starts on December 28 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 29 in Kilmore at 5.53pm, leaves on December 30. Venus at 4 degrees and 26 minutes of Capricorn, Saturn at 4 degrees and 26 minutes of Libra.
After the intense Venus/Pluto conjunction we now move into Venus squaring Saturn, that further energises (but in a more gentle way than the Sun or Mars) the current Saturn/Pluto Square.
It suggests that a woman, or themes represented by Venus (charm, grace and diplomacy) may be important in helping us all reach the turning point promised by the larger energies at work. Perhaps we need to use a lighter touch rather than brute strength??? I'm thinking about the 'Strength' card in the Tarot as I write this (Rider-Waite deck).
As usual, look to see where the square is happening to get an idea of where a tender touch may be needed through these tough times of change. If you have personal planets and/or points in Libra and/or Capricorn then you are most likely to feel the energy working now as being quite powerful.
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Monday, December 28, 2009
Venus Square Saturn...
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Venus Conjunct Pluto...
enters on December 27 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 28 in Kilmore at 5.49pm, leaves on December 29. Venus and Pluto at 3 degrees and 10 minutes of Capricorn.
Intense meetings, either of ideas, people, areas of our lives or anything else are indicated by this join up of Venus and Pluto. Venus represents our values and the way we relate, while Pluto represents transformation and intense emotions: the meeting up of this pair suggests that emotionally powerful new starts are possible now.
By looking at which houses are ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra) and Pluto (Scorpio) you can get a feel for what or who may be joining forces in the birth chart. For example if you have Taurus Rising then you'll have Scorpio on your 7th house cusp: there could be a passionate get together with your partner that sets the scene for a hot new start in your relationship... or it could be the start of a totally new relationship that has the power to transform you both (not just a romantic relationship - it could be any type of relationship).
If you have personal planets or points in Capricorn you are likely to experience this period of time as especially powerful.
Mercury goes Retrograde...
today in Kilmore at 1.38am at 21 degrees and 47 minutes of Capricorn.
Wow, we have Mars retrograde for the next few months now Mercury is joining in as well! Mercury will be retrograde until January 15 and will move all the way back to 5 degrees of Capricorn. It won't return to 21 degrees of Capricorn (where it goes retrograde) until February 4.
Traditionally this is THE time for gadgets and communication to have problems! Double check your xmas gifts (especially electronic or electrical ones) for any faults or problems! It is also not the best time to make final judgements or decisions in your life, or to sign paperwork... not that it is the end of the world if you absolutely have to: it simply means that someone involved in the agreement is likely to change their mind later on down the track or not be able to fulfil their part of the agreement for one reason or another.
As usual, look to see where Mercury is travelling through and which houses are ruled by Mercury (ones with Gemini or Virgo on or in it) to get an idea of where you can expect mix-ups!
If you have personal planets and/or points in Capricorn these themes are likely to be especially prominent in your life.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: capricorn, mercury, retrograde
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Venus enters Capricorn...
today in Kilmore at 5.17am.
Venus moving from the carefree, adaptable and fun-loving Sagittarius, into the serious, hard-working and sometime 'cold' sign of Capricorn suggests a change in tone to what we consider 'fun'. Perhaps we have all overdone xmas a little this year, and now on Boxing Day we're paying the consquences in terms of facing up to our spending habits and the way we have treated the important people in our lives?
This planet represents our social skills, values and generally the way we relate to others, so the move into Capricorn may mean that we are a bit more introverted and cautious than usual, and careful with with we value. Perhaps this is a good time to review all of these matters, particularly with Mercury and Mars both retrograde right now.
Look to see which house Venus is travelling through, and which houses are ruled by her (Taurus and Libra), to get a feel for what or who may become more serious.
If you have personal planets or points in Capricorn, Venus travelling through your sign now suggests that you are entering a period of respite (apart from when there are hard aspects to 'difficult' planets), where a helpful person may be prominent.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Friday, December 25, 2009
Sun Square Saturn...
starts on December 25 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 26 at 10.58am in Kilmore, leaves on December 27. Sun at 4 degrees and 20 minutes of Capricorn, Saturn at 4 degrees and 20 minutes of Libra.
Squares usually represent tense periods of time, but also times when breakthroughs are made in the areas and relationships represented within your birthchart. The Sun activates and highlights whatever it touches, in this case, Saturn: so the themes of responsiblity, contraction and hard work are being accented during this transit.
Quite often I see the fiery connection of the Sun, combined with the restrictive influence of Saturn as representing a pretty frustrating time... combined with the current retrograde Mars and with Mercury being stationary, I think that this is likely to be especially relevant.
So, by looking at where this aspect is in your birth chart you can get an idea of what or who may be involved in a frustrating situation, but that also has the potential to reach an important turning point.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Sun Conjunct Pluto...
starts on December 24 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 25 at 4.32am in Kilmore, leaves on December 26. Sun and Pluto at 3 degrees and 2 minutes of Capricorn.
The Sun accents and energises whatever it touches in the sky and in the birthchart... illuminating it and bringing the themes represented by the involved energies to consciousness. Pluto usually represents emotionally intense and transformational themes.
Saturn and Pluto are currently squaring each other, producing a hell of a lot of tension... the Sun joining Pluto then squares Pluto at the same time further energising this already powerful combination. My feeling is that events around the days of this Christmas Day will highlight the Saturn/Pluto themes and people in our lives that are reaching a major turning point.
By looking at where this Sun and Pluto conjunction is happening (and which houses are ruled by these planets) you can get an idea of what/who is coming together, and also what is being given a bit of boost in the process of transformation.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sun enters Capricorn...
today in Kilmore at 4.47am.
First of all, happy birthday to all you lovely Goats our there! The entrance of the Sun into your sign heralds your birthday season.
Moving from the carefree Sagittarius into the responsible Capricorn... the Sun may mean serious business now! The focus is now likely to shift from more abstract concerns to concrete ones, with an intense start to this focus (the conjunction to Pluto and square to Saturn). So, hold onto your hats!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Monday, December 21, 2009
Jupiter Conjunct Neptune...
starts on December 15, is exact in Kilmore on December 21 at 7.51pm, leaves on December 27. Jupiter and Neptune at 24 degrees and 17 minutes of Aquarius.
The is the last conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune (and also Chiron if you use this in your astrological work), the first series of conjunctions happened during the first half of the year and are discussed here.
This combination is a bit like trying to capture an image made out of fogs and mist continually changing shape as you try to make out what you just recognised in it! Or what you thought you saw? Was it really there at all? LOL! Jupiter and Neptune together has the potential to have all your dreams come true and also to heighten spirituality... but the difficulty is in knowing what is 'real' and what isn't.
By looking at where this conjunction is happening you can keep a watchful eye on where you may need to look at people and situations realistically, and where boundaries may need a firm hand. Also look to see which houses are ruled by Jupiter (Sagittarius) and Neptune (Pisces) to get a feel for what to watch our for.
Mars goes retrograde...
today in Kilmore at 12.26am at 19 degrees and 41 minutes of Leo.
This is likely to be an 'interesting' time... :).
The planet of energy, direction, passion and drive going backwards in the stubborn sign of Leo is a bit like trying to reverse a car that has set in concrete! So I would also imagine that this could be a very frustrating time for many people, especially those of you with fixed signs prominent in your birth chart.
Mars will be travelling right back to the beginning of Leo - at 0 degrees and 18 minutes - meaning that we all have to go right back to the start of something and redo it! Mars will get there around March 10, 2010 (depending on which country and time zone you are in), and go forwards again around that date.
Yes, that means we have to deal with Mars being retrograde until that time, however, this is an opportunity to review where we may have misplaced our energy (possibly through digging our heels in), and the opportunity to rectify something from the past or to review a relationship represented by Mars in your birth chart.
As usual, look to see where Mars is in your own birth chart and which houses are ruled by him (ones with Aries or Scorpio on or in them), to get a feel for which areas may need review.
I would be very interested to hear of your experience of Mars retrograde!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: leo, mars, retrograde
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Are you part of the 41% of Australian who belive in Astrology?
I found this article about the beliefs of Australians at the The Sydney Morning Herald, an interesting read!
