starts on April 2 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on April 4 at 6.52am in Kilmore, leaves on April 5. Both at 1 degree and 17 minutes of Aries.
What a combination... both of these energies tend to be impatient and sometimes unpredictable and with them both in the fiery and impulsive sign of Aries suggest a pretty volatile time. This is the first aspect that Mars makes as it comes into Aries so suggests a bit of a baptism of fire as it makes it's entrance... the visual image I get is fireworks!
The conjunction in a generic sense is the start of new cycle, and with the symbolism of this one it seems that we all have the opportunity to make a fresh start that represents something that we identify with strongly (Mars) that is truly something that is individual and unique to each of us (Uranus). Because of the nature of these planets combined, particularly in the fiery Aries, it seems that this new start will be quite quick, sudden and/or unusual.
As usual, look at where this conjunction is falling to get a feel for where an explosive new start is likely, and also which house cusp has Aries on it. Also look at which houses are ruled by Mars (in this case Aries, plus Scorpio) and Uranus (house cusp with Aquarius on it), to get a feel for what or who may be involved.
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Blog Archive
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- Mercury enters Aries...
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- Mars enters Pisces...
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Mars Conjuct Uranus...
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Mars enters Aries...
on April 2 at 3.51pm in Kilmore.
With Mars moving from the gentle Pisces into the fiery Aries sign, I think we will all be in a better position to work on the areas of our life that need energy, drive, enthusiasm and passion. Mars is very comfortable in this sign, so it's easier for him to be his natural, assertive self.
Look to where Mars is travelling through in your birth chart (also to which house cusp has Aries on it) to see where it is likely to boost your energy levels and give you the strength that you need.
Also, keep in mind that there is quite a focus on Aries at the moment, and that Mars is likely to trigger the current Uranus, Sun, Jupiter and Mercury in Aries combination.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Aries then this is likely to be a very busy time for you and important in terms of setting the scene for the next 2 years (the Mars cycle runs for about this length of time).
Posted by
8:49 AM
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Mercury goes Retrograde...
on March 31 at 7.48am in Kilmore at 24 degrees and 21 minutes of Aries.
Timing is everything! Mercury going retrograde is a little warning bell to double check all your purchases, keep your receipts, etc because it is more likely than usual that we will make those impulse buys that are regretted later, or perhaps that we buy the wrong model, or buy faulty electrical goods that don't perform like they should. Mercury will go back to normal at around April 22, but won't be fully operational for another week or so after then.
It is especially important to note that Mercury will be retrograde in Aries, the same sign as Uranus, Sun and Jupiter - and soon to enter Aries, Mars. It just seems to me that this is a pretty powerful and potentially explosive combination that is likely to be easily ignited by people jumping to conclusions or simple misunderstandings. Biding time and biting tongues may be important techniques for us all while Mercury sorts itself out!
Mercury retrograde is generally a period of time to double check communications in general, and to watch and wait in regards to the areas of your own life being affected by this transit. Look at which house this planet is travelling through and which one has Aries... also the houses with Gemini and Virgo on the cusps in order to get a feel for what or who may be particularly sensitive to this retrograde period.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Aries then you are likely to be especially sensitive or prone to mix-ups or a feeling of confusion/uncertainty.
The good new is that the retrograde period of time is excellent for reviewing and going over the past, in terms of the themes represented by the symbolism of your own birth chart.
Posted by
3:32 PM
Labels: aries, mercury, retrograde
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Sun Square Pluto...
starts on March 27 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on March 28 at 11.12pm in Kilmore, leaves on March 29. Sun at 7 degrees and 28 minutes of Aries, Pluto at 7 degrees and 28 minutes of Capricorn.
A square aspect usually produces tension and sometimes conflict between the people and/or situations represented by the two planets involved... in this case the Sun and Pluto. However, this tension can be positive in that helps us identify the root cause of a problem, meaning we can do something about it and reach a turning point in whatever is going on.
Being in cardinal signs, this suggests that there will be physical action taken... although this would depend also on which houses this aspect falls in within your own birth chart.
As usual, look at which houses are ruled by the Sun (one with Leo on the cusp) and Pluto (one with Scorpio on the cusp) to get a feel for what or who may be involved: as well as which houses these planets fall in.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Aries and/or Capricorn then you may be more sensitive than others to this transit.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Venus enters Pisces...
on March 27 at 5.53pm in Kilmore.
