each other, producing a hell of a lot of tension... the Sun joining Pluto then squares Pluto at the same time further energising this already powerful combination. My feeling is that events around the days of this Christmas Day will highlight the Saturn/Pluto themes and people in our lives that are reaching a major turning point.
By looking at where this Sun and Pluto conjunction is happening (and which houses are ruled by these planets) you can get an idea of what/who is coming together, and also what is being given a bit of boost in the process of transformation.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sun enters Capricorn...
today in Kilmore at 4.47am.
First of all, happy birthday to all you lovely Goats our there! The entrance of the Sun into your sign heralds your birthday season.
Moving from the carefree Sagittarius into the responsible Capricorn... the Sun may mean serious business now! The focus is now likely to shift from more abstract concerns to concrete ones, with an intense start to this focus (the conjunction to Pluto and square to Saturn). So, hold onto your hats!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Monday, December 21, 2009
Jupiter Conjunct Neptune...
starts on December 15, is exact in Kilmore on December 21 at 7.51pm, leaves on December 27. Jupiter and Neptune at 24 degrees and 17 minutes of Aquarius.
The is the last conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune (and also Chiron if you use this in your astrological work), the first series of conjunctions happened during the first half of the year and are discussed here.
This combination is a bit like trying to capture an image made out of fogs and mist continually changing shape as you try to make out what you just recognised in it! Or what you thought you saw? Was it really there at all? LOL! Jupiter and Neptune together has the potential to have all your dreams come true and also to heighten spirituality... but the difficulty is in knowing what is 'real' and what isn't.
By looking at where this conjunction is happening you can keep a watchful eye on where you may need to look at people and situations realistically, and where boundaries may need a firm hand. Also look to see which houses are ruled by Jupiter (Sagittarius) and Neptune (Pisces) to get a feel for what to watch our for.
Mars goes retrograde...
today in Kilmore at 12.26am at 19 degrees and 41 minutes of Leo.
This is likely to be an 'interesting' time... :).
The planet of energy, direction, passion and drive going backwards in the stubborn sign of Leo is a bit like trying to reverse a car that has set in concrete! So I would also imagine that this could be a very frustrating time for many people, especially those of you with fixed signs prominent in your birth chart.
Mars will be travelling right back to the beginning of Leo - at 0 degrees and 18 minutes - meaning that we all have to go right back to the start of something and redo it! Mars will get there around March 10, 2010 (depending on which country and time zone you are in), and go forwards again around that date.
Yes, that means we have to deal with Mars being retrograde until that time, however, this is an opportunity to review where we may have misplaced our energy (possibly through digging our heels in), and the opportunity to rectify something from the past or to review a relationship represented by Mars in your birth chart.
As usual, look to see where Mars is in your own birth chart and which houses are ruled by him (ones with Aries or Scorpio on or in them), to get a feel for which areas may need review.
I would be very interested to hear of your experience of Mars retrograde!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: leo, mars, retrograde
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Are you part of the 41% of Australian who belive in Astrology?
I found this article about the beliefs of Australians at the The Sydney Morning Herald, an interesting read!
Posted by
9:49 AM
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Venus Square Uranus...
starts on December 19 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 20 in Kilmore at 12.52pm, leaves on December 21. Venus at 22 degrees and 50 minutes of Sagittarius, Uranus at 22 degrees and 50 minutes of Pisces.
The planet of ease and abundance, enjoyment and pleasure, connecting with the jolting Uranus now through a square is likely to mean unexpected developments or realisations regarding finances, values and/or friendships (depending on which houses are involved in your birth chart).
Squares are associated with a turning point, which is often surrounded by a sense of tension just before it is achieved. Because this combination is happening in mutuable signs I get the feeling that this turning point will be best reached through compromise on both sides... although you'll probably find that Venus will do a little more compromise than Uranus! (because Venus doesn't generally like to create a scene, whereas Uranus loves to shake things up a bit).
