starts on June 28 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 28 at 10.07pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 29. Both at 6 degrees and 42 minutes of Cancer.
The Sun tends to highlight and accentuate whatever it touches, and as part of the current eclipse season, Mercury is a big part of what is prominent in our lives right now. Obviously, there are other energies working at the same time that will contribute to the overall energy patterns, but the conjunction represents something or someone new entering our lives or consciousness.
Being in the sign of Cancer suggests that this something or someone may be family related or have something to do with our feelings of security... thinking is not likely to be as logical as usual, so there it is more likely that whatever is starting now will have an irrational feel to it. This may be a new relationship, project and/or understanding of whatever is represented by these energies in your birth chart.
To get an idea of what or who this may be, look to see which house this conjunction is falling in. Also look to see which houses are ruled by the Sun (one with Leo on the cusp), and Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Cancer, then you are likely to be especially sensitive to this transit.
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Blog Archive
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- Mercury enters Cancer...
- Mercury Square Uranus...
- Sun Opposing Retrograde Pluto...
- Chart of Carl Williams...
- Mercury Trine Retrograde Neptune...
- Mercury Square Saturn...
- Sun Square Jupiter...
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- Sun Trine Retrograde Neptune...
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- Mercury enters Gemini...
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- Mercury Trine Saturn...
- Mars enters Virgo...
- Jupiter enters Aries...
- Mars Opposing Retrograde Neptune...
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sun Conjunct Mercury...
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Mercury Square Jupiter...
starts on June 26 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 26 at 9.08pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 27. Mercury at 2 degrees and 14 minutes of Cancer, Jupiter at 2 degrees and 14 minutes of Aries.
Mercury, the planet associated with data, communication and our thinking connecting with the expansive, optimistic and happy-go-lucky Jupiter is usually a good thing, causing us all to feel more optimist than usual. However, too much of anything is not productive in most cases!
The combination of these two energies through the dynamic square adds further fuel to this already powerful connection. It seems that we will all need to watch for exaggeration, taking things too far and perhaps blowing things out of proportion: most of this is likely to happen because of the emotional factors (Mercury is in Cancer). This is particularly relevant because of the involvement of these planets in the current lunar eclipse.
However, the square also represents a turning point being reached with the people and situations represented by these two energies in your birth chart.
By looking at which houses Mercury and Jupiter are travelling through, and which ones they rule (Mercury = Gemini or Virgo on the cusp; Jupiter = Sagittarius or Pisces on the cusp) you can get an idea of what or who may need moderation!
If you have personal planets or points in Aries and/or Cancer then you may need to pay particular attention to these themes.
Mercury Opposing Retrograde Pluto...
starts on June 27 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 27 at 5.15pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 28. Mercury at 4 degrees and 4 minutes of Cancer, retrograde Pluto at 4 degrees and 4 minutes of Capricorn.
This intense and powerful combination of planets adds to the already dynamic eclipse energies currently around. Mercury is about how we communicate and how our minds process information, while Pluto tends to work at a deeply emotional level, which is mostly difficult to understand at a logical level.
The opposition presents the opportunity to view the people and situations represented by these two energies in your birth chart in an objective way... and to then understand them/it with as much clarity as you will ever reach. By doing this, then you can reach a major turning point.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling in order to get a feel for what or who may be involved: also look to see which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp), and Pluto (one with Scorpio on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Cancer or Capricorn then you may be especially sensitive to this transit.
Posted by
6:25 AM
Labels: cancer, capricorn, mercury, opposing, pluto, retrograde
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn...
Intense times! Have a look at the close conjunction of the eclipsed Moon with Pluto, and the Sun/Mercury conjunction. This is all being tightly squared and further energised by the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in the fiery Aries.
All of these aspects occur in cardinal signs... which are known for wanting to be boss: so symbolically it's almost as if there a too many chiefs in our lives wanted to run the show!
The key to balancing the energies around this eclipse is to carefully handle the energetic Jupiter/Uranus conjunction as this is likely to throw out the tension of the eclipse because it is the focal point of a potent t-square. It seems that we do need to take action (Aries), quickly (Uranus) but realistically in terms of our long term capabilities (Jupiter).