The beautiful Venus travelling through the gentle Pisces suggests that our ability to relate to others will be more sensitive than usual, and that we are likely to see the best in others. Since Venus can also represent our values, these may swing towards people being more altruistic than usual in how they handle their finances and in choices made regarding purchases and monetary concerns.
So, by looking at where Venus is travelling in your chart, you can get an idea of what or who is likely to be beneficial (as long as you are realistic!). Also look to see which houses are ruled by Venus - ones with Taurus and/or Libra on them - to get a feel for what or who may be part of this happy picture.
If you have personal planets or points in Pisces, then this energy is likely to be especially prominent for you - enjoy!
Posted by
9:37 AM
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Venus Conjunct Neptune...
starts on March 26 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on March 27 at 12.39pm in Kilmore, leaves on March 28. Both at 29 degrees and 44 minutes of Aquarius.
Venus, the planet that represents our values, how we relate to others and also of the fun stuff in life connecting with Neptune (associated with fantasy, lack of boundaries and total merging) suggests that there is something or someone that may seem to good to be true in our lives right now. Unfortunately, whatever or whoever it is, it probably IS too good to be true!
However, this combination is an excellent one for anything artistic and/or creative; and also for some harmless daydreaming... so get to it!
As usual, it's a good idea to see where this conjunction is happening in your own birth chart to get a feel for what or who may need clarification. Also look to see which houses are ruled by Venus (ones with Taurus and Libra on the cusps), and Neptune (one with Pisces on the cusp).
If you have personal planets or points in Aquarius, then you are likely to feel this energy as being especially strong.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Jupiter Opposing Retrograde Saturn...
starts on March 26 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on March 29 at 8.55am in Kilmore, leaves April 1. Jupiter at 14 degrees and 21 minutes of Aries, retrograde Saturn at 14 degrees and 21 minutes of Libra.
This is the final opposition between Jupiter and Saturn that has been around twice before: firstly on May 23, 2010 when Jupiter was at 27 degrees and 52 minutes of Pisces, retrograde Saturn at 27 degrees and 52 minutes of Virgo; and then again on August 17, 2010 when retrograde Jupiter was at 2 degrees and 26 minutes of Aries, Saturn at 2 degrees and 26 minutes of Libra. Read the original post here.
The difference with this final opposition is that we now have Uranus in Aries thrown into the mix... a bit of a wild card! I think that a major turning point is likely with this final opposition, that will enable us to fully utilise the opportunities presented by the energy of Jupiter, as well as to better understand where we need to restructure (retrograde Saturn).
If you have personal planets or points in Aries and/or Libra then you are likely to be especially sensitive to these themes.
Posted by
10:03 AM
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Sun enters Aries...
on March 21 at 10.21am in Kilmore.
The Sun moving from the dreamy and emotional Pisces into the supercharged, fiery sign of Aries suggests a definite change in pace for the relationships and areas of life represented by Leo in your birth chart (ie, house cusps with Leo on them). Combine this with the recent movement of Uranus into Aries and it seems that we can all expect a burst of activity over the next few weeks while the Sun travels through Aries!
Posted by
8:25 AM
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Sun Conjunct Uranus...
starts on March 20 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on March 21 at 11.24pm in Kilmore, leaves on March 23. Both at 0 degrees and 32 minutes of Aries.
As I have mentioned a few times before, the Sun illuminates and energies whatever it touches... the connection to Uranus looks like it will give the themes and people represented by this planet a huge boost - hopefully not an electrical one (Uranus rules electricity)!
Conjunctions are usually something or someone new coming into our lives, and this new thing is likely to be described by which house this conjunction falls in and which houses ruled by the Sun (ones with Leo on the cusp) and Uranus (ones with Aquarius on the cusp).
Whenever I see Uranus activated in the sky, I generally suggest that it is a good idea to keep an open mind and flexible attitude in order to gain the most benefit of this eccentric energy.
If you have personal planets or points in Aries then you are likely to be especially sensitive to this transit.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Full Moon in Virgo...
The days around a Full Moon are traditionally ones where emotions are heightened, and also when a new awareness of situations comes into consciousness. Always remember that the Moon is at it's brightest at a Full Moon, so symbolically this suggests the areas affected by this type of lunation will be at it's brightest or most conscious as well.
This lunation falls on the Virgo/Pisces axis, so it is important to look at which houses in your own birth chart will be activated by it.
