Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Venus Conjunct Mars...

starts on August 18 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on August 21 at 4.49am, leaves on August 24.  Both at 13 degrees and 35 minutes of Libra.

Even though Venus and Mars are technically only conjunct for a few days, they are travelling through the same sign until the end of October... making this an important time for our desires and wants to be united.

Mars is an assertive energy that is quite is related to our ego, while Venus is a passive energy related to our desires... a conjunction represents the end of an old way of doing things and the beginning of a new way, a new project, idea, etc.  Every couple of years we get this conjunction of the two planets that represents the masculine (Mars) and feminine (Venus) which gives us all a chance for a fresh start: in this case Venus is in a better position because it likes being in Libra, while Mars isn't so happy about the situation!

Symbolically this can mean that the people and situations represented by Venus in your birth chart will be in a stronger position than the Mars ones that are ending/starting around this time in your life.  For example, I have Taurus Rising so I am likely to be in a better position than a competitor (Mars rules by Scorpio 7th house cusp) in a sporting event (the conjunction happens in my 5th house).

If you have personal planets and/or points in Libra then you may feel this opportunity for a fresh start more strongly than others.


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