Those of you interested in the eclipse path and technical details can find there here.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Mercury enters Cancer...
today in Kilmore at 8.32pm.
Mercury moving from Gemini (where it really likes being!), a changeable, witty and busy sign into the more emotional, driven and illogical sign of Cancer sees a strong shift in the way the people and situations represented by this planet in your birth chart, behave.
For example, if you have Gemini on your 7th house cusp - the house of others - it is likely that while Mercury travels through Cancer that they will be more emotional than usual and even moody! They may also be more interested in issues around their family and/or security.
To get an idea of where this energy shift could affect you, look to see which house cusps are ruled by Gemini (ones with Gemini or Virgo on them).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Cancer, then you can expect the pace to pick up over the next few weeks. Mercury tends to make things busier where it touches on.
Posted by
8:32 PM
Mercury Square Uranus...
starts on June 25, is exact on June 26 at 2.36am in Kilmore, leaves on June 26. Mercury at 0 degrees and 33 minutes of Cancer, Uranus at 0 degrees and 33 minutes of Aries.
'Electric shocks' is what comes to mind when I think of this combination! It seems that the news and insights (Mercury) that comes to us now will challenge (square) and electrify (Uranus) us in some way - most probably through the people and situations represents by these planets in your birth chart. Both of these planets tend to act and move quickly so whatever is going on is likely to finish just as quickly as it started.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling to get an idea of what or who may be involved, and also to which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp), and Uranus (one with Aquarius on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Cancer and/or Aries then you may feel this energy more strongly than others.
Sun Opposing Retrograde Pluto...
starts on June 25, is exact on June 26 at 4.45am in Kilmore, leaves on June 27. Sun at 4 degrees and 6 minutes of Cancer, retrograde Pluto at 4 degrees and 6 minutes of Capricorn.
Pluto usually represents deeply emotional and illogical areas of our life because the logic associated with the people and situations represented by this planet is so deeply buried. The Sun touching on Pluto through this brief period of time is quite intense, because it ties in with the lunar eclipse coming up shortly.
The opposition represents an opportunity to reach awareness, and a turning point in the relationships and situations represented by these energies; by looking at where this transit is happening in your birth chart you can get a feel for where you can expect progress, even though it is likely to be highly emotional! The developments that come to a head now may relate back to a situation or person that was prominent around xmas time in 2009, when the Sun and Pluto were last conjunct.
Also look to which houses are ruled by the Sun (one with Leo on the cusp) and Pluto (one with Scorpio on the cusp), in order to get a feel for what or who may be involved.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Cancer or Capricorn then you may be more sensitive than others to this transit.
Posted by
4:24 AM
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Chart of Carl Williams...

Mercury Trine Retrograde Neptune...
starts on June 24 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 25 at 4.33am in Kilmore, leaves on June 25. Mercury at 28 degrees and 33 minutes of Gemini, retrograde Neptune at 28 degrees and 33 minutes of Aquarius.
This aspect is happening almost at the same time as the Mercury/Saturn square just discussed... suggesting that this trine will represent the support we need to work through the stress associated with person or situation represented by the Saturn energy in your chart.
Mercury represents communication and change, and Neptune represents beauty, escapism and fantasy (amongst other things!). The combination of these two energies by the easygoing and flowing trine suggests that through using your imagination and a bit of creativity you are likley to work through the current Mercury/Saturn square more easily.
By looking at what and who are represented by Mercury and Neptune (look to see where these planets are in terms of house position), and also by looking at which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini and/or Virgo on the cusp) and Neptune (house cusp with Pisces on it), you can get an idea of where help is available!
If you have personal planets and/or points in Gemini and/or Aquarius then you are likely to feel this energy more than others.
Posted by
5:33 PM
Labels: aquarius, gemini, mercury, neptune, retrograde, trine
Mercury Square Saturn...
starts on June 24 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 25 at 4.33am in Kilmore, leaves on June 25. Mercury at 28 degrees and 21 minutes of Gemini, Saturn at 28 degrees and 21 minutes of Virgo.
Mercury is the planet associated with communicating in whatever form gets your message across, and being in Gemini we are all probably doing more than our fair share of multitasking the way we get our message across! Saturn usually brings up serious matters that we have to work hard at, but also brings long-lasting rewards for our efforts.