The closest aspect that I can see as part of this Full Moon is the square to the nodal axis... this suggests a turning point in our emotional connections and support networks.
Posted by
8:48 AM
Monday, March 14, 2011
Mercury Opposing Retrograde Saturn...
starts on March 18 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on March 19 at 12.55am in Kilmore, leaves on March 19. Mercury at 15 degrees and 07 minutes of Aries, retrograde Saturn at 15 degrees and 07 minutes of Libra.
Mercury, the planet of communication, information, and the way we connect with others joining forces with Saturn is likely to put a serious note on the information circulating around us now - particularly regarding a person or situation represented by Saturn that was prominent in the past (Saturn is retrograde). Saturn also tends to slow down whatever it touches, so you could find that information is slow coming to you (delays in postage, emails, etc).
The opposition suggests a new level of objective awareness and also a turning point in the relationships and situations represented by these planets in your birth chart: oppositions usually mean that there is at least one other person that is part of the developments around this time.
If you look back to when Mercury and Saturn were conjunct, you may get an even better idea of what or who is coming to fruition or a turning point... they were last together on October 8, 2010 - both at 8 degrees and 39 minutes of Libra. Read the post about that conjunction here.
As usual, you can look to see where this opposition falls in your birth chart, but also to which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp), and Saturn (ones with Capricorn or Aquarius on the cusp).
If you have personal planets and/or points in Aries or Libra then you are likely to be especially sensitive to this transit.
Posted by
4:58 PM
Labels: libra, mercury, opposing, retrograde, saturn
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Mercury Conjunct Jupiter...
starts on March 15 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on March 16 at 12.26pm in Kilmore, leaves on March 17. Both at 11 degrees and 16 minutes of Aries.
This is a lovely meeting of planets that should bring at least a better state of mind regarding the people and matters represented by them in your birth chart!
Mercury represents many things, including young people, news, short trips, communication in general, siblings and our attitude to life in general; Jupiter represents opportunity, growth (sometimes too much!), learning and what brings meaning to our existence.
The conjunction is usually something or someone new, and carries the quality of being unconscious or unaware of the future potential of this new person or thing. The Mercury/Jupiter combination promises something that will brighten our frame of mind and increase our optimism for the future.
As usual, look to see which house this conjunction is falling in to get an idea of where something new may come up for you, and which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on them), and Jupiter (ones with Sagittarius or Pisces on them).
If you have personal planets or points in Aries, then this conjunction is likely to be especially important for you.
Mercury Square Pluto...
starts on March 13 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on March 14 at 4.32am in Kilmore, leaves on March 14. Mercury at 7 degrees and 19 minutes of Aries, Pluto at 7 degrees and 19 minutes of Capricorn.
What an intense combination... it seems that it is time to really question at a deep level our approach or thinking in regards to an intensely emotional person or situation in our lives.
Mercury represents the way we connect and communicate with those around us, and also our attitude in general. Pluto represents quite a deep and complex energy and is sometimes experienced as fear because of this. The connection of these two energies through the powerful square suggests a challenge and stress... but also a turning point.
Look at where this aspect is falling in order to get a feel for what or who may need a change in attitude. Also look at which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusp) and Pluto (one with Scorpio on the cusp).
If you have personal points and/or planets in Aries or Capricorn then you may be especially sensitive to this transit.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Uranus enters Aries...
on March 12 at 11.50am in Kilmore.
If you have every watched lightning working within a storm you can get a feel for what Uranus is about. You don't know whether it will actually happen, if it does then you don't know when, where or how it will hit! This planet also reminds me of 'The Tower' card in the tarot.
Uranus moving from the subtle sign of Pisces into the more dynamic and fiery sign of Aries suggests that our 'lightning strikes' will tend to hit more frequently than they have and perhaps be a bit bigger too! This planet made a short visit into Aries last year from late May until the middle of August, and will now stay in this sign for about 7 years. If you look back last year when Uranus made the 'teaser' visit into Aries, you may get a feel for what to expect, if that's possible with Uranus!
By looking at which house has Aries on the cusp you can get a feel for where life is about to hit warp speed... and for where to 'expect the unexpected'.
If you have personal planets or points Aries then you will most likely feel this energy in a particularly powerful way.
Posted by
9:20 AM
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Mercury enters Aries...
on March 10 at 4.47am.
Mercury moving from the dreamy, emotional and flexible Pisces into the fiery, brave and go-getting sign of Aries suggests that the people and themes in our lives represented by Mercury will also move from being more placid to being more assertive.