Posted by
9:49 AM
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Venus Square Uranus...
starts on December 19 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 20 in Kilmore at 12.52pm, leaves on December 21. Venus at 22 degrees and 50 minutes of Sagittarius, Uranus at 22 degrees and 50 minutes of Pisces.
The planet of ease and abundance, enjoyment and pleasure, connecting with the jolting Uranus now through a square is likely to mean unexpected developments or realisations regarding finances, values and/or friendships (depending on which houses are involved in your birth chart).
Squares are associated with a turning point, which is often surrounded by a sense of tension just before it is achieved. Because this combination is happening in mutuable signs I get the feeling that this turning point will be best reached through compromise on both sides... although you'll probably find that Venus will do a little more compromise than Uranus! (because Venus doesn't generally like to create a scene, whereas Uranus loves to shake things up a bit).
As usual, look to see where this square is falling in the birth chart, and which houses are ruled by Venus (ones with Taurus or Libra on the cusp or intercepted in it), and Uranus (Aquarius on the cusp or in it). If you happen to have personal planets/points in Sagittarius and/or Pisces then you are likely to feel this aspect quite strongly... Gemini and Virgo are also likely to get a strong dose of this aspect too!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: gemini, pisces, sagittarius, square, uranus, venus, virgo
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Venus Trine Stationary Mars...
starts on December 17, is exact on the same day at 11.39pm in Kilmore, leaves on December 18. Venus at 19 degrees and 38 minutes of Sagittarius, Stationary Mars at 19 degrees and 38 minutes of Leo.
Venus represents many things in astrology, including the way in which we attract into our lives what we desire... travelling through Sagittarius at the moment we are all likely to be as subtle as a brick in this process! The trine to fiery Mars in Leo (which is stationary and especially powerful), suggests that what we want (Venus) and how we get it (Mars) are working well together at the moment and that previous barriers to achieving these goals will not be a problem right now.
However, do keep in mind that Mars will be turning around in the next few days so it is important to make the most of this energy while it is around, before Mars changing his mind and becomes unco-operative and extra stubborn!
As usual, look to see where these energies are playing out in your own birth chart to get an idea of where they may be experienced. If you have personal planets/points in either Sag or Leo, then you are likely to be especially sensitive to this transit.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: leo, mars, sagittarius, stationary, trine, venus
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
New Moon in Sagittarius...
The days around a New Moon are associated with making a fresh start, and if you think about what you see in the sky at the time of a New Moon (basically you can't see the Moon), symbolically you can't see the importance of what is starting at this time.
As the Moon grows, so does our awareness of what developments now will mean in the longer term.
Looking at the energies around this New Moon, you can see in the chart that Uranus is squaring this lunation, however, it is separating so is not as powerful as it would have been if it had been applying. This contact to Uranus gives this New Moon an 'electric' and energising feel that is likely to be felt through unexpected, exciting and/or unusual developments or people that challenge us in some way.
Stationary Mars (about to turn retrograde) trines the New Moon, suggesting a potent source of power and energy being available to support our new project or phase in life. The sextile from the Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune conjunction also gives support to this lunation.
As usual, look to see where this New Moon falls in your birth chart to get an idea of what, or who, may have the chance for a fresh start in your own life!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: moon, New, sagittarius
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sun Square Uranus...
enters on December 14 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 15 at 2.27am in Kilmore, leaves on December 16. Sun at 22 degrees and 46 minutes of Sagittiarius, Uranus at 22 degrees and 46 minutes of Pisces.
Hang on to your seat! This connection between the Sun and Uranus is likely to be a dynamic one... the image that comes to mind with it is one of a lightening bolt hitting where it is not expected... shaking things up a bit and getting situations and people moving along!
The Sun acts like a trigger to the longer standing Uranian energy in the birth chart so is likely to highlight people and situations represented by this planet... look to see which houses have the Sun and Uranus in it to get an idea of where to look for a turning point. Also look to see which houses are ruled by the Sun (ones with Leo on or in it), and Uranus (look for Aquarius on the cusp or intercepted in it).
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: pisces, sagittarius, square, sun, uranus
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sun Trine Mars...
enters on December 10 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 11 at 12.18pm in Kilmore, leaves on December 12. Sun at 19 degrees and 7 minutes of Sagittarius, Mars at 19 degrees and 7 minutes of Leo.
Mars, the planet of energy, drive and passion has its brakes on as it slows down in preparation to turn retrograde soon. Combined with travelling through the fixed sign of Leo, this gives Mars a very powerful, concentrated feel that suggests an inability to change, or on a positive note, a very determined and powerful focus.
The Sun can act like a trigger, or like a beam of light in the darkness - where it illuminates something in particular. In this case it seems that what is being highlighted is our 'Mars'. See which house Mars is travelling through and which houses it rules (ones with Aries and/or Scorpio on the cusp or intercepted in it) in order to get a feel for what or who is being highlighted.
The trine is an easy-going energy that helps to 'unblock' energies: considering the current state of Mars, I think that this trine will be very helpful for getting things moving a little in terms of whatever or whoever Mars represents in your birth chart (as much as a stationary Mars can be moved anyway!). This movement may simply be an awareness of what is going on which Mars, which will make it easier to plan for and/or deal with.
Posted by
7:55 AM
Labels: leo, mars, sagittarius, sun, trine
Monday, December 7, 2009
Mercury Square Saturn...
starts on December 7 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 8 at 1.35pm in Kilmore, leaves on December 9. Mercury at 3 degrees and 28 minutes of Capricorn, Saturn at 3 degrees and 28 minutes of Libra.
Mercury, the planet of communication and connection with others connecting with Saturn (serious, separate and realistic) suggests that there is likely to be a challenging and stressful situation that needs attention now. This is likely to involve our thinking, attitude and/or way we connect with others (or don't)!
Because both planets are in cardinal signs, ones associated with leadership, it's almost as if there is a symbolic conflict between what and/or who is represented by these Mercury and Saturn in regards to who is going to be boss.
As usual, look to see which houses these planets are travelling through, and are ruled by them to get an idea of what or who may be involved.
Mercury Conjunct Pluto...
enters on December 7 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 7 at 8.12pm, leaves on December 8. Conjunction is at 2 degrees and 25 minutes of Capricorn.
The planet of communication meeting up with the intensely emotional and complex Pluto is likely to be a period of time where we all have the opportunity to understand something or someone at a deeper level than we have in the past. The conjunction represents something new, perhaps a new person, relationship, level of understanding or even a new offer of some type.
To get an idea of what this new thing may be, look to see where this conjuction is happening and also to which houses are ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo) and Pluto (Scorpio). Intense times!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Mercury enters Capricorn...
today in Kilmore at 4.24am.
Mercury, the planet of communication and thinking moving from the fiery and changeable Sagitarrius into Capricorn, a serious and forward thinking sign, suggests that the overall mood will tend to be more Saturnian than it has been.
By looking at which houses Mercury is moving through, and rules, you can get an idea of what or who is likely to move from being a bit fiery and fickle, to more stable and serious (and much as the changeable Mercury can be, anyway!).
Posted by
6:00 AM
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Gemini Full Moon...
The days around any Full Moon are usually more emotional times than usual, and sometimes relate to a period of understanding and viewing situations that began at the previous New Moon with objectivity and a better understanding of where those situations and relationships that began at the New Moon are taking us.
Venus as part of this Full Moon offers protection and hope, as well as diplomatic skills to the situations we are experiencing now, and the trine from Mars to the Sun also offers support and progress with our projects.
Posted by
8:51 AM
Uranus goes Direct...
today in Kilmore at 7.27am at 22 degrees and 42 minutes of Pisces.
Uranus, the rebel and eccentric planet, goes direct after being retrograde for many months (since early July 2009). This change from backward to forward motion suggests that whatever or whoever is represented in our birth charts is going to get moving again after a long period of regression.
Look to see which house Uranus is traveling through to see who or what should begin making progress again, and also to which house/s are ruled by Aquarius.
Venus enters Sagittarius...
today in Kilmore at 9.04am.
Venus moving the intensely emotional and fixed Scorpio into the easier to read and flexible sign of Sagittiarus suggests that the way we relate to others is about to become a bit freer.