The connection of these two planets through the square suggests a bit of stress and/or struggle between the two energies, and then a turning point being reached. It seems that there may be a serious decision or perhaps a communication blockage that needs attention now, as well a change in attitude or understanding (which is likely to be the key to successfully handling this matter).
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling to get a feel for what or who may be at odds... as well as looking at the houses ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp), and Saturn (ones with Capricorn or Aquarius on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Gemini and/or Virgo, then you are likely to feel this energy more strongly than others.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sun Square Jupiter...
starts on June 22 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 23 at 11.21pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 25. Sun at 1 degree and 58 minutes of Cancer, Jupiter at 1 degree and 58 minutes of Aries.
As mentioned in an earlier entry, the Sun acts as a trigger to the longer term energies operating in the sky... in this case the expansive Jupiter is being touched by this illuminating planet. Jupiter is about opportunity, growth, joy and if taken too far, lack of boundaries, arrogance and/or taking on more than we can handle in the long term.
The square aspect is a dynamic and energetic one, further adding the potential to take things a bit too far with this Jupiter energy! It is important to keep the areas of life and relationships represented by Jupiter in your birth chart 'realistic' at this time. The square also represents a period of tension, but also resolution and a turning point being reached (in this case it is likely that a change in the way you do things is needed).
As usual, look to see where this aspect is happening in your birth chart to get a feel for what or who will be the scene for a bit of stress, but resolution. Also look to see which houses are ruled by the Sun (one with Leo on the cusp) and Jupiter (ones with Sagittarius and/or Pisces on the cusp).
If you have personal planets or points in Aries and/or Cancer then you may feel this aspect more strongly than others.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sun enters Cancer...
today in Kilmore at 9.28pm.
The movement of the Sun from Gemini into Cancer is an important time of the year each year, and this year it is especially important because the movement of the Sun through Cancer is going to trigger the current Jupiter/Uranus conjunction squaring the transiting Pluto.
The eclipses coming up in this sign also add more fuel to the fire already burning, so expect an exciting, eye-opening and wild few weeks as we all adjust to the energies in the sky! Fasten your seatbelt!
Posted by
9:28 PM
Sun Square Uranus...
starts on June 21 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 22 at 10.27am in Kilmore, leaves on June 23. Sun at 0 degrees and 30 minutes of Cancer, Uranus at 0 degrees and 30 minutes of Aries.
As the Sun moves into Cancer, it will trigger all the heavy and dynamic planetary energies that are so prominent in the sky right now. As I have mentioned in a lot of my posts, the Sun can act as a trigger for setting off the longer term energies in the sky... and this is what we can expect now as the Sun moves through the sign of Cancer and begins the process through this square to Uranus.
The square usually represents a period of tension, which then leads to a change because we recognise that something needs to be altered. In this case it seems that we need to change the way we DO something: this something is likely to be represented by the themes and people represented by the Sun and Uranus.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling in your birth chart and which houses are ruled by the Sun (one with Leo on the cusp) and Uranus (one with Aquarius on the cusp) in order to get a feel for what or who may be involved.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Aries and/or Cancer then you may feel this aspect more strongly than others.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sun Trine Retrograde Neptune...
starts on June 19 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 20 at 10.21am in Kilmore, leaves on June 21. Sun at 28 degrees and 36 minutes of Gemini, retrograde Neptune at 28 degrees and 36 minutes of Aquarius.
The connection of the Sun through a lovely trine to the emotional and creative Neptune bodes well for a happy period of time where it comes to the situations and relationships represented by these two planets in your birth chart. It seems that previous barriers to happiness and progress will ease off, leaving room for enjoyment of the potential offered - particularly of the Neptunian energy!
Neptune moving backwards so suggests that whatever or whoever is regressing and possibly frustrating you, will perhaps begin to make sense, alternatively, you could see the benefit of this process.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling in your birth chart and which houses are ruled by the Sun (one with Leo on the cusp) and Neptune (one with Pisces on the cusp) in order to see what or who is likely to be going well for you!
If you have personal planets and/or points in Gemini and/or Aquarius then you may feel this energy more strongly than others.
