starts on November 2 using a 1 degree orb, is exact on November 16 in Kilmore at 2.20am, leaves on December 7. Saturn at 1 degree and 42 minutes of Libra, Pluto at 1 degree and 42 minutes of Capricorn.
As I mentioned in my post about the entry of Saturn into Libra here, this first major aspect that Saturn makes reminds me a bit of a 'baptism of fire'!
This aspect also energises the relatively recent entry of Pluto into Capricorn. The square suggests tension and a turning point being reached through being in a situation that finally makes us do something about a long standing (outer planets) situation that desperately needs to change. Depending on your own birth chart the way you experience this square will vary.
Both planets can represent what we fear, but also the potential for change... Saturn on a structural level, Pluto at a deeper, emotional level.
This combination then gives us the chance now to make profound changes in our lives that will free us from our fears, through acknowledging them and then reaching a major cross-road and turning point in our new understand and freedom in our lives.
By looking at where this transit is happening in your birth chart you can get a better idea of how to utilise the energy constructively. Also look to see which houses are ruled by Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius), and Pluto (Scorpio).
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Saturday, November 28, 2009
Saturn Square Pluto...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Venus Square Neptune...
starts on November 26 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 27 at 11.15am in Kilmore, leaves on November 28. Venus at 23 degrees and 49 minutes of Scorpio, Neptune at 23 degrees and 49 minutes of Aquarius.
Venus, the planet of love, relating and our values is travelling through Scorpio... giving these areas of our life an emotionally fixed feel to them.
Neptune is also travelling through a fixed sign, and is associated with an emotional approach to situations.
The square between these two planets suggests a sense of tension between the areas of life and/or people represented by Venus and Neptune in your birth chart. Neptune tends to make situations confusing and hard to read, especially in this case where a lot of watery energy is involved: so our head and our hearts may be at odds with other now, creating confusion.
Look to see which houses are involved, as usual, to get an idea of where or who we need to look at objectively or perhaps leave judgement for after this transit!
Mercury Trine Mars...
enters on November 26 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 27 at 1.53am in Kilmore, leaves on November 27. Mercury at 16 degrees and 19 minutes of Sagittarius, Mars at 16 degrees and 19 minutes of Leo.
I like the feel of this energy... Mercury, the planet of connection and communication with the world around us is travelling through Sagittarius, an open and honest sign.
Mars is making it's l-o-n-g transit through Leo, and suggests a major focus on the situations and people represented by the houses involved in this transit.
The trine from Mercury to Mars suggests that the people and situations represented by Mercury will be helpful towards the Mars ones. This is an opportunity to successfully and smoothly communicate or understand something about the long Mars transit.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: leo, mars, mercury, sagittarius, trine
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Venus Trine Retrograde Uranus...
starts on November 25 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 26 at 2pm in Kilmore, leaves on November 27. Venus at 22 degrees and 43 minutes of Scorpio, retrograde Uranus at 22 degrees and 43 minutes of Pisces.
Venus, the lovely Lady of the sky is about how we relate to others and also represents what we value. Uranus is about breaking free, being a bit eccentric and is a bolt of energy sometimes!
The trine between these two planets suggests that the themes and people represented by them will have a bit of a spark, but nothing too dramatic... just enough energy to keep things interesting! A burst of progress is also likely with matters relating to the houses involved with this transit.
As usual, look to see where this transit is happening in your birth chart, and look to see which houses are ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra) and Uranus (Aquarius), to get a feel for what or who may be part of this transit.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Monday, November 23, 2009
Venus Square Jupiter...
starts on November 23 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 24 in Kilmore at 9.02am, leaves on November 25. Venus at 19 degrees and 56 minutes of Scorpio, Jupiter at 19 degrees and 56 minutes of Aquarius.
Both planets of good fortune connecting is usually a good thing, however, the square can mean that taking a good thing too far can be a bit messy (think about too much alcohol!). That's not to say that this will happen of course... just important to keep in mind.
Venus represents our ability to relate to others, and with it travelling through Scorpio the way we do this is likely to be in an intensely emotional way.
Jupiter represents growth (yes, sometimes too much!), and is also travelling through a fixed sign. Aquarius is an air sign so we may become 'stuck' mentally on something or someone. Or maybe it is a person represented by Jupiter by house position that is finding it difficult to make a move?
The connection of the two planets by square is energising and can be stressful, possibly because in order to grow we have to change... perhaps something difficult for the fixed signs to do since their natural inclination is to resist change! The stress from the square is likley to help us fixed signs to move along a little, perhaps removing our heels from the trenches we have dug with them!