By looking at where Venus is travelling through your birth chart and which houses are ruled by her (the ones with Taurus and Libra on the cusp or in it), you can get a feel for what and who is likely to be less intense, more flexible and also easier to understand.
For example, if you have Taurus Rising, you yourself may become less stubborn and driven by deeply buried emotional issues, and become more flexible and easier to understand!
Whichever house is being visited by Venus is also likely to benefit by her presence... for example, if you have Venus moviing into your 8th house you are likely to do well with investments, with tax returns, or through your partner having a small win in these areas.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: libra, sagittarius, Taurus, venus
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Mercury Square Retrograde Uranus...
starts on November 30 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on December 1 at 6.52am in Kilmore, leaves on December 1. Mercury at 22 degrees and 42 minutes of Sagittarius, retrograde Uranus at 22 degrees and 42 minutes of Pisces.
Mercury, the planet of connection and information sharing joining forces with the electrical and super fast Uranus through this square suggests a lot happening, very quickly, and possibly in unexpected ways!
Fasten your seatbelt!
As usual, look to see where this transit is happening in your birth chart via the house placements, and which houses are ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo) and Uranus (Aquarius), to get a better idea of where lightening is likely to strike!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: mercury, pisces, retrograde, square, uranus
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Saturn Square Pluto...
starts on November 2 using a 1 degree orb, is exact on November 16 in Kilmore at 2.20am, leaves on December 7. Saturn at 1 degree and 42 minutes of Libra, Pluto at 1 degree and 42 minutes of Capricorn.
As I mentioned in my post about the entry of Saturn into Libra here, this first major aspect that Saturn makes reminds me a bit of a 'baptism of fire'!
This aspect also energises the relatively recent entry of Pluto into Capricorn. The square suggests tension and a turning point being reached through being in a situation that finally makes us do something about a long standing (outer planets) situation that desperately needs to change. Depending on your own birth chart the way you experience this square will vary.
Both planets can represent what we fear, but also the potential for change... Saturn on a structural level, Pluto at a deeper, emotional level.
This combination then gives us the chance now to make profound changes in our lives that will free us from our fears, through acknowledging them and then reaching a major cross-road and turning point in our new understand and freedom in our lives.
By looking at where this transit is happening in your birth chart you can get a better idea of how to utilise the energy constructively. Also look to see which houses are ruled by Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius), and Pluto (Scorpio).
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Venus Square Neptune...
starts on November 26 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 27 at 11.15am in Kilmore, leaves on November 28. Venus at 23 degrees and 49 minutes of Scorpio, Neptune at 23 degrees and 49 minutes of Aquarius.
Venus, the planet of love, relating and our values is travelling through Scorpio... giving these areas of our life an emotionally fixed feel to them.
Neptune is also travelling through a fixed sign, and is associated with an emotional approach to situations.
The square between these two planets suggests a sense of tension between the areas of life and/or people represented by Venus and Neptune in your birth chart. Neptune tends to make situations confusing and hard to read, especially in this case where a lot of watery energy is involved: so our head and our hearts may be at odds with other now, creating confusion.
Look to see which houses are involved, as usual, to get an idea of where or who we need to look at objectively or perhaps leave judgement for after this transit!
Mercury Trine Mars...
enters on November 26 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 27 at 1.53am in Kilmore, leaves on November 27. Mercury at 16 degrees and 19 minutes of Sagittarius, Mars at 16 degrees and 19 minutes of Leo.
I like the feel of this energy... Mercury, the planet of connection and communication with the world around us is travelling through Sagittarius, an open and honest sign.
Mars is making it's l-o-n-g transit through Leo, and suggests a major focus on the situations and people represented by the houses involved in this transit.
The trine from Mercury to Mars suggests that the people and situations represented by Mercury will be helpful towards the Mars ones. This is an opportunity to successfully and smoothly communicate or understand something about the long Mars transit.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: leo, mars, mercury, sagittarius, trine
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Venus Trine Retrograde Uranus...
starts on November 25 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 26 at 2pm in Kilmore, leaves on November 27. Venus at 22 degrees and 43 minutes of Scorpio, retrograde Uranus at 22 degrees and 43 minutes of Pisces.
Venus, the lovely Lady of the sky is about how we relate to others and also represents what we value. Uranus is about breaking free, being a bit eccentric and is a bolt of energy sometimes!
The trine between these two planets suggests that the themes and people represented by them will have a bit of a spark, but nothing too dramatic... just enough energy to keep things interesting! A burst of progress is also likely with matters relating to the houses involved with this transit.
As usual, look to see where this transit is happening in your birth chart, and look to see which houses are ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra) and Uranus (Aquarius), to get a feel for what or who may be part of this transit.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Monday, November 23, 2009
Venus Square Jupiter...
starts on November 23 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 24 in Kilmore at 9.02am, leaves on November 25. Venus at 19 degrees and 56 minutes of Scorpio, Jupiter at 19 degrees and 56 minutes of Aquarius.
Both planets of good fortune connecting is usually a good thing, however, the square can mean that taking a good thing too far can be a bit messy (think about too much alcohol!). That's not to say that this will happen of course... just important to keep in mind.
Venus represents our ability to relate to others, and with it travelling through Scorpio the way we do this is likely to be in an intensely emotional way.
Jupiter represents growth (yes, sometimes too much!), and is also travelling through a fixed sign. Aquarius is an air sign so we may become 'stuck' mentally on something or someone. Or maybe it is a person represented by Jupiter by house position that is finding it difficult to make a move?
The connection of the two planets by square is energising and can be stressful, possibly because in order to grow we have to change... perhaps something difficult for the fixed signs to do since their natural inclination is to resist change! The stress from the square is likley to help us fixed signs to move along a little, perhaps removing our heels from the trenches we have dug with them!
Look to see where the square is happening and which houses are ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra) and Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces) to get a feel for where we need to lift our heels up, or perhaps someone else that needs to do this!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sun enters Sagittarius...
today in Kilmore at 3.23pm.
The moving from the intensely emotional and stubborn Scorpio into the sign of Sagittarius, the freedom loving and open Sagittarius is quite a shift!
The Sun acts as a focus, a bit like a finger pointing us towards certain people and themes in our lives as represented by the house and sign it is travelling through. By looking at where the Sun is pointing we can have a better idea of what needs out attention over the next few weeks. Look to see which house is ruled by Leo to get an idea of what is about to become less complex and stubborn and also which house has Sagittarius on or in it!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: leo, sagittarius, sun
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Delay in Posting...
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to make a quick apology for the delay in posting... day care lady has been on holiday this week and will be next week as well: plus my little 2yo Ruby has been sick.
Thanks for your patience!
Rose :)
Posted by
8:53 AM
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Venus Square Mars...
starts on November 18, is exact on November 19 at 7.22pm in Kilmore, leaves on November 20. Venus at 14 degrees and 12 minutes of Scorpio, Mars at 14 degrees and 12 minutes of Leo.
Venus in Scorpio is an intensely emotional position for the light-hearted Venus, the planet associated with our ability to relate to those around us suggesting that we are all a little more complicated in our dealings with others than usual. By looking to see which house Venus is travelling through and rules (Taurus and Libra), you can get an idea of what, or who is likely to be more compex than usual as well.
Mars is going to be travelling through Leo for an extraordinarily long time so suggests that whatever or whoever is represented by Mars will be here to stay for some time (especially being in a fixed sign).
The square between the two suggests a sense of tension as the people and situations represented by the two energies seem to be digging their heels in! The realisation that this process is happening is one step towards resolution...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
New Moon in Scorpio...
today in Kilmore at 6.14am at 24 degrees and 34 minutes of Scorpio.
A New Moon generally brings the opportunity for a fresh start in whichever house it falls in and incorporating the themes of its' sign and the aspect patterns within it.
This New Moon looks quite dynamic with Mars widely squaring it, as well as the Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune conjunct squaring it. The trine from Uranus is helpful.
So, what this translates to in everyday life is that where the New Moon falls in your birth chart by house is where you have the chance to make a fresh start... the squares are what people and situations are likely to challenge or energise you, and the trines are likely to be helpful people and/or skills.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Mercury enters Sagittarius...
today in Kilmore at 11.28am.