Posted by
9:28 AM
Friday, June 18, 2010
Sun Square Saturn...
starts on June 18 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 19 at 11.18pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 21. Sun at 28 degrees and 9 minutes of Gemini, Saturn at 28 degrees and 9 minutes of Virgo.
The Sun tends to energies whatever it touches and highlights and acts as a 'trigger' for some of the longer term energies that are around. In this case, the Sun accentuates Saturn.
Because the aspect between the Sun and Saturn is a square, this suggests tension - but a turning point... sometimes the only way we get motivated enough to do something about a situation is when it annoys us enough to do something about it! That situation that causes us enough annoyance is likely to be something or someone represented by Saturn in our birth charts (look to see where it is travelling, and also which houses have Capricorn or Aquarius on the cusp to get an idea).
The square is a waning one, so we may need a shift in attitude to the people and situations involved in order to make progress.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling in your birth chart and which houses are ruled by the planets in order to get a feel for what, or who, may need a new attitude or approach. If you have personal planets and/or points in Gemini and/or Virgo then you are likely to feel this energy more than others.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Venus Trine Jupiter...
starts on June 14 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 15 at 6.07pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 16. Venus at 1 degree and 8 minutes of Leo, Jupiter at 1 degree and 8 minutes of Aries.
Combined with the trine to Uranus, this is an especially lovely aspect to have and is likely to highlight the benefits and opportunities that the recent Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is or will be bringing into our lives!
Both Venus and Jupiter are known to bring good fortune and pleasure into our lives, and the two connecting with a lovely trine suggest that they are working together to at least give us a period of respite from some of the tougher energies around at this time.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling and which houses are ruled by Venus (ones with Taurus or Libra on the cusp) and Jupiter (ones with Sagittarius or Pisces on the cusp) in order to get a feel for where you may get a lucky break.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Aries and/or Leo, then this is likely to be an easier time for you.
Venus enters Leo...
today in Kilmore at 6.50pm.
Venus moving from the emotional, but driven sign of Cancer into the fixed and fiery sign of Leo suggests a change in tone to the way we handle the areas of life ruled by Venus in our birth charts.
This shift in energy suggests that the people and situations represented by Venus will tend to be more focused, stubborn and fiery than when Venus was in Cancer. For example, if you have Taurus on your 5th house cusp, your children may become more stubborn and difficult to budge on an important issue; or they may become more fixated on a goal and be able to reach it! Using another example of this house rulership, if you are involved in anything creative the transit of Venus through Leo is likely to be one where creativity is at a high and that you work steadily to create something that is truly your own.
If you have personal planets or points in Leo, then the visit of Venus into your sign is likely to bring you a period of respite from any difficulties you have been having! Venus usually brings small gains and pleasures that make life a bit easier!
Posted by
6:50 PM
Venus Trine Uranus...
starts on June 14 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 15 at 3.20am in Kilmore, leaves on June 16. Venus at 0 degrees and 24 minutes of Leo, Uranus at 0 degrees and 24 minutes of Aries.
Venus starts making this aspect while it is still technically in Cancer... perhaps teasing those of you with personal planets and/or points in the last degree of this sign (or the final degree of Pisces) into thinking that something or someone is moving along nicely... only to JUST slip out of your reach!
However, if you have personal points or planets at 0 degrees of Leo or Aries, you may make a surprisingly good amount of progress involving the situations and relationship represented by these energies through this transit.
As usual, look to see where this transit is happening in your birth chart and also which houses are ruled by Venus (ones with Taurus and/or Libra on the cusp) and Uranus (one with Aquarius on the cusp).
Mars Trine Retrograde Pluto...
entering on June 14 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 15 at 10.12pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 17. Mars at 4 degrees and 22 minutes of Virgo, retrograde Pluto at 4 degrees and 22 minutes of Capricorn.
People and situations represents by Pluto in our birth charts can do with the some help, and this trine from Mars is likely to be a lifeline!
These are both quite powerful planets in different ways and working together through this aspect gives us all an opportunity to make progress, particularly with our Pluto themes. By looking at where this aspect is falling in your birth chart you can get a feel for where you can expect to make headway and to gain support. Also look to see which houses are ruled by Mars (house cusp with Aries on it), and Pluto (cusp with Scorpio on it).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Virgo and/or Capricorn then you are likely to feel this aspect more strongly than others.