As usual, look to see where this square is falling in the birth chart, and which houses are ruled by Venus (ones with Taurus or Libra on the cusp or intercepted in it), and Uranus (Aquarius on the cusp or in it). If you happen to have personal planets/points in Sagittarius and/or Pisces then you are likely to feel this aspect quite strongly... Gemini and Virgo are also likely to get a strong dose of this aspect too!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: gemini, pisces, sagittarius, square, uranus, venus, virgo
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Venus Trine Stationary Mars...
starts on December 17, is exact on the same day at 11.39pm in Kilmore, leaves on December 18. Venus at 19 degrees and 38 minutes of Sagittarius, Stationary Mars at 19 degrees and 38 minutes of Leo.
Venus represents many things in astrology, including the way in which we attract into our lives what we desire... travelling through Sagittarius at the moment we are all likely to be as subtle as a brick in this process! The trine to fiery Mars in Leo (which is stationary and especially powerful), suggests that what we want (Venus) and how we get it (Mars) are working well together at the moment and that previous barriers to achieving these goals will not be a problem right now.
However, do keep in mind that Mars will be turning around in the next few days so it is important to make the most of this energy while it is around, before Mars changing his mind and becomes unco-operative and extra stubborn!
As usual, look to see where these energies are playing out in your own birth chart to get an idea of where they may be experienced. If you have personal planets/points in either Sag or Leo, then you are likely to be especially sensitive to this transit.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: leo, mars, sagittarius, stationary, trine, venus
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
New Moon in Sagittarius...
The days around a New Moon are associated with making a fresh start, and if you think about what you see in the sky at the time of a New Moon (basically you can't see the Moon), symbolically you can't see the importance of what is starting at this time.
As the Moon grows, so does our awareness of what developments now will mean in the longer term.
Looking at the energies around this New Moon, you can see in the chart that Uranus is squaring this lunation, however, it is separating so is not as powerful as it would have been if it had been applying. This contact to Uranus gives this New Moon an 'electric' and energising feel that is likely to be felt through unexpected, exciting and/or unusual developments or people that challenge us in some way.
Stationary Mars (about to turn retrograde) trines the New Moon, suggesting a potent source of power and energy being available to support our new project or phase in life. The sextile from the Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune conjunction also gives support to this lunation.
As usual, look to see where this New Moon falls in your birth chart to get an idea of what, or who, may have the chance for a fresh start in your own life!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: moon, New, sagittarius
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sun Square Uranus...
enters on December 14 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 15 at 2.27am in Kilmore, leaves on December 16. Sun at 22 degrees and 46 minutes of Sagittiarius, Uranus at 22 degrees and 46 minutes of Pisces.
Hang on to your seat! This connection between the Sun and Uranus is likely to be a dynamic one... the image that comes to mind with it is one of a lightening bolt hitting where it is not expected... shaking things up a bit and getting situations and people moving along!
The Sun acts like a trigger to the longer standing Uranian energy in the birth chart so is likely to highlight people and situations represented by this planet... look to see which houses have the Sun and Uranus in it to get an idea of where to look for a turning point. Also look to see which houses are ruled by the Sun (ones with Leo on or in it), and Uranus (look for Aquarius on the cusp or intercepted in it).
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: pisces, sagittarius, square, sun, uranus
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sun Trine Mars...
enters on December 10 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 11 at 12.18pm in Kilmore, leaves on December 12. Sun at 19 degrees and 7 minutes of Sagittarius, Mars at 19 degrees and 7 minutes of Leo.
Mars, the planet of energy, drive and passion has its brakes on as it slows down in preparation to turn retrograde soon. Combined with travelling through the fixed sign of Leo, this gives Mars a very powerful, concentrated feel that suggests an inability to change, or on a positive note, a very determined and powerful focus.
The Sun can act like a trigger, or like a beam of light in the darkness - where it illuminates something in particular. In this case it seems that what is being highlighted is our 'Mars'. See which house Mars is travelling through and which houses it rules (ones with Aries and/or Scorpio on the cusp or intercepted in it) in order to get a feel for what or who is being highlighted.
The trine is an easy-going energy that helps to 'unblock' energies: considering the current state of Mars, I think that this trine will be very helpful for getting things moving a little in terms of whatever or whoever Mars represents in your birth chart (as much as a stationary Mars can be moved anyway!). This movement may simply be an awareness of what is going on which Mars, which will make it easier to plan for and/or deal with.