Mercury, the planet of communication and connection moving from the intensely emotional Scorpio into Sagittarius, a much more open and straightforward sign, is likely to make communication clearer and much more to the point: Sagittarius is known for this quality!
By looking at where Mercury is travelling through in your chart and which houses are ruled by it (Gemini and Virgo), you can get an idea of what and who is likely to become much easier to deal with and understand.
Posted by
9:06 AM
Labels: mercury, sagittarius
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sun Square Neptune...
starts on November 15, is exact on November 16 at 10.11am in Kilmore, leaves on November 17. Sun at 23 degrees and 43 minutes of Scorpio, Neptune at 23 degrees and 43 minutes of Aquarius.
The Sun tends to highlight what is going on in the sky... just like it illuminates it when it rises, it also illuminates the energies working in our lives.
Neptune is associated with artistic and psychic themes, as well as spirituality and lack of ego. It is also associated with lack of boundaries and is known for coinciding with periods of time when situations become 'foggy'!
The connection of these two planets through the stressful square aspect brings to mind a beam of light hitting fog... try as we might, by focussing too much it looks as though we are all likely to make this less clear!
This may be a time to try a different approach to the themes and people represented by this aspect according to where it is falling in your birth chart.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sun Trine Retrograde Uranus...
enters on November 14 (using a 1 degree orb); is exact on November 15 at 12.41pm in Kilmore, leaves on November 16. Sun at 22 degrees and 49 minutes of Scorpio, retrograde Uranus at 22 degrees and 49 minutes of Pisces.
As always, the Sun puts a focus on whatever it touches... like torchlight in the dark aiming at something in particular we want to look at more closely. It is travelling through Scorpio at the moment, giving that beam of light more of an emotional and even more concentrated focus!
Uranus is a bit of a wildcard so it's always difficult to pick exactly how it will be experienced except to know that it will be unexpected!
The trine aspect between these two planets suggests progress and the energies between them flowly smoothly... so I would think that there is likely to be a pleasant surprise or twist of fate in the relationships and areas of life represented by these planets symbolically.
As usual, look to see where this aspect is happening and which houses are ruled by the Sun (Leo) and Uranus (Aquarius) to get a feel for where to look out for a nice surprise or two!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: aquarius, leo, pisces, retrograde, scorpio, sun, trine, uranus
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Mercury square Neptune...
starts on November 11 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 12 at 11.11am in Kilmore, leaves on November 13. Mercury at 23 degrees and 42 minutes of Scorpio, Neptune at 23 degrees and 42 minutes of Aquarius.
This aspect overlaps the Mercury/Uranus a little that I spoke about in my last blog entry and suggests an element of possible confusion or misunderstand through the areas of the chart represented by Neptune (by transit position and house rulership).
Mercury, the planet of connection with others and communication is in watery, emotional Scorpio which is also a fixed sign suggesting a bit of stubborness or difficulty in changing the way we think about a person or situation. Neptune is a watery planet too, suggesting an emotional tone to whatever is happening now - and is also in a fixed sign, also suggesting a sense of stubbornness or difficult in changing track. The square suggests to me an intensifying of this stubborn, watery and emotional trend (even though Neptune is in Aquarius).
Looking at the overall picture for this transit it seems that emotional thinking and stubbornness are likely to cause tension (square) between the situations and people represented by these planets in your birth chart. Look to see where this transit is happening and also which houses are ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo) and Neptune (Pisces) in order to get a better idea of what is going on.
Mercury Trine Retrograde Uranus...
starts on November 11 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 11 at 10.38pm in Kilmore, and leaves on November 12. Mercury at 22 degrees and 52 minutes of Scorpio, retrograde Uranus at 22 degrees and 52 minutes of Pisces.
Mercury represents information and change, amongst other things and its connection to Uranus, the planet of sudden or unexpected, eccentric or just plain old wierdness suggests that we are all about to be given a dose of information or change that is unexpected or unusual: however, the trine relationship suggests it will be a gentle jolt!
It seems that the people and situations represented by these two planets will be able to work well together, hopefully producing some progress.
As usual, look to see which houses Mercury and Uranus are travelling through, and also which houses they rule to get an idea of what or who may be involved.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sun Square Jupiter...
starts on November 10 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 11 at 5.41am in Kilmore, leaves on November 12. Sun at 18 degrees and 30 minutes of Scorpio, Jupiter at 18 degrees and 30 minutes of Aquarius.
Jupiter has been travelling through Aquarius now for nearly a year and has recently moved forward after a period of months of being retrograde.
As I have mentioned in previous posts, the Sun can act as a trigger for longer standing energies, like Jupiter, and activate them. The square relationship between them suggests a tense situation (especially powerful since both planets are in fixed signs which suggests a difficulty in making changes) that will reach a turning point now.
So look to see where this aspect is happening in your birth chart to get a better idea of where, what or who may be involved and also to which houses are ruled by Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces) and the Sun (Leo).
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: aquarius, jupiter, leo, pisces, sagittarius, scorpio, square, sun
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Venus enters Scorpio...
today in Kilmore at 11.23am.
Venus moving from the airy and balanced Libra into the intense, stubborn and emotional sign of Scorpio might be a bit of a shock since these energies are so different! It seems that situations and people represented by Venus in our birth charts are shifting gears and may all of a sudden become more complex and harder to read.
This planet usually brings some sort of ease or benefit: if you have been having a difficult time then she can represent a period of respite. It's usually nice to have Venus travelling through your own sign or that of one of your personal planets or points.
As usual look to see which houses are involved... eg, where is Venus travelling through in your chart in terms of House position and which houses are ruled by her (ones with Taurus and Libra on the cusp).
Mercury Square Jupiter...
starts on November 8, is exact on November 9 at 1.42am in Kilmore, leaves on November 9. Mercury at 18 degrees and 18 minutes of Scorpio, Jupiter at 18 degrees and 18 minutes of Aquarius.
Mercury, the planet of communication and connection with the world around us in contact with Jupiter, the planet of the 'big picture', learning and meaning suggests the potential for finally understanding a situation that has eluded us all.
However, the square aspect suggests that the information (Mercury) we are taking in may not gel with the big picture (Jupiter)... perhaps this is because we are taking in the data at an instinctual, feeling level (Scorpio), rather than using our heads (Mercury)! Both planets in fixed signs also suggest that maybe we need to be more flexible and open to change within the situations and relationships that are represented by these planets in your own birth chart.
For example, if you had Mercury traveling through your 7th House and Jupiter in your 10th house, this transit could mean that your partner or another person around you (7th House) may be a bit fickle (Mercury) and not thinking logically but emotionally (Scorpio) and be finding it difficult to change (fixed sign). Jupiter in your 10th may suggest an opportunity to move forwards at work, or in your relationship with an authority figure like your boss or a parent... the big picture is looking good! However, the square relationship between the two planets suggests that the other person has some say in whether or not you take hold of this opportunity, and their lack of flexibility due to emotional thinnking (Mercury in Scorpio), may create tension (square); however this tension is likely to be a positive development since it will help you identify what the 'issue' is, and then help you reach a turning point (square) with it!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Neptune goes Direct...
today in Kilmore at 5.10am. Neptune at 23 degrees and 41 minutes of Aquarius.
This planet is slow moving and difficult to pin down in terms of its everyday expression, so the change from moving backwards to forwards is not likely to be dramatically felt. Neptune is usually subtle in its normal expression, so this change is likely to be even more hard to pick! Being in a fixed sign (I think) magnifies this feeling.
Look to see where Neptune is travelling and which house/s are ruled by Pisces to get a feel for where situations and/or people will slowly begin to make progress or begin moving in the right direction again.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sun Conjunct Mercury...
starts on November 4 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact in Kilmore on November 5 at 7.02pm, leaves on November 7. Sun and Mercury at 13 degrees and 2 minutes of Scorpio.
Wherever the Sun happens to be, is what is being lit up in your birth chart... and Mercury adds the themes of change and information. The conjunction is always about something or someone new, and by looking at which house this energy falls in you can get a better idea of what or who is coming into your life.