Posted by
3:29 AM
Saturday, June 12, 2010
New Moon in Gemini...
New Moon, new opportunities! Each month this phase of the Moon gives us all the chance to start afresh in whatever relationships and/or themes are represented by the house that the lunation falls in.
This lunation falls in Gemini, so suggests an opportunity to make a fresh start with the way we connect and communicate with the world around us. It is also an opportunity to change the way we think in general and to understand how our own attitude and approach to life, creates our reality.
Looking at the aspects to this New Moon in Gemini, there is a wide square from Saturn, suggesting that something or someone will be challenging us in our attempt to start afresh, however, this can be a good thing because it will give us all the kick in the pants we sometimes need! A square also represents a cross-road and the opportunity to reach a turning point.
The trine from Neptune suggests creativity, emotions, and/or altruism will be part of the key for successfully using this New Moon energy.
As usual, look to see where this lunation falls, and where the other pivotal planets are (and which houses they ruled) for some clues for how best to use this New Moon for a fresh start!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Friday, June 11, 2010
Mercury Square Mars...
starts on June 11 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on the same day at 11.27pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 12. Mercury at 2 degrees and 15 minutes of Gemini, Mars at 2 degrees and 15 minutes of Virgo.
Well, if you have been holding anything back (or someone else in your life has), then this energy is likely to mean that everyone will be speaking their mind! With this combination of Mercury, the planet of communication in a dynamic aspect with Mars, not known for diplomacy, I would think that we will all be challenged by how things are 'put out there'.
The square aspect is generally one where you can expect a turning point, even though it is likely to be a bit stressful!
As usual, look to see which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp) and Mars (ones with Aries or Scorpio on the cusp) in order to get a feel for what you are likely to be verbally fired up about (and where you can also expect a change).
If you have personal planets or points in Gemini and/or Virgo then you are likely to notice this transit more strongly than others.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Mercury enters Gemini...
today in Kilmore at 3.41pm.
Mercury LOVES being in Gemini, so this bodes well for the people and situations represented by this planet in your birth chart. For example, my 2nd house is ruled by Gemini, so I am expecting financial affairs and other areas of life that I value highly to move along nicely now.
So, have a look at which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp), to get a feel where people and life in general will be happier than usual. Mercury also tends to make whatever it touches busier, so expect the pace to pick up in terms of the people and situations affected by this transit.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Gemini, then you are likely to be extra busy!
Posted by
3:41 PM
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Mercury Square Retrograde Neptune...
starts on June 9, is exact on the same day at 8.39pm in Kilmore, leaves on June 10. Mercury at 28 degrees 40 minutes of Taurus, retrograde Neptune at 28 degrees 40 minutes of Uranus.
Just as we think we have everything sorted out with the Mercury/Saturn trine, here comes the square to Neptune to confuse everything again! It seems that the people and areas of life represented by Neptune in our birth charts will be the source of uncertainly, 'fogginess', confusion and/or even deception!
However, the square aspect suggests that a turning point will be reached, so look for this relationship or situation to clear up as this aspect passes.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is falling in your birth chart to get an idea of what or who may need careful handling (sticking to FACTS will help!), and also which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp) and Neptune (ones with Pisces on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Taurus and/or Aquarius then you are likely to be more sensitive than others to this transit.
Posted by
5:58 AM
Labels: aquarius, mercury, neptune, retrograde, square, Taurus
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Mercury Trine Saturn...
enters on June 8 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 9 at 9.14am in Kilmore, leaves on June 10. Mercury at 27 degrees and 54 minutes of Taurus, Saturn at 27 degrees and 54 minutes of Virgo.
Mercury moving through the solid, practical and earthy sign of Taurus suggests that the way we communicate with others will be pretty direct. Saturn is finally making its' final way out of Virgo, suggesting that we can all expect situations represented by this planet to be successfully negotiated and worked through.