Posted by
7:55 AM
Labels: leo, mars, sagittarius, sun, trine
Monday, December 7, 2009
Mercury Square Saturn...
starts on December 7 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 8 at 1.35pm in Kilmore, leaves on December 9. Mercury at 3 degrees and 28 minutes of Capricorn, Saturn at 3 degrees and 28 minutes of Libra.
Mercury, the planet of communication and connection with others connecting with Saturn (serious, separate and realistic) suggests that there is likely to be a challenging and stressful situation that needs attention now. This is likely to involve our thinking, attitude and/or way we connect with others (or don't)!
Because both planets are in cardinal signs, ones associated with leadership, it's almost as if there is a symbolic conflict between what and/or who is represented by these Mercury and Saturn in regards to who is going to be boss.
As usual, look to see which houses these planets are travelling through, and are ruled by them to get an idea of what or who may be involved.
Mercury Conjunct Pluto...
enters on December 7 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 7 at 8.12pm, leaves on December 8. Conjunction is at 2 degrees and 25 minutes of Capricorn.
The planet of communication meeting up with the intensely emotional and complex Pluto is likely to be a period of time where we all have the opportunity to understand something or someone at a deeper level than we have in the past. The conjunction represents something new, perhaps a new person, relationship, level of understanding or even a new offer of some type.
To get an idea of what this new thing may be, look to see where this conjuction is happening and also to which houses are ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo) and Pluto (Scorpio). Intense times!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Mercury enters Capricorn...
today in Kilmore at 4.24am.
Mercury, the planet of communication and thinking moving from the fiery and changeable Sagitarrius into Capricorn, a serious and forward thinking sign, suggests that the overall mood will tend to be more Saturnian than it has been.
By looking at which houses Mercury is moving through, and rules, you can get an idea of what or who is likely to move from being a bit fiery and fickle, to more stable and serious (and much as the changeable Mercury can be, anyway!).
Posted by
6:00 AM
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Gemini Full Moon...
The days around any Full Moon are usually more emotional times than usual, and sometimes relate to a period of understanding and viewing situations that began at the previous New Moon with objectivity and a better understanding of where those situations and relationships that began at the New Moon are taking us.
Venus as part of this Full Moon offers protection and hope, as well as diplomatic skills to the situations we are experiencing now, and the trine from Mars to the Sun also offers support and progress with our projects.
Posted by
8:51 AM
Uranus goes Direct...
today in Kilmore at 7.27am at 22 degrees and 42 minutes of Pisces.
Uranus, the rebel and eccentric planet, goes direct after being retrograde for many months (since early July 2009). This change from backward to forward motion suggests that whatever or whoever is represented in our birth charts is going to get moving again after a long period of regression.
Look to see which house Uranus is traveling through to see who or what should begin making progress again, and also to which house/s are ruled by Aquarius.
Venus enters Sagittarius...
today in Kilmore at 9.04am.
Venus moving the intensely emotional and fixed Scorpio into the easier to read and flexible sign of Sagittiarus suggests that the way we relate to others is about to become a bit freer.
By looking at where Venus is travelling through your birth chart and which houses are ruled by her (the ones with Taurus and Libra on the cusp or in it), you can get a feel for what and who is likely to be less intense, more flexible and also easier to understand.
For example, if you have Taurus Rising, you yourself may become less stubborn and driven by deeply buried emotional issues, and become more flexible and easier to understand!
Whichever house is being visited by Venus is also likely to benefit by her presence... for example, if you have Venus moviing into your 8th house you are likely to do well with investments, with tax returns, or through your partner having a small win in these areas.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: libra, sagittarius, Taurus, venus
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Mercury Square Retrograde Uranus...
starts on November 30 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 1 at 6.52am in Kilmore, leaves on December 1. Mercury at 22 degrees and 42 minutes of Sagittarius, retrograde Uranus at 22 degrees and 42 minutes of Pisces.
Mercury, the planet of connection and information sharing joining forces with the electrical and super fast Uranus through this square suggests a lot happening, very quickly, and possibly in unexpected ways!
Fasten your seatbelt!
As usual, look to see where this transit is happening in your birth chart via the house placements, and which houses are ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo) and Uranus (Aquarius), to get a better idea of where lightening is likely to strike!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: mercury, pisces, retrograde, square, uranus