The conjunction falling in a fixed water sign suggests a highly emotional content to whatever is happening, and that whatever begins now, even with changeable Mercury influence, is likely to be around for a while (fixed sign).
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Taurus Full Moon...
The first thing I noticed when I printed out this chart was the rising Sun and setting Moon... bringing this lunation to extra prominence for the area around where I live. I will be awake as this Full Moon reaches its peak so plan to catch a glimpse of it.
This Full Moon is quite a dynamic one with a T-Square being formed by Mars squaring the lunation from the 10th House in fixed signs - adding a stubborn feel to whatever is going on for everyone - it seems that something or someone is hard to change, even though change is desperately needed.
Perhaps a good way to handle situations that come up now is by NOT digging your heels in, and perhaps waiting for more information to come to light (looking at the chart you can see that the Sun is still JUST under the horizon - suggesting that more light is coming to the situation).
Look to your own chart to see where this is all playing out to get an idea of what or who may need a more flexible approach! The key to the situation seems to be Mars.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Venus Trine Retrograde Neptune...
starts on November 2 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 3 in Kilmore at 10.21am, leaves on November 4. Venus at 23 degrees and 41 minutes of Libra, retrograde Neptune at 23 degrees and 41 minutes of Aquarius.
Venus, the planet associated with relating to others and our values and also enjoyment, connecting with the planet of bliss, escapism and 'other worldly' beauty suggests a very soft, emotional and 'fuzzy love' time! However, keep in mind that this connection will be in airy signs so there will be a mental element of understanding of what is going on.
The trine energy is a flowing one that suggests that the people and situations represented by these energies in your birth chart should get on well, or work together to remove a blockage that was previously a problem that now seems to move effortlessly away from you!
As usual, look to where this aspect is happening in your birth chart by house and which houses are ruled by Venus (those with Taurus/Libra on or in them), and Neptune (Pisces).
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: aquarius, libra, neptune, pisces, retrograde, Taurus, trine, venus
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Mercury Square Mars...
starts on November 1 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on November 2 in Kilmore at 11.50am, leaves on November 3. Mercury at 7 degrees and 39 minutes of Scorpio and Mars at 7 degrees and 39 minutes of Leo.
Mercury relates to how we communicate and connect with the world around us, while Mars sometimes represents how we go for what we want and also ego issues. Both planets are in fixed signs suggests that there will be an element of being stubborn or feeling stuck in the areas and/or relationships represented by these energies within your own birth chart. The square suggests stress, but the also the opportunity to do something about the cause of the stress - leading then to a cross-road and breathrough being reached.
This energy combination to me suggests a fiery time when communicating with others, with the tendency to either read too much into a situation or push people to recognise an underlying issue before they are ready to see it for themselves (probably a threat to their ego).
As usual, look to see which houses these planets are traveling through and also which houses are ruled by them (Mercury = Gemini and Virgo; Mars = Aries and Scorpio).
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Libran Edition of 'Stellar News'...
... in PDF format. Click here to have a look!
Posted by
10:30 AM
Friday, October 30, 2009
Saturn enters Libra...
today in Kilmore at 4.09am.
Some will be breathing a huge sigh of relief while I know some of you will be sitting there thinking.... arrrggghhh!!! Saturn is going to be making my life hell!!
Those of you breathing a sigh of relief and that have found the last couple of years tough may think differently in another six to twelve months as you begin to reap the rewards of the changes that came into your life while Saturn was travellling through Virgo... although I have to say that all of us have had Saturn affecting us in one way or another while travelling through this sign (by at least house position and the symbolism within it).
As this planet shifts its' focus, we now have to do the same. The first aspect Saturn in Libra hits is the square to Pluto... a pretty intense and energetic introduction to a change in signs! I get the feeling that we are all in for a baptism of fire! lol... anyway, this aspect suggests that what needs to change and what we need to focus on will become clear pretty quickly.
My personal experience of Saturn... especially when travelliing through Cancer (I have Mercury, Mars and Sun in this sign) was pretty tough but I really achieved a lot during that time and also learnt a lot that will hold me in good stead for the rest of my life. I really appreciate that period of time in my life.
Anyway, as usual look to your own birth chart to get a feel for what to work on while Saturn travels through Libra. Look to see which house has Libra on or in it, and also which houses have Capricorn or Aquarius on or in it to get a feel for what to work on... also any planets that you have in Libra will be strongly influenced by this transit as well as any planets in the other cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer and Capricorn).
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Mercury enters Scorpio...
today in Kilmore at 9.09pm.
Mercury moving in the passionate, emotional and fixed sign of Scorpio suggests that the mental tone around us will display these qualities. Mercury is about how we connect with the world around us and share communication, so there is likely to be more to what meets the eyes (or ears!), while this planet travels through Scorpio.
We will all probably need to peel back a few onion layers in order to get the 'truth' during this time! This applies particularly to the areas and relationships affected by the transit of Mercury through Scorpio in your own birth chart.
Look to see where Mercury is travelling and which houses are ruled by it (Gemini and Virgo) in order to get a feel for what or who may be difficult to change, or that may need deeper investigation in order to understand.
Venus Trine Jupiter...
enters on October 28 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 29 at 1.02pm in Kilmore, leaves on October 30. Venus at 17 degrees and 35 minutes of Libra, Jupiter at 17 degrees and 35 minutes of Aquarius.
Venus represents our ability to be diplomatic and to get along with others and is sitting pretty comfortably in the sign of Libra, the sign of balance and compromise. The trine to Jupiter suggests a flowing and easy connection between these two planets that usually represent luck and ease: barriers to happiness that were problems in the past are now temporarily removed as these two energies connect.
Look to see which houses this trine happens in and also which houses are ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra), and Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces) to see what or who may flow particularly smoothly for you!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: aquarius, jupiter, libra, pisces, sagittarius, Taurus, trine, venus
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sun Square Mars...
starts on October 27 using a 1 degree orb, exact on October 28 at 6.56pm in Kilmore, and leaves on October 31. Sun at 6 degrees and 2 minutes of Scorpio and Mars at 6 degrees and 2 minutes of Leo.
This should be an 'interesting' period of time! Both of these fiery planets are in fixed signs suggesting a clash (square) of wills (fixed signs). The Sun is in the intense sign of Scorpio suggesting that there is a deeper emotional element than usual in focus somewhere in our lives, depending on which houses are involved in your personal birth chart, and also perhaps an issue of pride or 'what will people think' (Leo)!
The waning square is often about needing a change in attitude, so by looking at which houses this square falls in and which houses are ruled by the Sun (the one/s with Leo on the cusp), and Mars (the ones with Aries and Scorpio on the cusp) we can get an idea of what and/or who may be digging their heels in or getting their nose out of joint! Or where we are being stubborn!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Updated forecast for Libra...
The 2009/2010 forecast for Libra has finally been completed (yippee!!) - you can view it here. I hope you enjoy reading it!
Posted by
4:50 PM
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Mercury Trine Retrograde Neptune...
Mercury can represent the way we connect to the world around us and exchange information: Neptune is an emotional and spiritual energy that also has some affinity with other realms, including artistic ones.
The trine between these two planets suggests the energies between them should flow smoothly, allowing previous blockages to temporarily be removed and progress to be made in the relationships and situations represented by your birth chart.
As usual look to see where this aspect is happening in your birth chart as well as which houses are ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo), and Neptune (Pisces).
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sun enters Scorpio...
The movement of the Sun from the airy Libra into the complex Scorpio suggests that there are certain relationships and areas of our lives that are moving into deeper waters (as represented by the birth chart).
Look to which house the Sun is travelling through and which house/s are ruled by Leo in order to get a feel for what is heading for a more stable period (Scorpio is a fixed sign)... or stubborn, depending how far things go! Complexity, deep emotions and a better understanding of the people and themes represented by the houses involved are all possibilities while the Sun is travelling through Scorpio.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Mercury Trine Jupiter...
Mercury can represent how our mind is working, and the way we communicate and connect with the world around us. Travelling through Libra right now suggests a balanced approach (or perhaps we need to achieve balance?), and the preference for not rocking the boat. Mercury also represents young people, or people who are young at heart.