Aries is known for being a reasonably straight-forward and direct sign so while Mercury is travelling though it, it seems that we can expect communication to be more 'what you see is what you get'.
As usual, look to see which house Mercury is travelling through and which houses are ruled by it (ones with Gemini and Virgo on the cusps) to get an idea of what or who is likely to become more direct, brave and easier to understand.
If you have personal planets/points in Aries then while Mercury is travelling through your sign it seems that the pace of life will become more hectic than usual.
Posted by
1:35 PM
Mercury Conjunct Uranus...
starts on March 9 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on March 10 at 3.05am in Kilmore, leaves on March 10. Both at 29 degrees and 51 minutes of Pisces.
Mercury usually symbolises the way we connect with the world around us, and Uranus usually likes to shake things up a bit (think 'The Tower' from the tarot). The combination of the two joining forces through the conjunction is very powerful and suggests that we may all receive a bit of a 'shock' (Uranus) of energy through unexpected or unusual news (Mercury).
It is important to remember that the only reason we get a 'shock' is because what we find out or what happens is not what we expect... not necessarily a shock because whatever happens is 'bad'. Uranus also represents liberation and freedom, so the situations and people that are prominent now may offer an opportunity to take hold of these qualities.
Look to see where this conjunction falls in order to get a feel for where you could benefit from keeping an open mind. Also look to see which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on the cusps), and Uranus (ones with Aquarius on the cusp) to get a feel for what or who may be involved.
If you have personal planets or points in Pisces, you may be particularly sensitive to this transit.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Pisces New Moon...
Wow... what a New Moon line-up! We have Chiron, Mars, Moon and Sun, Mercury AND Uranus all lining up nicely in Pisces.
The New Moon is generally a time for new starts or new situations/people to come into our lives. With such a strongly Piscean focus it would seem that whatever or whoever is ready to come into our life will somehow enhance our sensitivity, compasssion, healing, and/or creativity. Perhaps the person that enters our life will display these qualities?
The involvement of so many planets suggests that there are possibly too many options that may prove to be confusing (Pisces)!
As usual, look at which house has Pisces on the cusp or in it to help understand where you have an opportunity to make a fresh start.
Posted by
3:41 PM
Friday, March 4, 2011
Venus enters Aquarius...
on March 2 at 1.39pm in Kilmore.
The move of Venus from the cardinal, earthy sign of Capricorn into the airy and fixed sign of Aquarius suggests that the people and themes represented by this planet in your birth chart are moving onto more solid ground... as solid as an airy sign can be anyway!
As usual, look to see which house she is travellling through to get an idea of where to expect a bit of ease and fun (and also where you may find love if you are looking!), and which houses are ruled by her (ones with Taurus or Libra on or in them) to get a feel for what or who is likely to become more stable and open to communication.
Those of you with with personal planets or points in Aquarius are likely to benefit from having Venus travelling through this sign.
Posted by
7:21 AM
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Sun Conjunct Mercury...
starts on February 24 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on February 25 at 7.48pm in Kilmore, leaves on February 26. Both at 6 degrees and 23 minutes of Pisces.
Whatever the Sun touches tends to come into prominence in our lives,and the conjunction is a powerful connection that suggests the end of something old, and the beginning of something new.
Mercury represents our thinking, attitude and ability to communicate in general with the world around us, and also to connect with it. Personally, it represents the people and situations as shown by which houses are ruled by it (house cusps with Gemini or Virgo on them).
Also look at the house that the conjunction is falling in, and the one with Pisces on the cusp in order to get a feel for where a new start is needed.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Mars enters Pisces...
on February 23 at 12.06pm in Kilmore.
Mars moving from Aquarius into the gentle Pisces may feel like a bit of fizzler in comparison to the previous sign!
Mars being the planet of how we get what we want and how we deal with energy and Pisces being a watery and changeable energy suggests that the way ahead is a gentle one that requires flexbility. I keep on getting the visual image of a gentle steam coming out of kettle spout!
Keep in mind though, that the current planetary lineup in Pisces is quite powerful, and there will be a New Moon coming shortly that will energise this sign even more. So, wherever Pisces is in your birth chart in terms of the house position, is likely to be a hot spot for all of us over the next few weeks.
If you have personal planets and/or points in Pisces then you are likely to feel this energy shift more than others.
Posted by
12:33 PM