The connection of Mercury and Saturn through the trine is usually a good one, in that it is a great opportunity for long-term planning, serious discussions and for attending to important paperwork. Look to see where this trine is falling and which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini and Virgo on them) and Saturn (ones with Capricorn and Aquarius on the cusp) in order to get a feel for what or who will respond well to this energy.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Taurus or Virgo, then you are likely to feel this energy as being especially strong.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Mars enters Virgo...
today in Kilmore at 4.11pm.
At long last... Mars is FINALLY moving out of Leo, and into Virgo!!! Personally I am doing a bit of a joyful dance on this day (I have Taurus Rising, so Mars has been in my 4th house for the last 9 months).
Mars isn't the easiest energy to work with sometimes, however, it does provide the energy, stimulation and firepower to clear the air where it is needed. The unusually long visit of this planet through the fixed Leo (the sign associated with ego) suggests a stubborn quality to the issues we faced whilst there. It seems that we all wanted things to change or to do something about them, but perhaps ego energies and perhaps an unwillingness to change or the inability to change made things a bit touchy at times.
However, this energy combination also presented us with the opportunity to put our energy into creative projects that are here to stay (fixed sign)!
Getting back to Mars moving into Virgo, it seems that we will be better placed now to attend to the finer details of our lives that need attention, and also that the way we do it will be a little more flexible (or perhaps others will be). We will also begin to see the results of what we put into action while Mars was travelling through Leo.
By looking at which house has Virgo on it, you may get a feel for where and who is about to move into a higher gear and need your energy and possibly some action. The house that has Aries on the cusp and the people/situations represented by it may also become more flexible and less ego involved as Mars moves from Leo into Virgo.
If you have personal points or planets in Virgo, then you are likely to feel this energy as being particularly strong.
Posted by
4:11 PM
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Jupiter enters Aries...
today in Kilmore at 4.28pm. It will stay in Aries until it moves back into Pisces on September 9, and will return back to Aries again next year.
Jupiter changing signs is usually something to notice... however this change in signs is especially important and powerful; this is because Uranus only moved into this a few days ago as well.
Having both of these planets shift gear within days of each other is pretty monumental in that they both are highly energising planets, and both of them hitting the fiery sign of Aries suggests that the pace of life for everyone will go up a notch or so.
By next week they will form a powerful conjunction in the unstable 0 degree of Aries, making certain relationships and areas our lives feel as though they are moving at warp speed!
Anyway, Jupiter usually brings positive changes to the areas of life it touches on - growth, meaning, learning, change and generosity are all qualities associated with this sign. However, anything can be taken too far, so we also have to watch for neglecting our duties and responsibilities and for taking things too far in general (partying, drinking, eating too much - as mundane examples).
By looking at which house cusp has Aries on it, you can get a feel for what or who may prove to be beneficial to you while Jupiter travels through this sign. You can also get a feel for where you may need to show moderation and humility.
Also have a look at which house has Sagittarius on the cusp as you are likely to see more activity in these areas of your life since its' ruler is moving into a cardinal, fiery sign.
If you have personal planets or points in Aries then you are likely to feel this energy shift more strongly than others.
Posted by
3:50 PM
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Mars Opposing Retrograde Neptune...
starts on June 3 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on June 5 at 3.52am in Kilmore, leaves on June 7. Mars at 28 degrees and 41 minutes of Leo, retrograde Neptune at 28 degrees and 41 minutes of Aquarius.
Wow, what a combination... this is a bit like trying to combine fire and water. The fire dissipate the water, and the water can put the fire out: BUT - if these energies work together they can create steam!
In mundane terms this energy can create, well.... a lack of energy and motivation - a bit like someone putting our fire our with a big, cold, bucketful of water! It can also create confusion about what we want or where to direct our energies. It doesn't help that Neptune is even more lost than usual since it is going backwards!
However, the opposition also represents a new level of awareness (well, once the fog lifts anyway!), and a turning point in the areas of life represented by this transit. Look to see where this opposition is happening and which houses are ruled by Mars (ones with Aries and Scorpio on the cusp), and Neptune (house with Pisces on the cusp) in order to get a feel for where you may just have to sit things out before making a clear move or decision.
If you have personal planets or points in Leo and/or Aquarius then you are likely to feel the effects of this energy more strongly than others. Aries people may also be sensitive to it.
Posted by
5:14 AM