Jupiter represents expansion, opportunity, growth and in most cases... happiness and good news. The connection between these two planets, especially through the easygoing trine aspect, suggests a lighter frame of mind and more optimistic outlook and possibly good news about the people and situations represents by Mercury and Jupiter in your birth chart.
Since Mercury is approaching Jupiter, it may even mean that a person represented by Mercury in your chart is the one coming to Jupiter. For example, if you have Sagittarius Rising, then you automatically have Gemini on your Descendant: therefore Jupiter represents you, and Mercury another person - the Mercury person during this time may come to you with an offer or you could have a meeting scheduled for today that goes really well.
So, look to see where this transit is happening in your birth chart and also to which houses are ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo), and Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces).
As usual, look to see
Sunday, October 18, 2009
New Moon in Libra...
today in Kilmore at 4.33pm at 24 degrees and 59 minutes of Libra.
The period around a New Moon is usually an excellent time to make a fresh start, especially in the areas represented by the house that the New Moon falls in. For example, if you have Libra on your 6th House cusp (like me), this is good time to launch a new exercise routine, diet or way of attending to your daily responsibilities and chores. A new pet would be a nice way to use this energy as well.
This New Moon is involved with a square to the nodal axis, this adds a fated quality to developments around this time and also highlights the importance of the relationships in your life right now... especially family type ones.
As with any new start, it may take at least a few days to begin seeing the significance of what is happening now.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Mars enters Leo...
Mars, the planet of energy and passion, changing signs is always important. Its' shift from the subtle and emotional Cancer into the fixed, passionate and fiery sign of Leo suggests that our Mars energy is more likely to be expressed in an extroverted way.
Look at which houses are ruled by Mars (those with Aries or Scorpio on them) to get an idea of what or who is likely to be more 'out there' than usual.
This planet normally stays in a sign for about 6 weeks, however, Mars will be doing a bit of shuffle as it goes backwards and forwards a bit over the next few months. Mars will be travelling through Leo for about 8 months! This suggests a huge focus and opportunity to clear up whatever or whoever is represented by Mars in your birth chart.
For example, I have Scorpio on my 7th house cusp, so I would expect the people around me to be more stubborn than usual and outgoing, particularly my husband and people I am having difficulties with at the moment (shadow).
Friday, October 16, 2009
Sun Trine Retrograde Neptune...
It's so nice to have this soothing energy at work, especially after the trials of the other planetary combinations over the last few weeks!
The Sun acts as a spotlight and also energises whatever it touches in terms of a planet or sensitive point either in the sky or in the birthchart. Having the Sun connecting with lovely Neptune suggests that our Neptune (as represented in the birth chart by where it is travelling, and which houses it rules) will be more prominent than usual. However, you will need to keep a keen eye out for the expression of this energy as it is likely to be very subtle.
I think we can all expect a small period of time where we can all dream a little, and escape from 'reality' in a way that suits us as individuals. The trine aspect also suggests a subtle expression.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Venus Square Pluto...
starts on October 15 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 16 at 4.21am and leaves on the same day. Venus at 0 degrees and 58 minutes of Libra, Pluto at 0 degrees and 58 minutes of Capricorn.
This is a bit of a baptism of fire for Venus as she tries to settle into Libra, a sign that she likes. However, although a stressful day or so, this period of time represents the opportunity to reach a turning point with the relationships and themes represented by Venus and Pluto in your birth chart. Look to see where this aspect is happening, and also to which houses are ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra), and Pluto (Scorpio).
The square is a stressful aspect and one that suggests that you are likely to reach a stage where something has to change in regards to the areas represented in your own chart. This stress gives the incentive for us all to actually do something about whatever is causing the stress.
If you have personal planets and/or points in the early degrees of any of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and/or Capricorn) you are likely to feel this aspect especially strongly.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Venus enters Libra...
Venus is often associated with love, however, there is more to this planet than romance. This planet does represent love, but also relationships in general and how we relate to others: it also represents what we value (including money).
With this planet now moving from Virgo into Libra, it seems that we are all more likely to want to keep the peace between ourselves and others and that balance will be important to the relationships and themes as represented by your birth chart. For example, if you have Taurus on your 2nd house cusp, the movement of Venus into Libra could mean that achieving financial stability and balance will be more important than usual, and/or that you are likely to be happier to compromise on something of value to you.
Venus is happy in Libra, so bodes well for the people and situations represented by this planet also being easier to deal with than usual. Look to see where Venus is travelling through and which houses are ruled by her (Taurus and Libra).
Librans are likely to find this a period of respite as Lady Luck travels through your sign.
Posted by
8:01 AM
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Venus Conjunct Saturn...
starts on October 13 and is exact on the same day at 9.52pm, leaves on October 14. Venus and Saturn at 28 degrees and 09 minutes of Virgo.
Waiting for your knight in shining armour???? With Saturn and Venus together I wouldn't hold my breath!
Venus is about how we relate to others and our values as well as our valuables... Saturn is about hard work, deep connections, but also of being alone: the connection by conjunction suggests that we all need to make a choice about which way we will go in regards to a situation or relationship in our lives as represented by the birth chart. The conjunction suggests something or someone new.
As usual, look to see where this conjunction is happening in your birth chart to see where you have the chance to make a new start in terms of your values, finances, the way you relate, a relationship, etc... also look to the houses ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra) and Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius) for more detailed information.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Jupiter goes Direct...
today (October 13... the blog date keeps on mucking up!) in Kilmore at 3.34pm at 17 degrees and 10 minutes of Aquarius.
Yipppeee.... happy days are here again! This is a pretty exciting week with a lot happening in the sky, Jupiter going direct is a positive symbol of the chance to grab hold of the opportunities around us all at the moment.
This planet is about the opportunity to expand your horizons through learning, meeting inspiration people and traveling (usually long distance). It can also represent a teacher/guru figure, or someone involved in the legal, educational and/or foreign fields.
Look to see which house Jupiter is traveling through and which houses are ruled by it (Sagittiarus and Pisces) to see what themes and people may be represented by this planet as it begins to move forward. Remember that it moves really slowly as it begins to move forward again until it gathers a bit of momentum, this will take a few weeks and then it should be moving ahead at its usual good speed!
Posted by
10:42 AM
Labels: aquarius, direct, jupiter, pisces, sagittarius
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Mercury re-enters Libra...
today at 2.46pm in Kilmore.
On August 26, Mercury entered this sign, only to turn back and re-enter Virgo... it's a bit like if you were Mercury going into Libra (another room), only to remember that you had forgotten something in the room you had just left and having to re-enter it to retrieve it, and then go back to the room you were headed for in the first place.
So, Mercury is about how we relate to the world around us and gather/pass on data... moving from analytical Virgo into the relationship-oriented Libra suggests that we are more likely to keep the peace rather than nitpick with the people around us on minor issues. Libra is about any type of relationship, not just ones based on romance, so this is a good time to attend to and think about how we communicate with others.
Libra is also about balance and with Mercury travelling through this sign it suggests that we can achieve this balance through communicating with others clearly, and making minor changes to situations in general.
As usual, look to see which houses are ruled by Mercury to get an idea of what or who may represent these energies for you (as well as where Mercury is travelling). With the ruler of your relevant houses travelling the Libra, it seems that whoever or whatever is represented by this planet in your chart will be more balanced than usual, or will need careful balancing. Mercury will change signs again at the end of the month.
Astrology and Relationships...
I found this interesting article online about synastry... a branch of astrology that deals with relationships. Here are the first paragraphs for you to look at (the full article is here):
Statistical Test Supports Astrological Premise
Study Inspired By Star-Crossed Lovers Burton And Liz Reveals Celestial Pattern That Strengthens Marriage Bond
Chicago, IL - October 7, 2009 -- As star crossed lovers go, Romeo and Juliet had nothing on Burton and Liz, the charismatic motion picture stars who sizzled on the silver screen in Joseph Mankiewicz's Cleopatra, Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew and Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf? before flaming out in a real life romance as spectacularly incendiary as any Tinsel town has seen.
The attraction between them was so strong that two of Elizabeth Taylor's eight marriages were to Richard Burton. And the actors each believed the other to be the love of their lives.