Look to see where the square is happening and which houses are ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra) and Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces) to get a feel for where we need to lift our heels up, or perhaps someone else that needs to do this!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sun enters Sagittarius...
today in Kilmore at 3.23pm.
The moving from the intensely emotional and stubborn Scorpio into the sign of Sagittarius, the freedom loving and open Sagittarius is quite a shift!
The Sun acts as a focus, a bit like a finger pointing us towards certain people and themes in our lives as represented by the house and sign it is travelling through. By looking at where the Sun is pointing we can have a better idea of what needs out attention over the next few weeks. Look to see which house is ruled by Leo to get an idea of what is about to become less complex and stubborn and also which house has Sagittarius on or in it!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: leo, sagittarius, sun
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Delay in Posting...
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to make a quick apology for the delay in posting... day care lady has been on holiday this week and will be next week as well: plus my little 2yo Ruby has been sick.
Thanks for your patience!
Rose :)
Posted by
8:53 AM
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Venus Square Mars...
starts on November 18, is exact on November 19 at 7.22pm in Kilmore, leaves on November 20. Venus at 14 degrees and 12 minutes of Scorpio, Mars at 14 degrees and 12 minutes of Leo.
Venus in Scorpio is an intensely emotional position for the light-hearted Venus, the planet associated with our ability to relate to those around us suggesting that we are all a little more complicated in our dealings with others than usual. By looking to see which house Venus is travelling through and rules (Taurus and Libra), you can get an idea of what, or who is likely to be more compex than usual as well.
Mars is going to be travelling through Leo for an extraordinarily long time so suggests that whatever or whoever is represented by Mars will be here to stay for some time (especially being in a fixed sign).
The square between the two suggests a sense of tension as the people and situations represented by the two energies seem to be digging their heels in! The realisation that this process is happening is one step towards resolution...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
New Moon in Scorpio...
today in Kilmore at 6.14am at 24 degrees and 34 minutes of Scorpio.
A New Moon generally brings the opportunity for a fresh start in whichever house it falls in and incorporating the themes of its' sign and the aspect patterns within it.
This New Moon looks quite dynamic with Mars widely squaring it, as well as the Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune conjunct squaring it. The trine from Uranus is helpful.
So, what this translates to in everyday life is that where the New Moon falls in your birth chart by house is where you have the chance to make a fresh start... the squares are what people and situations are likely to challenge or energise you, and the trines are likely to be helpful people and/or skills.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Mercury enters Sagittarius...
today in Kilmore at 11.28am.
Mercury, the planet of communication and connection moving from the intensely emotional Scorpio into Sagittarius, a much more open and straightforward sign, is likely to make communication clearer and much more to the point: Sagittarius is known for this quality!
By looking at where Mercury is travelling through in your chart and which houses are ruled by it (Gemini and Virgo), you can get an idea of what and who is likely to become much easier to deal with and understand.
Posted by
9:06 AM
Labels: mercury, sagittarius
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sun Square Neptune...
starts on November 15, is exact on November 16 at 10.11am in Kilmore, leaves on November 17. Sun at 23 degrees and 43 minutes of Scorpio, Neptune at 23 degrees and 43 minutes of Aquarius.
The Sun tends to highlight what is going on in the sky... just like it illuminates it when it rises, it also illuminates the energies working in our lives.
Neptune is associated with artistic and psychic themes, as well as spirituality and lack of ego. It is also associated with lack of boundaries and is known for coinciding with periods of time when situations become 'foggy'!
The connection of these two planets through the stressful square aspect brings to mind a beam of light hitting fog... try as we might, by focussing too much it looks as though we are all likely to make this less clear!
This may be a time to try a different approach to the themes and people represented by this aspect according to where it is falling in your birth chart.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sun Trine Retrograde Uranus...
enters on November 14 (using a 1 degree orb); is exact on November 15 at 12.41pm in Kilmore, leaves on November 16. Sun at 22 degrees and 49 minutes of Scorpio, retrograde Uranus at 22 degrees and 49 minutes of Pisces.
As always, the Sun puts a focus on whatever it touches... like torchlight in the dark aiming at something in particular we want to look at more closely. It is travelling through Scorpio at the moment, giving that beam of light more of an emotional and even more concentrated focus!
Uranus is a bit of a wildcard so it's always difficult to pick exactly how it will be experienced except to know that it will be unexpected!