Research astrologer and couples expert Alexandra Mark says a study she conducted years ago with the late Harvard University statistician John P. Gilbert, PhD, linked Burton and Taylor to a celestial pattern that turns up more frequently than expected by chance in married couples with staying power. Couples with this particular planetary combination are in marriages that end in divorce less frequently than couples that don't have it in their compared birth charts (horoscopes).
Posted by
10:49 AM
Labels: couples, mars, moon, relationships, sun, synastry, venus
Friday, October 9, 2009
Sun Trine Retrograde Jupiter...
starts on October 9 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 10 at 7.38pm, leaves on October 11. Sun at 17b degrees and 11 minutes of Libra, retrograde Jupiter at 17 degrees and 11 minutes of Aquarius.
"Walking on Sunshine... yeah yeah"... I can't remember who sings this song, but this planetary combination reminds me of it.
The Sun acts as a trigger or if you can imagine a beam of light in the darkness, like a focus. Jupiter is still technically retrograde and is standing very still at the moment, suggesting a concentrated dose of this lucky planet whilst he is sitting still! Jupiter is getting ready to move forwards again in a few days.
So, this beam of Sun (light) is hitting on a person or situation that is likely to be a potent sort of energy and/or opportunity... the trine is traditionally associated with the removal of barriers to the energies working together so this suggests that there should be movement of some sort or at least recognition of the "Jupiter" themes in your own chart.
As usual, look to which houses this transit is travelling through as well as which houses are ruled by the Sun (Leo) and Jupiter (Sagittiarus and Pisces) to get a feel for what type of situations and people may be represented.
Posted by
9:02 AM
Labels: aquarius, jupiter, libra, october, retrograde, sun, trine
Venus Opposing Retrograde Uranus...
starts on October 9 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 10 at 9.01am, leaves on October 11. Venus at 23 degrees and 46 minutees of Virgo, retrograde Uranus at 23 degrees and 46 minutes of Pisces.
Venus is often associated with relationships, our values and valuables, whilst Uranus is linked in with the rebel, eccentric people and unexpected situations... basically weird stuff!
The opposition is about reaching a turning point, usually involving another person. The combination of Venus and Uranus suggests an unexpected or unusual twist to this development, or perhaps it will happen suddenly. As usual, look to see which houses are involved by looking at where the transiting planets are travelling, and also to which houses are ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra), and Uranus (Aquarius).
Another way to get more information is to look at what was happening at the beginning of this Venus/Uranus cycle, when both planets were conjunct. This happened around January 24, 2009 at 20 degrees of Pisces... so have a look at where this point is in your birth chart to get an idea of what to expect now.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: opposing, opposition, pisces, retrograde, uranus, venus, virgo
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Mercury Square Pluto...
starts on October 10 using a 1 degree orb, is exact on October 11 at 5.44am, and leaves on October 11. Mercury at 0 degrees and 53 minutes of Libra, Pluto at 0 degrees and 53 minutes of Capricorn.
This is the third and final square from Mercury to Pluto... the first one happened on August 27 when Pluto was retrograde and the second one was on September 17 when Mercury was retrograde. All three were at 0 degrees of Libra/Capricorn.
Both planets are now moving in the right direction, whereas on August 27 Pluto was retrograde, and on September 17 Mercury was retrograde: the fact that they are now direct suggests that whatever or whoever we were dealing with around those dates should now be able to be resolved.
Although a stressful time, especially if you have planets in the early cardinal degrees (Aries, Cancer, Libra and/or Capricorn), this period of time represents the opportunity to make successful changes to a relationship and/or situation as represented by your birth chart. Look to see where this square is happening and which houses are ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo), and Pluto (Scorpio).
Mercury is how we connect to others, communication and can represent messengers and/or a young person... the square usually represents a tense cross-road being reached/a turning point, while Pluto is usually something or someone that is intensely emotional.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Mercury Conjunct Saturn...
starts on October 7 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on October 8 at 5.34pm, leaves on October 9. Mercury and Saturn at 27 degrees and 31 minutes of Virgo.
This is the third and final time Mercury will be connecting with Saturn, suggesting that we can all put a serious matter behind us and make a final, solid, fresh start in a relationship or project that we have been working hard at since Saturn moved into Virgo at the end of 2007.
Mercury is the planet of communication, information, and connection... with others and the world around us. Saturn is about responsibility, long-term situations and karma: the two planets conjunct suggest something or someone new coming into our lives of a serious, or long-term nature. Look to see where this conjunction is happening in your birth chart for an idea of what or who it may be... also look at which houses are ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo) and Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius).
Being the third time that this aspect is happening suggests that you may have attempted to make this fresh start several times, but something or someone was too unstable to finalise it.
The first time Mercury was conjunct Saturn in this series of conjunctions was on August 18 at 21 degrees and 12 minutes of Virgo. Unfortunately I can't find my post on this first conjunction!
Retrograde Mercury again was conjunct Saturn on September 22 at 25 degrees and 34 minutes of Virgo... my post on this conjuction is here. At least I was able to find that link!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Astrology and the Economy...
I was looking through various web articles and blogs and found this one that I thought might be of interest to some of you. Here is the first paragraph so you can get an idea of the approach the author (Molly Hall, from takes on the subject:
Since Pluto went into Capricorn, we've seen a series of shocking events that expose deep corruption of our global economic system. We may curse Pluto's ruthless methods, but in the end, we'll be glad that no stone was left unturned. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, and in Capricorn, it's rattling the structures of finance, to test its soundness and sustainability.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Full Moon in Aries...
exact today in Kilmore at 5.10pm.
Full Moon's are generally an energetic time when emotions are heightened, in Aries I would expect this trend to be especially strong.
I think this one is also especially strong since it is within orb to activate the already powerful Pluto that has been travelling through the early degrees of Capricorn over the last year. This is likely to be quite an intense period of time, especially if you have planets or points in the early degrees of any of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and/or Capricorn).
The Sun in this lunation is widely trining the Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius, which I think is very helpful in that there will be support from these people/energies as represented within your own birth chart.
Mercury Opposing Retrograde Uranus...
starts on October 4 (using 1 degree orb), is exact on October 5 at 8.06am, leaves on October 6. Mercury at 23 degrees and 57 minutes of Virgo, retrograde Uranus at 23 degrees and 57 minutes of Pisces.
Third time lucky.... I hope! Mercury opposed Uranus the first time on August 21 at 25 degrees and 40 minutes of the Virgo/Pisces axis. Once it went retrograde they again opposed each other on September 22 at 24 degrees and 23 minutes of the Virgo/Pisces axis.
This final opposition between Mercury and Uranus is again at 23 degrees of Virgo/Pisces - like the last one. This suggests to me a very similar situation or person being prominent again: the difference this time around being that it should be the last time we have to deal with it, or them. We will then be able to reach a turning point in the matter.
As usual, look to see which houses the opposition falls in, as well as which houses are ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo), and Uranus (Aquarius), to get a feel for what and who may be involved. In this case, also cast your mind back to what was happening at the previous oppositions.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: aquarius, gemini, mercury, opposing, opposition, pisces, retrograde, uranus, virgo
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Mars Trine Retrograde Uranus...
starts on October 3, is exact on October 5 at 12.37pm, and leaves on October 7. Mars at 23 degrees and 57 minutes of Cancer, retrograde Uranus at 23 degrees and 57 minutes of Pisces.
Don't know what the graphics I've inserted are supposed to be, but I kind of like them anyway.
Mars is about how we go about getting what we want, describes our energy levels and also how we get angry: being in Cancern means we may be a indirect in our approach to reaching for our desires and our energy levels are likely to fluctuate. Sulking is a typical Cancerian way to get angry - lol!
Uranus is sometimes a bit of a rebel and is known for it's association with eccentric behaviour and for being a bit of a maverick. Being retrograde I think just makes this energy even more so!
The trine between Mars and Uranus is an easy relationship, suggesting that there is likely to be a pleasant development and/or unexpected burst of progress with something in our lives. That something is likely to be represented by the various houses in our birth charts where the transit is happening and also that are ruled by Mars (Aries & Scorpio), and Uranus (Aquarius).
If you have personal points/planets in Cancer or Pisces you are likely to particularly benefit from this energy.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Mercury goes Direct today...
in Kilmore at 11.13pm at 21 degrees and 37 minutes of Virgo.
Yippee... thank goodness that Mercury is now going forwards again: for me personally this planet rules my 2nd house of finances and security (amongst other things) so I am especially grateful when Mercury has finished a retrograde period.
Now that this planet is moving forward again we can look forward to the areas of our lives, and people, represented by Mercury to begin picking up a bit of speed and moving forwards again. It will take a couple of weeks for things to get back to normal though because it will take Mercury a while to get back to a good speed.
The people and themes represented by the houses ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo), plus where Mercury happens to be transiting, are all likely to progress now.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sun enters Libra...
today in Kilmore at 7.19am.
The move of the Sun from one sign to another is always a major development, since it acts as a 'trigger' for some of the longer terms energies in the sky. For example, while it was travelling through Virgo it was further energising the already powerful Saturn/Uranus opposition that was happening in Virgo/Pisces.
Now that the Sun has moved into Libra the focus is moving away from practical and 'finicky' stuff, more onto relationships of all sorts and the areas of your birth chart with Libra on the cusp.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Retrograde Mercury Opposing Retrograde Uranus...
starts on September 22 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on September 24 at 1.36am in Kilmore, leaves on September 25. Retrograde Mercury at 24 degrees and 23 minutes of Virgo, retrograde Uranus at 24 degrees and 23 minutes of Pisces.
Because Mercury is retrograde, this is the second time it is opposing Uranus... read my first post about this aspect here. I think I cannot already see some of you jumping out of your seats and running for the hills!
Anyway, it looks as though we will all need to go back for another dose of surprises and changes in the areas represented by this opposition... it is basically happening in the same area of the zodiac as well (last time it happened at 25 degrees of Virgo/Pisces). This time around, though, we will all be better prepared!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: mercury, opposing, opposition, pisces, retrograde, uranus, virgo
Sun Square Pluto...
starts on September 22 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on September 24 at 12.22am in Kilmore, and leaves on September 25. Sun at 0 degrees and 42 minutes of Libra, Pluto at 0 degrees and 42 minutes of Capricorn.
If you can imagine the Sun in the sky, it illuminates our world and sheds light on whatever it touches. Sometimes it is a soft glow coming in through mist and other times it is a harsh, burning touch! Symbolically, the Sun can also touch our lives in the same way!
So, the Sun tends to energise and illuminate what it touches and in this case it will be awakening the Plutonian themes in our lives... the square aspect particularly suggests that we will all HAVE to look at what is going on with out Pluto stuff. Look to where Pluto is in your chart by transit, natally and also which house has Scorpio on it in order to see what, or who, is likely to need attention now.
The square suggests that this is THE time to try a change in approach - most likely a change in attitude since it is a closing square rather than an applying one. A tense but productive turning point is likley now.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Retrograde Mercury Conjunct Saturn...
starts on September 21 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on September 22 at 7.08pm in Kilmore, leaves on September 23. Both at 25 degrees and 34 minutes of Virgo.
Mercury was last conjunct Saturn when it was direct around August 18; so this date and events around it may be important again now as Mercury goes back to it now.
Mercury represents our thinking and the way we connect with the world around us... it is very happy being in Virgo, even if it is travelling backwards! This return to a previous situation or person is likely to mean reassessing a situation that was around in mid-August: look to see which house this conjunction falls in (and also where it fell in August at 22 degrees of Virgo) to get an idea of what needs to be looked at again. Also look to see which houses are ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo), and Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius) for more clues.
Being in Virgo suggests that we all need to pay attention to the details and perhaps be more practical and flexible when dealing with these people and situations.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: aquarius, capricorn, conjunct, conjunction, gemini, mercury, retrograde, saturn, virgo
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Venus enters Virgo...
today in Kilmore at 11.32pm.
Venus, the planet associated with relationships, values and money moving into a mutable earth sign suggests that we all need to be a bit more practical, realistic and flexible in these areas of our lives. This is especially true since while Venus is travelling through Virgo that it will connect with the energies of the Saturn/Uranus opposition that has been an ongoing saga for quite some time now.
This energy shift also suggests that the people and situations represented by Venus (look to see which houses are ruled by her - Taurus/Libra - for an idea) are likely to be more able to pay attention to detail or more easily changed than usual. For example, Venus rules my 4th house so family members are likely to be a bit more realistic, practical and flexible in their relationship with me, I am more likely to perceive them in this way anyway!
If you have personal planets/points in Virgo then the arrival of lovely Lady Luck in your sign will help to smooth over any difficulties you have had recently and represents a period of respite.
Venus Trine Pluto...
starts on September 20 (using a 1 degree orb), is exact on September 21 at 12.57pm, leaves on September 22. Venus at 0 degrees and 41 minutes of Virgo, Pluto at 0 degrees and 41 minutes of Capricorn.
Venus is associated with how we relate to the people around us and also our value system: it has recently moved into Virgo so suggests that we are likely to be more practical and flexible in the way we approach these aspects of our lives.
Pluto has recently turned direct and is still stationary, so is more intense than usual while it is trying to get to full speed! This planet (or whatever you want to call it), is associated with transformation: it is in Capricorn so we are likely to see tangible transformation while Pluto travels through this sign over the next 15 years. It is also at 0 degrees which suggest that this planet is still a bit unstable as it gets used to moving from one sign to another.
The trine usually represents two energies working well together with previous barriers to success being removed (especially in relation to the slower moving planet - Pluto in this case). So I would look to see which houses are ruled by Venus (those with Taurus and Libra on them), and Pluto (Scorpio on the cusp) and see how the themes and people from Venus ruled houses could help those represented by Pluto.
Sun Conjunct Retrograde Mercury...
starts today and is exact at 8.04pm, leaves on September 21. Both at 27 degrees and 35 minutes of Virgo.
Wow... poor old Virgo (and all the other mutable signs)! With so much energy being focussed here it seems that it could prove to be a very difficult OR a very liberating time!
The conjunction represents a new beginning and with Mercury retrograde part of making your new start is likely to mean incorporating something or someone from the past (look to see which houses are ruled by Mercury - these are Gemini and Virgo). Although changes to this new start are likely due to the retrograde motion of Mercury, this is still an opportunity to look to the facts, details and rational aspect of a situation in order to understand it more fully.
This is a pretty dynamic time and this configuration just adds to the potential for making the most of the current mix of energies in the sky.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: conjunct, conjunction, gemini, mercury, mutable, pisces, retrograde, sagittarius, sun, virgo
Saturday, September 19, 2009
New forecast for Virgo...
has been posted and can be found here. I hope you enjoy it!
Posted by
4:40 PM
New Moon in Virgo...
today in Kilmore at 4.44am at 25 degrees and 59 minutes of Virgo.
This New Moon is especially important in terms of everything that is happening in this sign - particularly with the current Saturn/Uranus opposition. New Moons present us all with the opportunity to make a fresh start, and this one incorporates and highlights the powerful Saturn/Uranus energy that is working now.
With Mercury retrograde, also in Virgo, it seems that we can now go back to a previous person or situation to get a better understanding of them in order to make the fresh start we need... of course with Mercury retrograde we are likely to need adjustments down the track, but overall things should work out well.
Obviously Uranus in this New Moon is playing a powerful role in that it is opposing the whole lot of planets in Virgo... this configuration suggests that a balance is required between the new and the old and the flexibility is also needed when handling the people and situations represented by these energies.
As usual look to see where this pattern is falling in your birth chart to see which areas of life and/or people may be involved in the expression of these energies in your own life.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Retrograde Mercury re-enters Virgo...
today in Kilmore at 1.26pm.
The return of Mercury to Virgo suggests that we need to return to a person or situation that was prominent when Mercury was there last time (before it went retrograde).
This person or situation may be symbolised by the themes where you find Virgo on the cusp of a certain house and is likely to need a change (Mercury can represent change). Basically we have another opportunity to connect with these people and areas of our life in order to gain a better understanding of them/it.
As usual, look to see which houses are ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo) to get an idea of what to expect... also look to see where Mercury is actually travelling in your birth chart!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: gemini, libra, mercury, retrograde, virgo