The trine aspect between these two planets suggests progress and the energies between them flowly smoothly... so I would think that there is likely to be a pleasant surprise or twist of fate in the relationships and areas of life represented by these planets symbolically.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is happening and which houses are ruled by the Sun (Leo) and Uranus (Aquarius) to get a feel for where to look out for a nice surprise or two!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: aquarius, leo, pisces, retrograde, scorpio, sun, trine, uranus
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Mercury square Neptune...
starts on November 11 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 12 at 11.11am in Kilmore, leaves on November 13. Mercury at 23 degrees and 42 minutes of Scorpio, Neptune at 23 degrees and 42 minutes of Aquarius.
This aspect overlaps the Mercury/Uranus a little that I spoke about in my last blog entry and suggests an element of possible confusion or misunderstand through the areas of the chart represented by Neptune (by transit position and house rulership).
Mercury, the planet of connection with others and communication is in watery, emotional Scorpio which is also a fixed sign suggesting a bit of stubborness or difficulty in changing the way we think about a person or situation. Neptune is a watery planet too, suggesting an emotional tone to whatever is happening now - and is also in a fixed sign, also suggesting a sense of stubbornness or difficult in changing track. The square suggests to me an intensifying of this stubborn, watery and emotional trend (even though Neptune is in Aquarius).
Looking at the overall picture for this transit it seems that emotional thinking and stubbornness are likely to cause tension (square) between the situations and people represented by these planets in your birth chart. Look to see where this transit is happening and also which houses are ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo) and Neptune (Pisces) in order to get a better idea of what is going on.
Mercury Trine Retrograde Uranus...
starts on November 11 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 11 at 10.38pm in Kilmore, and leaves on November 12. Mercury at 22 degrees and 52 minutes of Scorpio, retrograde Uranus at 22 degrees and 52 minutes of Pisces.
Mercury represents information and change, amongst other things and its connection to Uranus, the planet of sudden or unexpected, eccentric or just plain old wierdness suggests that we are all about to be given a dose of information or change that is unexpected or unusual: however, the trine relationship suggests it will be a gentle jolt!
It seems that the people and situations represented by these two planets will be able to work well together, hopefully producing some progress.
As usual, look to see which houses Mercury and Uranus are travelling through, and also which houses they rule to get an idea of what or who may be involved.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sun Square Jupiter...
starts on November 10 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 11 at 5.41am in Kilmore, leaves on November 12. Sun at 18 degrees and 30 minutes of Scorpio, Jupiter at 18 degrees and 30 minutes of Aquarius.
Jupiter has been travelling through Aquarius now for nearly a year and has recently moved forward after a period of months of being retrograde.
As I have mentioned in previous posts, the Sun can act as a trigger for longer standing energies, like Jupiter, and activate them. The square relationship between them suggests a tense situation (especially powerful since both planets are in fixed signs which suggests a difficulty in making changes) that will reach a turning point now.
So look to see where this aspect is happening in your birth chart to get a better idea of where, what or who may be involved and also to which houses are ruled by Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces) and the Sun (Leo).
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: aquarius, jupiter, leo, pisces, sagittarius, scorpio, square, sun
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Venus enters Scorpio...
today in Kilmore at 11.23am.
Venus moving from the airy and balanced Libra into the intense, stubborn and emotional sign of Scorpio might be a bit of a shock since these energies are so different! It seems that situations and people represented by Venus in our birth charts are shifting gears and may all of a sudden become more complex and harder to read.
This planet usually brings some sort of ease or benefit: if you have been having a difficult time then she can represent a period of respite. It's usually nice to have Venus travelling through your own sign or that of one of your personal planets or points.
As usual look to see which houses are involved... eg, where is Venus travelling through in your chart in terms of House position and which houses are ruled by her (ones with Taurus and Libra on the cusp).
Mercury Square Jupiter...
starts on November 8, is exact on November 9 at 1.42am in Kilmore, leaves on November 9. Mercury at 18 degrees and 18 minutes of Scorpio, Jupiter at 18 degrees and 18 minutes of Aquarius.
Mercury, the planet of communication and connection with the world around us in contact with Jupiter, the planet of the 'big picture', learning and meaning suggests the potential for finally understanding a situation that has eluded us all.
However, the square aspect suggests that the information (Mercury) we are taking in may not gel with the big picture (Jupiter)... perhaps this is because we are taking in the data at an instinctual, feeling level (Scorpio), rather than using our heads (Mercury)! Both planets in fixed signs also suggest that maybe we need to be more flexible and open to change within the situations and relationships that are represented by these planets in your own birth chart.
For example, if you had Mercury traveling through your 7th House and Jupiter in your 10th house, this transit could mean that your partner or another person around you (7th House) may be a bit fickle (Mercury) and not thinking logically but emotionally (Scorpio) and be finding it difficult to change (fixed sign). Jupiter in your 10th may suggest an opportunity to move forwards at work, or in your relationship with an authority figure like your boss or a parent... the big picture is looking good! However, the square relationship between the two planets suggests that the other person has some say in whether or not you take hold of this opportunity, and their lack of flexibility due to emotional thinnking (Mercury in Scorpio), may create tension (square); however this tension is likely to be a positive development since it will help you identify what the 'issue' is, and then help you reach a turning point (square) with it!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Neptune goes Direct...
today in Kilmore at 5.10am. Neptune at 23 degrees and 41 minutes of Aquarius.
This planet is slow moving and difficult to pin down in terms of its everyday expression, so the change from moving backwards to forwards is not likely to be dramatically felt. Neptune is usually subtle in its normal expression, so this change is likely to be even more hard to pick! Being in a fixed sign (I think) magnifies this feeling.
Look to see where Neptune is travelling and which house/s are ruled by Pisces to get a feel for where situations and/or people will slowly begin to make progress or begin moving in the right direction again.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sun Conjunct Mercury...
starts on November 4 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact in Kilmore on November 5 at 7.02pm, leaves on November 7. Sun and Mercury at 13 degrees and 2 minutes of Scorpio.
Wherever the Sun happens to be, is what is being lit up in your birth chart... and Mercury adds the themes of change and information. The conjunction is always about something or someone new, and by looking at which house this energy falls in you can get a better idea of what or who is coming into your life.
The conjunction falling in a fixed water sign suggests a highly emotional content to whatever is happening, and that whatever begins now, even with changeable Mercury influence, is likely to be around for a while (fixed sign).
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Taurus Full Moon...
The first thing I noticed when I printed out this chart was the rising Sun and setting Moon... bringing this lunation to extra prominence for the area around where I live. I will be awake as this Full Moon reaches its peak so plan to catch a glimpse of it.
This Full Moon is quite a dynamic one with a T-Square being formed by Mars squaring the lunation from the 10th House in fixed signs - adding a stubborn feel to whatever is going on for everyone - it seems that something or someone is hard to change, even though change is desperately needed.
Perhaps a good way to handle situations that come up now is by NOT digging your heels in, and perhaps waiting for more information to come to light (looking at the chart you can see that the Sun is still JUST under the horizon - suggesting that more light is coming to the situation).
Look to your own chart to see where this is all playing out to get an idea of what or who may need a more flexible approach! The key to the situation seems to be Mars.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Venus Trine Retrograde Neptune...
starts on November 2 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 3 in Kilmore at 10.21am, leaves on November 4. Venus at 23 degrees and 41 minutes of Libra, retrograde Neptune at 23 degrees and 41 minutes of Aquarius.
Venus, the planet associated with relating to others and our values and also enjoyment, connecting with the planet of bliss, escapism and 'other worldly' beauty suggests a very soft, emotional and 'fuzzy love' time! However, keep in mind that this connection will be in airy signs so there will be a mental element of understanding of what is going on.
The trine energy is a flowing one that suggests that the people and situations represented by these energies in your birth chart should get on well, or work together to remove a blockage that was previously a problem that now seems to move effortlessly away from you!
As usual, look to where this aspect is happening in your birth chart by house and which houses are ruled by Venus (those with Taurus/Libra on or in them), and Neptune (Pisces).
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: aquarius, libra, neptune, pisces, retrograde, Taurus, trine, venus
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Mercury Square Mars...
starts on November 1 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 2 in Kilmore at 11.50am, leaves on November 3. Mercury at 7 degrees and 39 minutes of Scorpio and Mars at 7 degrees and 39 minutes of Leo.
Mercury relates to how we communicate and connect with the world around us, while Mars sometimes represents how we go for what we want and also ego issues. Both planets are in fixed signs suggests that there will be an element of being stubborn or feeling stuck in the areas and/or relationships represented by these energies within your own birth chart. The square suggests stress, but the also the opportunity to do something about the cause of the stress - leading then to a cross-road and breathrough being reached.
This energy combination to me suggests a fiery time when communicating with others, with the tendency to either read too much into a situation or push people to recognise an underlying issue before they are ready to see it for themselves (probably a threat to their ego).
As usual, look to see which houses these planets are traveling through and also which houses are ruled by them (Mercury = Gemini and Virgo; Mars = Aries and Scorpio).